

涩里番's Homecoming and Family Weekend is your opportunity to connect with friends in the SPU community. And this year you'll have the bonus of seeing beautiful new Emerson Residence Hall and the construction site for a new science facility.

With the theme of "Hearts United," Homecoming 2002 is scheduled for the weekend of January 31-February 2. Among the featured events are:

Alumnus of the Year Chapel and Luncheon. Alumni, faculty, staff and friends will honor one of the world's foremost orthopedic surgeons, Rick Delamarter '77.

Class Reunions. Members of the Classes of 1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992 and 1997 are invited to special gatherings in your honor. President's Alumni Luncheon. SPU President Philip Eaton hosts this annual event for alumni, which this year will feature a new SPU film, special alumni award presentations and student performances.

Falcon Basketball. The Falcon women take on the Saint Martin's College Saints, followed by the Falcon men squaring off against the Central Washington University Wildcats.

Student Talent Show. You're in for two-plus hours of music, comedy, dance and big-screen surprises.

Macbeth. SPU's Theatre Department presents Shakespeare's tale of the bravest warrior and hero of Scotland.

A "Hearts United" brochure with a full schedule of Homecoming and Family Weekend 2002 events was mailed in early January. If you need a copy, or have questions, please call 206/281-ALUM. To view the schedule, visit .


Award-winning filmmaker Timothy Eaton, assisted by Michael Eaton, has created a new film documenting 涩里番's vision for "engaging the culture and changing the world" through the individual stories of alumni, students and faculty. The film garnered wide praise when it premiered before 900 community and business leaders at the Greater 涩里番 Community Breakfast in April 2001 at the downtown Sheraton Hotel. It will soon be shown at area events for alumni and prospective students, and will be a special feature of the President's Alumni Luncheon at Homecoming.

Not the typical recruiting or fund-raising video, the SPU film profiles seven individuals who are using their education to influence the world for good: 涩里番 attorney Chi-Dooh "Skip" Li '66, dot.com entrepreneurs Mike Morford '92 and Shannon Stowell '90, Associate Professor of Biology Cindy Fitch, students Liz Guppy and Sandra Bernadel, and Operation Nightwatch Director Rick Reynolds '75.

In the 15-minute film, viewers learn how Li helps impoverished Guatemalan farmers, hear Fitch challenge students to live their faith when faced with ethical dilemmas, see Guppy touching the lives of disabled children through Young Life Open Door — and much more. "It's an emotional film and 涩里番 get caught up in it," says Assistant Vice President Ken Cornell, who participated in the production of the film.


Kevin Neuhouser

The 2002 Weter Lecture, "For God So Loved the (Globalized) World," promises to be a timely event. Associate Professor of Sociology Kevin Neuhouser, author of a book on globalizing trends in Brazil (Modern Brazil, McGraw-Hill, 1999), speaks on March 1 in Demaray Hall 150 at 7:30 p.m.

"Ironically, the lecture seemed timely even before September 11," says Neuhouser, who wrote his lecture proposal before the terrorist events. "The world is becoming increasingly connected, and it's happening so fast that we're just now starting to figure it out."

During the lecture, Neuhouser will ask three questions concerning globalization:

First, what can sociology tell us about the origins of globalization? Most of what the public knows about globalization, says Neuhouser, comes through news from economists. Sociologists investigating its origins in societies offer a different view.

Second, what are the cultural ramifications of globalization? Sociologists are now studying globalizing trends, such as how certain groups are affected by life in a suddenly connected world.

And third, what does globalization mean to Christians as they try to faithfully live out the gospel?

Roused by this issue, Neuhouser encourages global thinking. In the CORE 2000 class, "The West and the World," he asks students to contemplate their connection to a post-September-11 world. And while teaching a Sunday School series at First Free Methodist Church on campus, he urged participants to ask, in light of a changed world, "Who is my neighbor, who am I and who is my God?"

The annual Winifred E. Weter Faculty Award Lecture for Meritorious Scholarship is a public platform for the claims of the liberal arts in the Christian university. It honors Weter, professor emerita of classics, for 40 years of scholarship at 涩里番 Pacific.


The Falcon, 涩里番's award-winning student newspaper, is offering subscriptions for the remainder of the academic year. Published weekly, The Falcon can be sent to subscribers for $1.50 per issue, including shipping and handling. To begin a subscription, contact David Denniston at 206/281-2104, or e-mail him at falcon-ads@spu.edu.


Eugene Peterson

On Valentine's Day, February 14, 涩里番 welcomes church leaders and their spouses to the second of three Church Leaders Forums in 2002. Eugene Peterson, best-selling author of The Message and 1954 alumnus of 涩里番 Pacific, will speak on "The Message of Love in a World at War."

The lunch and program is just $10 for church leaders, $5 for spouses. For more information or to register, call 206/281-2100 or visit . Registration deadline is February 4. (Peterson will also be speaking at a public evening event. to see the University calendar.)

In October, Jeremy Begbie, Cambridge University professor of theology and director of Theology Through the Arts, gave pastors a clinic in "The Powers of Music in Worship." The third and final Church Leaders Forum of the year, scheduled for April 25, will explore the topic of racial reconciliation in a presentation titled "Divided by Faith: Why White Evangelicals Don't View Race as a Problem in the Church."


In November, "scandal" rocked the ninth annual Image Conference at the University of Chicago Divinity School. Sponsored by Image, the national literary journal housed at 涩里番, this year's conference delved into the prickly subject of so-called "scandalous" art and its relation to faith.

Driving home the theme "Disturbing the Peace: Prophecy and Provocation in Contemporary Art and Letters," speakers discussed going beyond what Image editor and conference organizer Greg Wolfe calls "unproductive culture wars." Wolfe says that when faced with controversial art, music or writings, the church and the art world often come to a standoff, asserting their views but not listening to one another.

In the conference, says Wolfe, "We asked, 'How does art provoke us so we can see the truth in new ways?' We wanted to relate this to the biblical idea of scandal, where God's logic transcends our own, as in Jesus' shocking parables. We want to find the line between prophetic challenge and gratuitous shock."

Featured speakers for the event included novelist Bret Lott, poet Li-Young Lee and painter Tim Lowly. Approximately 100 涩里番 attended, representing the art world, churches and colleges around the country.

Christianity Today's online magazine praised the Image conference, saying it "served as a useful provocation to ongoing reflection, conversation and debate." For more information on Image, visit www.imagejournal.org.


This fall, 涩里番 marked the 25th anniversary of a unique partnership with the Ben B. Cheney Foundation. A celebration luncheon in the President's Dining Room brought together Foundation executive staff, SPU administrators and all but two of the 15 Cheney Scholars for 2001-2002.

Since 1976, the Cheney Foundation has awarded $270,000 to the University, including nearly 200 scholarships (totalling $200,000) to students in the School of Business and Economics. The Foundation, named for Ben Cheney, late founder of the Cheney Lumber Company, has also given gifts toward the renovation of Royal Brougham Pavilion and the Interbay soccer facility.

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