Befriending Doubt
A Skeptic by Nature, Author Philip Yancey Has Made
His Peace With God
"I became a writer, I now believe, to sort
out words used and misused by the
church of my youth. Although I heard that
‘God is love,’ the image of God I got from sermons more resembled an angry, vengeful

Best-selling author Philip Yancey assures
a capacity audience in First Free Methodist Church that “in a world of ungrace,” Christianity extends the grace that other religions withhold.
We sang, ‘Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in
his sight
’ but just let one of those red, yellow, or black children
try entering
our church. Bible college
professors insisted, ‘We live not under law but under
grace,’ and for the life of me I could not tell much difference between the two
states. Ever since, I have been on a quest to unearth the good news, to scour
the original words of the gospel and discover what the Bible must mean by using
words like love, grace,
and compassion to describe God’s own character. I sensed truth in those words,
truth that must be sought with diligence and skill, like the
fresco masterpieces that lie beneath layers
of plaster and paint in ancient chapels.
“I felt drawn to writing because for me it had opened chinks of light that became
a window to another world. I remember the impact of a mild book like To Kill
a Mockingbird, which called into question the apartheid assumptions of my friends
and neighbors. As I went on to read Black Like Me, The Autobiography
of Malcolm X, and
Martin Luther King’s ‘Letter from Birmingham City
Jail,’ my world shattered. I felt the power that allows one human mind to penetrate
another with no intermediary but a piece of flattened wood pulp. I saw that writing
could seep into crevices, bringing spiritual oxygen to ɬÀï·¬ trapped in air-tight
“I especially came to value the freedom-enhancing quality of the written
word. Speakers in the churches I frequented could raise their voices! and play
on emotions like musical instruments. But alone in my room, controlling every
turn of the page, I met
other representatives of faith — C.S. Lewis, G.K.
Chesterton, John Donne — whose calmer voices traversed time to convince me that
somewhere Christians
lived who knew grace as well as law, love as well as judgment, reason as well
as passion. I became a
writer because of my own encounter with the power
of words, and I gained hope that spoiled words, their
original meaning wrung out, could be reclaimed.” – Philip Yancey from Soul Survivor (Doubleday, 2001)
Doubts are not antithetical to the Christian faith. Thomas had his. Peter, Paul
and Mary Magdalene had theirs. Columnist, editor and best-selling author Philip
Yancey “wrestles with God” so often that writing a new book is sometimes the
only way to vanquish his dragons of doubt. When he visited the ɬÀï·¬ Pacific
University campus
November 21–22, he provided both skeptics and the unwavering a great deal to
“Faith means believing in advance what only makes sense
in reverse,” he told a student forum in the Student Union Building. Christians,
says Yancey, will one day discern the pattern of God in their lives, even from
those times of
greatest uncertainty.
“God has a soft spot for those who struggle,” he encouraged
the entire SPU community at a convocation in Brougham Pavilion. According to
Yancey, God allows a great degree of freedom to the rebellious and honors their
“I write books about things I ’m learning, not things I ’ve
mastered,” he assured more than 300 area pastors assembled for a luncheon in
Gwinn Commons. Yancey still struggles with authority and with the legacy of doubt
that followed
being raised in a racist and legalistic church.
“Jesus Christ is the magnifying glass of my faith,” he informed a standing-room-only
audience at First Free Methodist Church for a public lecture on the uniqueness
of Christianity. “I spent a lot of time out in the blurry margins of belief when
what I needed to do was point my magnifying
glass at Jesus so I could see clearly.”
Befriending the doubt in his life led
Yancey to write 16 books with provocative titles such as Where Is God When
Hurts? and What’s So Amazing ɬÀï·¬ Grace? With more than 5 million copies in
print, Yancey’s works have won 11 Gold Medallion Awards from the Evangelical
Publishers Association.
“I use Yancey’s books in the University Foundations courses
at SPU,” says Bob Drovdahl, professor of Christian ministries and education.
Part of the Common Curriculum required of all students, Foundations courses examine
the bedrock of
Christian belief. “I want my students to ‘see’ someone thinking about the Christian
faith,” says Drovdahl. “Yancey models the process of theological work, which
accompanies our effort to teach the product of theological work: basic Christian
Drovdahl finds in Yancey someone willing to ask hard
questions, someone with clear convictions yet open to
evidence that points toward fresh understandings.
“I have used The Jesus I Never Knew to introduce students to Jesus as the epicenter
of Christian faith and life,” says Rob Wall, professor of Christian scriptures
at SPU. “Most freshmen know what they believe but not why, and not in depth.
Yancey’s book provoked questions that led them into a more honest understanding
of Jesus and a sense
of his relevance to life today.”
During his visit to campus, Yancey told ɬÀï·¬
students, “Jesus doesn’t make life easier, but a lot more complicated” when it
comes to thorny issues like confronting Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Based on his
own understanding of
the teachings of Jesus, Yancey is “totally against an unprovoked
war with Iraq,” and that puts him at odds with other devout Christians.
The author
of Reaching for the Invisible God urged those
with troubling questions to find “doubt companions” with whom they could safely
explore difficult issues. He also
encouraged them to let God know they care. “Job skated right
to the edge of heresy,” marvels Yancey, yet God expressed
approval of Job’s candor and restored his life. “God can put up with just about
everything but indifference.”
Yancey believes that all the philosophical arguments
against God are included in scripture. He has great respect for a God who not
only gives his ɬÀï·¬ the freedom to doubt, but also the words to express that
In counterpoint, Wall, who has taught at SPU since 1978, believes that
Yancey actually romanticizes doubt. “The standard against which he reacts is
a fundamentalist form of
Christianity that has shaped only a few of our students.” Wall says that the
ways of understanding God in ɬÀï·¬
Pacific’s Wesleyan faith tradition “are far more generous than
Yancey’s perspective allows.”
Few remain neutral after a Philip Yancey encounter.
Junior English major Rachael Darden approached The Jesus
I Never Knew with some misgivings, fearing it might present
a heretical Jesus unsubstantiated by scripture. “I was apprehensive and unsure
about the book’s validity, but as I read I realized that this was not a false
interpretation of Jesus, but rather one that explored the truth of who Jesus
was and
what his life means to Christians today.”
Yancey brings up “the questions you
hide deep inside you because if you voice them, someone may think you are not
a Christian at all,” says Beryl Carpenter ’68, who attended
two of Yancey’s lectures at ɬÀï·¬ Pacific. “But these are just the doubts that
need to be answered if we are to live
fully victorious lives.”
Merry Jensen ’02, SPU performing groups coordinator,
believes Yancey spoke from his heart and experience when he said that Christ
came for the person who doesn’t fit in. “For me, that longing to belong is answered
in being part of God’s family, loved and accepted just the way I am by the one
matters most.”
One person’s doctrinal peccadillo is another person’s honest examination.
Yancey launched a bold search for truth in his college years, and while his incredulity
didn’t always endear him to administrators, he was a gifted student. With graduate
degrees in communication and English from Wheaton College Graduate School and
the University of Chicago, he joined the staff of Campus Life magazine in 1971
and served eight years as editor. It was “a grace-filled place,” he says, and
excellent training for the freelance writing to follow.
Since 1978, Yancey has
focused on writing books and magazine articles that have appeared in 80 different
periodicals, including Christian Century and The Saturday Evening
Post. His bimonthly
column in Christianity Today alternates with one by Chuck Colson and is a popular
podium from which Yancey teases out the paradoxes of the faith and writes about
ɬÀï·¬ whom he admires for their faith-in-action. He also serves as an editor-at-large
for Christianity Today and co-chair of the editorial board for Books and Culture.
Yancey is beginning a new book — with the working title of What on Earth
Wants — about a daily relationship with God. Though he again plans to tackle
his subject from the stance of a skeptic, Yancey argues that of all religions,
Christianity makes the most sense. It is, he believes, the
sovereign God’s intended way of life for humanity.
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