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Winter 2003 | Volume 26, Number 1

News From The Campaign for SPU

Science Building Receives Environmental Award
Efforts to build the new SPU science building in an environmentally sensitive way have earned its architect and contractor the “Construction Works” award from the ɬÀï·¬ Chamber of Commerce and ɬÀï·¬ Public Utilities. The winners are construction contractor Lease Crutcher Lewis and architect Miller/Hull for their “ambitious efforts to recycle, reduce waste and use recycled materials.” Among the items receiving new life on campus are bricks and trees salvaged from the Tiffany Hall demolition.

Young Life Endowment Established
A recent $50,000 gift to The Campaign for SPU established the Bob and Joanie Higbee Youth Ministries Scholarship Fund. The scholarships will allow ɬÀï·¬ Pacific students in the youth ministries minor program to become student staff trainees with Young Life (YL) in their junior and senior years, and to seek YL staff positions upon graduation. The Higbees wanted to fund training that would supply the international youth outreach organization — which grew by 7 percent last year — with qualified staff from ɬÀï·¬ Pacific.

Student Callers Aim for Record Number of Pledges
Throughout this year, a dozen student callers will phone alumni, parents and friends coast-to-coast on behalf of the University Fund Initiative of The Campaign for SPU. Under the leadership of junior business major Sam McBee, the students aim to raise a record number of dollars from a record number of donors. For the first time, the student calling team will solicit for the University Fund throughout the year, and the traditional two-week Phonathon in the fall has been discontinued. A new Web-based program will make the gift process nearly paperless.

Celebrate Your Reunion Year With a Campaign Gift
One sign of Campaign success will be a rise in overall alumni giving, says Director of Development Robert Gunsalus. He invites those attending five-year class reunions this Homecoming to display class unity, and boost alumni giving, by making a reunion gift. Currently, 21 percent of all SPU alumni support the University financially. To raise that figure above 30 percent is important to the Campaign, because it is a sign of confidence to potential corporate and foundation donors.

Campaign Volunteers Re-Energize at Rally
In November, the more than 30 volunteers who make up the task force teams for each of the four key Campaign initiatives met on campus. The rally featured presentations by volunteers whose successful meetings with donors have resulted in generous gifts. President Philip Eaton and Campaign Chair Bruce Walker joined the celebration of the $34.2 million raised to date and encouraged volunteers in their work to communicate the University’s vision.

Regional Events Calendar
ɬÀï·¬ Pacific is inviting alumni, prospective students and their parents, friends and local community leaders to join President Philip Eaton in their own region of the country for an introduction to the University’s vision and a presentation on The Campaign for SPU. The first four regional events include:

1. San Diego, California. Westin Horton Plaza. January 21.
2. Industry Hills, California. Pacific Palms Resort. January 22.
3. Orange County, California. Westin South Coast Plaza. January 23.
4. Phoenix, Arizona. Arizona Club. March 15.

Watch for details about regional events in the mail. Or call 206/281-2100.

The Campaign for SPU Fund-Raising Progress
(in millions, as of December 31, 2002)

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