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Summer 2009 | Volume 32, Number 2 | Footnotes

In Memoriam

HANS ROALD AMUNDSEN ’41 died December 4, 2008, at the age of 94. Born in Crookston, Minnesota, he received the name of the famed Norwegian polar explorer, Roald Amundsen, whose hand he shook at age 4. Like his namesake, he thirsted for adventure.


In 1936, he took a steamer to Seward, Alaska, and rode the rails from there to Anchorage, where he helped his father with Christian evangelism and helped homesteaders clear and improve their land. After a taste of The Last Frontier, he earned an degree in education from ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, where he sang in the Victory Quartet. He attended North Park Seminary and was ordained in the Evangelical Covenant Church.


After marrying, he and his wife settled in Nome, Alaska, as missionaries. For 20 years, Roald was a pastor, pilot, and mechanic in service to a number of villages throughout Western Alaska. He helped establish radio station KICY to provide Christian broadcasting as far as the east coast of Russia. In 1964, he took his family to the Kenai Peninsula to start a nonprofit flight service for Alaskan churches. The service also provided mechanical support to those missionaries using airplanes in ministry.


Roald was appointed to Alaska’s airport commission and helped formulate plans for the territory’s airport systems during Alaska’s early development. In his 80s, he fulfilled a dream to open a Christian-based vocational school that provided rural Alaskan youth with practical skills to take back to their communities. He was Bible teacher and chaplain for Amundsen Educational Center until his health began to fail in 2007.

Preceded in death by his parents; siblings; and HARRIETT SWANSON AMUNDSEN ’37, his wife of 58 years, Roald is survived by his daughter, JEANETTE AMUNDSEN KLODT ’68; two sons, including JOHN AMUNDSEN ’71; two grandchildren; and a great-grandchild.


Jacqueline “Jackie” Hansen Brooks ’57, ’82

Jackie Brooks '57, '82

JACQUELINE “JACKIE” HANSEN BROOKS ’57, ’82, died July 17, 2008, at the age of 73. Born in Irene, South Dakota, Jackie was raised in Longview, Washington.


She graduated from ɬÀï·¬ with degrees in music education and art, and remained closely connected to SPU when her husband, DAVID BROOKS ’58, joined the faculty in the Mathematics Department.


An award-winning artist who specialized in watercolor, Jackie possessed an unusual ability to capture the emotional core of her visions through a blend of expressionism and realism. This was especially true of her . Her work was included in more than 80 national and international art shows, and she was a signature member of six watercolor societies.


In 1988, her critically acclaimed exhibition in Nicosia, Cyprus, was sponsored by the U.S. Embassy. Also a violinist who played in the Cascade Symphony Orchestra for more than 20 years, Jackie adorned her home with numerous paintings and provided a gathering place for artists and art lovers. She was honored in 2005 with a by the Alumni Association for her outstanding service to SPU, the community, and her profession.


Preceded in death by her husband, she is survived by her sister, VIRGINIA HANSEN RIGGS ’56; a brother; sons Arthur and JEFF BROOKS ’83; and five grandchildren.

Editor's Note: See the article Response included about Jackie and her art: .

KERRY BUSH BARTLETT ’66 died July 7, 2008, at the age of 62. A native of Tonasket, Washington, she became an accomplished pianist who, while yet a student herself, accompanied several musicals staged by her peers at Ballard High School in ɬÀï·¬. Her lifelong ministry as a church pianist began in junior high school. She also gave private piano lessons, twice accompanied performances of Handel’s Messiah, and accompanied Christian recording artist Frank Boggs. Active in church children’s ministries, she also led neighborhood Bible studies in her home. Kerry is survived by her husband, Gerald; three children; and eight grandchildren.


JOHN BERGMAN ’53 died September 6, 2008, at the age of 78. Born in Helena, Montana, John went on to Fuller Theological Seminary after ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, and pursued further studies at Prairie Bible College and North Park Seminary. Ordained in the Evangelical Covenant Church, he served as senior pastor to churches in California, Illinois, Michigan, and Washington. He is survived by his wife, NINA MASON BERGMAN ’53; two children; and four granddaughters.


EDWARD BLAIR ’31 died October 7, 2008, at the age of 97. Born in Woodburn, Oregon, Edward attended ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College with his two brothers, both since deceased. He earned a doctoral degree from Yale Divinity School, after which he taught religion at and was dean of the Religion Department at ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College for four years.


Ordained in the Free Methodist and United Methodist churches, he taught for a time at New York Theological Seminary before culminating his career with 29 years as professor of biblical interpretation/New Testament at Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois. A New Testament scholar, Edward was part of archeological explorations in the Holy Land.


He authored eight books and many articles in the field of biblical interpretation, most notably The Abingdon Illustrated Bible Handbook, which has been translated into several languages. He was preceded in death by his wife, Vivian.



JANET ASKREN BROWN ’40 died March 26, 2008, of a stroke at the age of 90. A kindergarten teacher in the ɬÀï·¬ area for 20 years, Janet retired only to teach again. For 30 years longer, she taught English to international students, helping many to gain citizenship. She was a member of Queen Anne Presbyterian Church for more than 70 years, and loved to help ɬÀï·¬ through Christian Women’s Club, retired teachers’ associations, and literacy groups. Janet is survived by two daughters, including BERYL BRYDGES CARPENTER ’68, ’97, M.A. ’99; six grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.


LORING GARY CALKINS, M.Ed. ’70, died February 5, 2009, at the age of 85. A retired teacher and school administrator, he was known for his storytelling gifts and sense of humor. He taught school in Clarkston, Washington, and ɬÀï·¬. He is survived by a sister; his wife of 59 years, Lu Alice; four children; 11 grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren.


CHARLES OLIVER “C.O.” CAUSEY ’40 died November 14, 2008, at the age of 91. Born in Sewickley, Pennsylvania, he graduated from Roberts Wesleyan College before moving on to ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College. C.O. served as a second lieutenant in the Army during World War II and was a longtime member of the Free Methodist Church in Shoreline, Washington. An insurance agent and mortgage broker, C.O. loved to work with cement and was an ardent Seahawk and Husky fan. He is survived by his wife, Chela; four children; four stepchildren; 10 granddaughters; and one grandson.


RICHARD “DICK” CLEVEN ’57 died November 19, 2008, at the age of 88. Born in Lemmon, South Dakota, he spent two years in the Civilian Conservation Corps before becoming a blacksmith at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton, Washington. In World War II, he served in the Pacific as a Navy aerographer aboard the USS Prometheus.


He went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in theology from Simpson Bible College and his teaching credentials from ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College. Dick taught high school Spanish and history for two years before returning to blacksmithing. An industrial injury forced him to leave blacksmithing and he began a 20-year career as a locksmith for downtown ɬÀï·¬ First National Bank, which he called “the box that the Space Needle came in.”


Active in Boy Scouts leadership and administration, he led boys on three 50-mile hikes in the Olympic Mountains and participated in more than 30 50-mile canoe trips. He also participated in the Sierra Club, the American Legion, and in 1985 was named Man of the Year by the Bainbridge (Washington) Rotary Club. An active churchman, he served as elder, deacon, and treasurer in his more than 40 years at Bainbridge Bible Chapel. Dick is survived by his wife of 62 years, Gladys; a son, LOREN CLEVEN ’72; and two granddaughters.


JACK DELAMARTER ’60 died December 18, 2008, of pancreatic cancer at the age of 75. Born in McMinnville, Oregon, Jack was just 12 when chosen as pianist for the Idaho State Youth for Christ organization. His arrangements of familiar Christian standards such as “Onward Christian Soldiers” and “Send the Light” thrilled family and friends over the years.


The third of the Delamarter boys to enter full-time ministry, Jack served more than 30 years as a Free Methodist pastor in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, and 10 years as the superintendent of the denomination’s Rocky Mountain Conference. Jack traveled for Christian Witness Crusade, training pastors and churches in lifestyle evangelism. Hundreds of Christians can trace their conversion to Jack and his quiet, gentle style.


He is survived by his wife of 56 years, VERNA FISHER DELAMARTER ’52; three brothers, including GEORGE DELAMARTER ’47; four children; nieces BARBARA DELAMARTER WADKINS ’75 and DONNA DELAMARTER HILL ’76; nephews GREG DELAMARTER ’70 and STEVE DELAMARTER ’75; 14 grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren.


WESLEY DENISON ’56, M.A. ’65, died July 6, 2008, of congestive heart failure at the age of 74. Wes was an educator in the Kent (Washington) School District for 32 years, touching thousands of lives in both junior high school and high school. During his last assignment at Kent Continuation High School, the recipient of the Christa McAuliffe Award for outstanding educators was named Washington State Principal of the Year.


After his first retirement in 1990, Wes went on to Kentview (Washington) School District and again served as principal at the junior high and high school levels. At that time, he also helped establish Covington Christian Middle School, known today as Rainier Christian Middle School, where the soccer field is named in his honor.


Wes served on ɬÀï·¬’s Alumni Board for many years and he was chaplain to the counselors at Camp Berachah Christian Camp. He was preceded in death by his wife of 48 years, BERNICE GREGORY DENISON ’58. Wes is survived by a sister, RUTH DENISON HANSEN ’50; a brother; two daughters; a son; and five grandchildren.


SARAH FITZPATRICK, ɬÀï·¬ Bookstore textbook manager 1989–99, died January 7, 2008, of ovarian cancer at the age of 52. Born in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Sarah was an enthusiastic gourmet cook, gardener, beader, quilter, and knitter. After leaving SPU, she earned a master’s degree in teaching from Heritage University and in 2007 became a middle school humanities teacher. During her teaching career she was awarded nine grants for classroom education projects. She is survived by her husband, Denis; a son; and her parents and brother.


GLADYS BROWNLEE FRENCH ’44 died February 8, 2008. A devoted teacher, Gladys helped children learn both here at home and on the foreign mission field. She taught in California; at a school for missionary kids in Bogota, Colombia; at the Morrison Academy for missionary kids in Taiwan; and traveled to Uruguay under the Worldwide Evangelisation Crusade, known today as WEC International.


Gladys gave up the classroom only after health issues intervened. In later years, she and her husband, Paul, were active in providing music programs for nursing homes in California, including one into which she eventually moved. Gladys is survived by a sister, GRACE BROWNLEE PETERSON ’50; a brother; and four stepchildren.


EUGENE GLASSMAN ’45 died February 15, 2009, of congestive heart failure at the age of 84. Born in ɬÀï·¬, Eugene led a life of international adventure as a linguistics scholar and translator of the Bible.


Following graduation from ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, he earned masters degrees in theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, linguistics from Northwestern University, and communications from Wheaton College, before pursuing post-graduate work in Arabic and Greek at Fuller Theological Seminary.


He and his wife, Jane, spent 42 years as missionaries in the Middle East and Asia where he ran language programs and wrote several language books on Urdu, Dari, and Farsi. Eugene translated a new common-language Urdu New Testament, which was written entirely by his hand in Persian script.


No stranger to political upheaval, Eugene and Jane were on a train from Bombay, India, to Lahore in 1947 when the border closed behind them as the nation of Pakistan was born. The Glassmans left Afghanistan in 1973, following a revolution that deposed King Zahir Shah, and in 1979, with only a couple of suitcases between them, they fled Iran amid the Islamic revolution. More peaceful terms of service followed in Thailand, Hong Kong, and Nepal, before retirement in Johnson City, New York. Eugene is survived by his wife, four children, 16 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.


MALLA JENSEN GRIMM ’56 died June 26, 2008, at the age of 97. Born in Winger, Minnesota, Malla moved to ɬÀï·¬ in 1950 and graduated from ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College magna cum laude. She taught at two elementary schools before retiring in 1975. Preceded in death by her husband Hilmer Jensen, her second husband Louis Grimm, and her son, Malla is survived by three daughters, 11 grandchildren, 36 great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild.


D. MARLENE LINGREN HANSON ’56 died May 23, 2009, at the age of 74. Born in Pasadena, California, she attended Los Angeles Pacific High School and Junior College before earning a bachelor’s degree in medical technology from ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College.


After returning to Southern California, she worked as a medical technician at Glendale Adventist and White Memorial hospitals until retirement in 2008. It was at Glendale Adventist that she met laboratory worker Jim Hanson, and eventually they married. Marlene’s gifts were many and included interior decorating and a green thumb that turned her yard and orchids into works of art.


Raised Free Methodist, she attended Lake Avenue Church in Pasadena and was known for a warm, generous personality and deep Christian faith. A long-time supporter of ɬÀï·¬ Pacific, she enjoyed travel, including many trips to Europe. Preceded in death by her husband, Marlene is survived by a brother, SPU Professor Emeritus WESLEY LINGREN ’52; three stepsons; nephew ERIC LINGREN ’87; niece LIBBY LINGREN FLETCHER ’89; and numerous grandchildren.


JENNIE MILLER HEIN ’34 died March 31, 2008, at the age of 97. Born in ɬÀï·¬, Jennie taught in one-room schools in Duval and Newhalem, Washington. She was a longtime parishioner of St. Brendan Catholic Church in Bothell, Washington, but most recently lived in Bremerton, Washington. She is survived by three daughters, six grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.


REX HOLLOWELL ’61 died January 7, 2009, of multiple systems atrophy (MSA). A native of Kansas, Rex moved to ɬÀï·¬ when his mother took a job at ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College. Later he attended ɬÀï·¬ Pacific, where he met his future wife, JOAN MORROW HOLLOWELL ’64.


Rex went on to Edinburgh University Seminary for one year before returning to marry Joan and earn a master’s degree in philosophy from the University of Washington. For the next 32 years, he taught philosophy as a faculty member of Spokane Falls Community College. The onset of MSA, a rare progressive disease that eventually stole his speech as well as his thoughts, was said to be painful for someone as highly verbal as Rex. Hundreds of faculty colleagues, former students, and friends crowded his memorial service. Rex is survived by his wife, two children, and two grandchildren.


WINSTON JOHNSON, ɬÀï·¬ instructor of music, died February 4, 2008, at 92 years of age. Born in China to Covenant missionary parents, Winston received piano lessons from his mother, a church organist, and attended a boarding school located a week’s journey away by rickshaw, houseboat, steamboat, and sedan chair.


Civil unrest forced his family to return to the United States where, by the age of 16, Winston held his first of several church organist positions in the Chicago area. He received music degrees from The American Conservatory of Music and the School of Sacred Music at Union Theological Seminary.


During his four years in the U.S. Army, Winston was a chaplain’s assistant and played for Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish services. Among his many music positions over the years, Winston served for more than 30 years as organist of ɬÀï·¬’s University Presbyterian Church, and he accompanied the ɬÀï·¬ Symphony under three conductors.


Winston also gave private piano and organ lessons to hundreds of students ranging from 4 to 62 years of age, and taught his last piano lesson just three days before he died. For 24 years, he taught at ɬÀï·¬ Pacific, bearing several titles including college organist and lecturer in music.


A man of unique humor, he often played a melodious postlude improvisation of “Yes, We Have No Bananas.” Winston not only encouraged his students’ musical development, but showed interest in their lives by often attending many of his students’ games and events. Winston is survived by his wife, Irma; a sister; and many nieces and nephews.


DORIS PATCH JONES ’41 died April 12, 2008, at the age of 86. Born in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Doris later graduated from high school in Coulee Dam, Washington. She attended ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College for three years, spent one year at Multnomah Bible School, and another year at a business college.


Doris met her husband, Ken, while they both worked for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation at Coulee Dam. Later they transferred to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Larson Air Force Base where Doris was secretary to the resident engineer in charge of new construction. She was active in church and served as president of the Women’s Association at First Presbyterian Church of Walla Walla, Washington; was an elder on the church board; and was a charter member of the Interdenominational Spirit of Joy Singers, which sang at many of the churches and organizations in the area over more than a decade. Doris is survived by her sister; husband; two sons; two grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.


JACQUELINE “JACKIE” CAREY KELLY ’44 died December 13, 2008, at the age of 87. A career teacher of 38 years, Jackie loved children and educated mostly first graders. In 1955, she spent a year in Liverpool, England, as a Fulbright exchange teacher. An extensive traveler, Jackie visited Christian missions in remote areas.


She especially enjoyed art, needlework, cooking, gardening, and music, and was pleased to marry a lifelong friend, John, whom she knew from first grade. They shared a passion for sailing on Puget Sound and in Canadian waters. Jackie was an active member of ɬÀï·¬’s West Side Presbyterian Church, Southwest ɬÀï·¬ Historical Society, Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society, and the West ɬÀï·¬ Garden Club. She is survived by her brother, husband, four step-children, and several nieces and nephews.


DWIGHT KNASEL ’53 died August 28, 2008, at the age of 76. Born in Ohio, Dwight grew up in the Cheboygan, Michigan, area where his grandparents ran their own farm. After earning a master’s degree from Asbury Theological Seminary, Dwight was ordained in the Free Methodist church. He spent three years as a pastor and a social worker and, in addition, completed training as a chaplain at the Methodist Hospital in Peoria, Illinois.


By the time he retired in 1993, Dwight had been pastor for eight churches in Michigan and Illinois. In retirement, he enjoyed studying his Bible and taking photos, a hobby he refined with two years of advanced study of scenic and nature techniques at the New York Institute of Photography. In 2000, his photo of the Mackinac Bridge was placed in a time capsule by the Mackinaw Area Historical Society. The capsule will be opened again on July 11, 2100. Dwight is survived by his twin sister; his wife, Lorraine; three daughters; and 13 grandchildren.


RICHARD “DICK” LAYMAN ’55 died March 9, 2008, at the age of 75. Dick retired as a lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy. He also served as business administrator for the Virginia Beach (Virginia) Community Chapel. Following his death, Dick was accorded a military burial in Arlington National Cemetery. He is survived by his wife of 35 years, Susan; four children; and six grandchildren.


DONNA SNIDER LEGATO CC ’61 died May 28, 2008, at the age of 68. A lifelong resident of Vancouver, Washington, Donna was a teacher in the Battle Ground, Washington, and Portland, Oregon, school districts. After Donna retired due to health reasons, she opened and operated Legato Gardens, a retail gardening store. She and her husband, Bob, were active members of the First Evangelical Church of Vancouver. Donna received a kidney transplant in 1973 that functioned for 33 years; she was unable to receive another. Preceded in death by her husband of 39 years, Donna is survived by a step-brother, two nieces, and a nephew.


HAZEL COOPER PIKE LUNDY CC ’47 died July 30, 2007, at the age of 83. Raised in Salem, Oregon, Hazel earned a music education degree from Cascade College. She worked in a music store and as a switchboard operator, and raised six children. She attended Netarts (Oregon) Friends Church and is survived by her children; 17 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren.


DANIEL MABBUTT ’71 died January 21, 2009, at the age of 61. A native of ɬÀï·¬, Daniel gained his teaching credentials from ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, taught school in the area for years, and worked for Battelle Memorial Institute. He is survived by his wife of 38 years, DONNA SMITH MABBUTT ’70, and two children.


PIPER HARGESHEIMER MAGOBET ’03 died August 29, 2007, at the age of 26. A graduate of Amherst High School in Buffalo, New York, she came to ɬÀï·¬ to major in communication and interior design. Though health problems forced her to leave school after a couple of years, her family says Piper valued her time at SPU. She is survived by her husband, Andre; two children; a sister; and two brothers.


WILFRED “BILL” MARSTON ’58 died September 25, 2008, at the age of 72. Born in ɬÀï·¬, Bill graduated from ɬÀï·¬’s Queen Anne High School, then stayed in the neighborhood to attend and play basketball for ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College. He went on to earn his master’s and doctorate degrees from the University of Washington. Bill spent 29 years at the University of Michigan-Flint, where he was a professor of sociology and served as chair of the Urban Studies Program. Although he spent the majority of his career in Michigan, his family says that Bill never left his beloved ɬÀï·¬ in spirit. He is survived by his wife, Deborah; two children; four step-children; and four grandchildren.


EDWARD MCCLURG III ’66 died May 25, 2008, at the age of 64. A native of Boston, he moved as a teenager to ɬÀï·¬ with his family. After 25 years of employment with an athletic gear supply firm, Ed invested 15 years with Sno-Isle Regional Library. He will be remembered for his love of books, music, and grandchildren. Ed is survived by his wife, JANET JOHNSON MCCLURG ’66; two children; and nine grandchildren.


LOIS DAVIS MORGAN ’35 died December 31, 2008, at the age of 97. Lois Davis was the third of six children and grew up in rural Oregon and Montana. She attended ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College to obtain a normal school degree allowing her to teach. Plans changed when she met fellow student Harvey Morgan and they married. At the time, married women were not allowed to teach.


The couple moved to farm near Concrete, Washington, where Harvey opened a barbershop. Six little Morgans followed. When the youngest child entered school, Lois began her teaching career while completing college courses at night for further accreditation. An active member of the Sedro-Woolley (Washington) Free Methodist Church, she taught Sunday school and served on various committees and missionary groups. She made quilts for the mission field, and in retirement quilting became her passion. After Harvey died in 1980, Lois lived 18 years at Warm Beach Retirement Community. She is survived by four of her six children, eight grandchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren.


WILLIAM EDGAR “ED” NAFZIGER ’62, M.S. ’69, died September 16, 2008, at the age of 90. A Missourian by birth, Ed was a pioneer smoke jumper who successfully completed 29 jumps. He developed a lifelong love of geology from observing the rock formations en route to the various forest fires he’d been sent to fight. He was a farmer-turned-educator and led 38 hiking tours through the Grand Canyon. He studied the Bible and was involved in the Bible Science Association and the Ephrata (Washington) First Baptist Church. Ed is survived by a sister and a brother; Shirley, his wife of 59 years; three children; eight grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.


HAROLD OVERLAND, ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College trustee 1953–62, died July 14, 2008, at the age of 92. Harold was an involved citizen in Ellensburg, Washington, from the day he arrived in 1946 to serve as a manager in a public accounting firm. He was president of the Central Washington Chapter of Certified Public Accountants and a board member of the Washington Society of CPAs. He was a board member and/or officer of the Community Chest, YMCA, Kittitas County Fair, Chamber of Commerce, Ellensburg Development Corporation, and Laughing Horse Summer Theater, and for nine years a trustee of ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College.


He was a tireless worker for various business education activities and scholarship fund drives. A financial consultant for Hospice and a member of the hospital finance committee, Harold also served as an elder in the Presbyterian Church. He is survived by a sister, two brothers, and his son.


RICHARD “DICK” PERKINS ’64 died January 30, 2009, at the age of 85. Born in Washington, D.C., he first worked for the YMCA, then traveled west to attend ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College. He became a career school teacher, retiring in 1985 from 21 years in the classrooms at ɬÀï·¬’s Beacon Hill Elementary School. An avid traveler, he and his wife, BEATRICE BISHOP PERKINS ’64, saw Europe, Australia, Asia, South America, and the Middle East. Dick is survived by his wife of 58 years, a sister, and two generations of nieces and nephews.


LOLA WATSON FISHER PETTENGILL ’37 died October 9, 2008, at the age of 92. The daughter of former ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College President C. Hoyt Watson and his wife Elsie, Lola was born in McPherson, Kansas. Full of humor and the joy of living, she taught school for four years near Olympia, Washington. She was an active member of Sigma Rho and the ɬÀï·¬an service clubs, and was president of the Cana Sunday school class for senior adults at ɬÀï·¬’s First Free Methodist Church.


Lola was preceded in death by her first husband, PEARL ALLAN FISHER ’40, her second husband, FLOYD PETTENGILL ’22, and her daughter Virginia Pettengill Myers. She is survived by eight children: FAY PETTENGILL RICHARDS ’51, BARBARA PETTENGILL SMITH FAY ’53, IRENE FISHER PETTENGILL EDGAR ’64, ELSIE FISHER PETTENGILL SMITH ’65, FLOYDEEN PETTENGILL ANDERSON ’74, KATHRYN PETTENGILL KETTENRING ’73, LAURIE PETTENGILL JAMES ’80, and Robert Pettengill; by 26 grandchildren, including CHRISTINE SMITH ROBERTSON ’74, KIMBERLY SMITH HAY ’82, JAY EDGAR ’90, BRENT EDGAR ’93, and PETER EDGAR ’98; by 37 great-grandchildren; and by two great-great-grandchildren.


ROBERT “BOB” RIEGEL ’62 died November 30, 2008, at the age of 70. A native of Yakima, Washington, Bob attended ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College on a baseball scholarship to study education. In 1967, after a four-year stint in the U.S. Army, he went to work for the Tacoma School District and taught at Downing Elementary School for 33 years. He was also a baseball coach and umpire for a combined 30 years. His love of the game was much in evidence at his memorial service held at Cheney Stadium, home of the minor league Tacoma Rainiers. Bob is survived by his sister, brother, and daughter.


OPAL MULLEN ROOT ’30 died September 16, 2008, at the age of 102. A native of Napavine, Washington, Opal spent her entire life in Washington state. She received an undergraduate degree from ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, a master’s degree from the University of Washington, and married fellow SPC student, BURTON ROOT ’30. He became a pastor and they embarked on a lifetime of service to several Free Methodist churches in the state. Opal, who taught school for a few years, was known for the hospitality she provided to ɬÀï·¬ who met or often stayed with them. She was deeply involved in missions and was a number of times the president of the church’s Women’s Missionary Society. She is survived by three children, including RALPH ROOT ’57; and many grandchildren.


LOIS ROTH, a former employee and avid supporter of ɬÀï·¬, died January 14, 2008, at the age of 92. Born in Clinton, Illinois, Lois decided at age 4 to become a teacher. One of seven children, she came from a family that had no money for higher education, so Lois prayed for a scholarship and received enough for two years at Greenville College.


She taught school for a couple of years, married, and raised three children before returning to school to finish her undergraduate degree, master’s degree, and doctoral degree from the University of Denver in four years. Lois taught sixth grade and at the college level, and worked for the states of Colorado and Washington.


Generous with prayer, money, and time, she also worked for ɬÀï·¬ writing grants for the University’s nursing program. Lois lectured in ɬÀï·¬ Pacific education classes and was an early proponent of outdoor education at Camp Casey in her role as elementary reading expert at the Washington State Department of Education. Also generous with her home, Lois housed students from Japan so they could attend classes at ɬÀï·¬ Pacific. Lois is survived by a brother; three children, including MARY LOIS TAYLOR ’60; eight grandchildren, including DOUG TAYLOR ’87; 18 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild.


JANICE OAKES SCHAFER ’78 died July 8, 2008, at the age of 51. Born in Portland, Oregon, Janice majored in European studies at ɬÀï·¬ and went on to earn a master’s degree in intercultural studies from the Monterey Institute of International Studies and two law degrees, one from Tulane Law School and one from New York University Law School. She worked as a French-English interpreter and translator, a legal associate in two law firms, and as assistant general counsel for SAFECO Corporation. She is survived by her sister and two brothers; her husband, Keith; and two children.


MARGARET “MARGE” PAULI SCHELLENBERG ’60 died October 7, 2008, at the age of 68. A native of Portland, Oregon, Marge became a first grade teacher while her husband, BEN SCHELLENBERG ’60, became a superintendent of schools. After she took time out to raise her two sons, Marge returned to teaching at a church preschool. She enjoyed incorporating piano, autoharp, and singing into her classroom. It was actually in the Schellenberg living room that Milwaukie (Oregon) Covenant Church began in 1963.


Marge was active in Sunday school, vacation Bible school, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Bible study, and is known for the hundreds of tea parties she hosted as part of her gracious and welcoming style. Marge is survived by her husband; sons, including BLAKE SCHELLENBERG ’87; and five grandchildren.


STEVEN SCHILPEROORT ’68 died July 15, 2008, at the age of 61. A native of Yakima, Washington, Steven earned his medical degree from the University of Oregon Medical School and was an orthopedic surgeon. He is survived by his brother, DAVID SCHILPEROORT ’70; his sister, JANIECE SCHILPEROORT WRIGHT ’74; his wife, Laurie; two children; and three grandchildren.


LOUISE BATES SCOTT ’38 died December 8, 2008, at the age of 92. Born in Caldwell, Idaho, Louise earned her teaching certificate from ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College.


She taught one year at a country school house near Gifford, Washington, before marrying farmer ARTHUR SCOTT ’38. They eventually moved to a farm near Chewelah, Washington, where Louise became an active member of the Free Methodist Church.


The couple traveled with the Good Sam RV Club for 20 years and visited a great deal of the continental United States, Alaska, Canada, and Mexico. Louise was a church helper and an avid gardener, and she loved to entertain. Among family and friends, her love of chocolate is legendary. Preceded in death by her husband and eight siblings, Louise is survived by two sons, including GREG SCOTT ’64; five grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.


DOROTHY ARNOLD SEYMOUR ’35 died December 22, 2007, at the age of 93. A native of Sumas, Washington, Dorothy graduated from ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College with a three-year normal school degree. She married Evert Seymour, who was the pastor of Free Methodist churches in Washington over many years. Dorothy completed a fourth year of college in 1958 and taught school. Preceded in death by her husband, Dorothy is survived by a sister; seven children, including DAVID SEYMOUR ’59, MIRIAM SEYMOUR MELQUIST ’60, and SHARON SEYMOUR KANEHEN ’76; and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.


LESLIE MAESTRETTI TARVIN ’75 died August 15, 2008, of cancer at the age of 55. Born in Pendleton, Oregon, Leslie played piano, sang, and developed an interest in nursing from a nurse friend who taught her much about the profession before she entered nursing school at ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College. She went to work for ɬÀï·¬’s Swedish Hospital, before marrying and moving to Roseburg, Oregon.


In Roseburg, she learned a great deal about critical care and intensive care nursing while working for Mercy Hospital, Home Health and Hospice, and the Roseburg V.A. Hospital. After earning her master’s degree in nursing education, Leslie performed patient and staff education for the V.A. A devoted wife and mother who enjoyed gardening and animals, Leslie will be remembered for her strong Christian faith and heart for others. Leslie is survived by her husband, John, and two daughters.


EUNICE MACPHEE WATKINS ’38 died April 15, 2008, at the age of 92. A native of Portland, Oregon, and one of eight children, Eunice worked alongside her husband, STANLEY WATKINS ’38, who had sung bass in the ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College Chorus and became a regional director for the Young People’s Missionary Society; Eunice served as the evangelist of music.


Traveling by trailer, their large territory began at the Mississippi River and extended to the West Coast. They held young ɬÀï·¬’s meetings and church revivals for several years. The trailer was her first child’s first home. They continued their service in Free Methodist churches and Stanley became superintendent of the Pacific Northwest Conference. At that time, Eunice worked as manager of the information center at ɬÀï·¬ Pacific. She is survived by three sisters, including ADELAIDE MACPHEE COCHRAN ’42; a brother, DONALD MACPHEE ’50; two daughters, including JEANEEN WATKINS ’78; two grandchildren; and two great-granddaughters.


CATHARINE STEWART WHITE ’53 died April 6, 2008, at the age of 91. Born in ɬÀï·¬, Catharine became a career teacher, with classrooms in Gig Harbor, Sunnydale, Shoreline, and Bremerton, Washington. She retired from the Bremerton School District in 1975. A member of Rainbow Girls and a life member in Reliance Chapter O.E. Star, Catharine enjoyed traveling in Europe and wintering in Arizona. Singing, knitting, and gardening were other joys. Preceded in death by her husband of 47 years, Stewart, she is survived by sons William and Thomas.


VEVA INMAN WHITNEY ’28 died March 25, 2008, at the age of 100. A native of Yakima, Washington, Veva lived the first two years of her life on a homestead in the Horse Heaven Hills. The family moved on to homestead another farm near Grandview, Washington, where she attended by herself on horseback at the age of 7.


After her time at ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, Veva married and settled back in Grandview a quarter of a mile from her childhood home. The couple owned apple orchards, which were known for their quality output. Veva and her husband, Leo, were faithful supporters of the Nazarene Church and the Church of God. The Whitneys retired to a life of travel by trailer, finding an especially fine haven in Indio, California, where Veva continued to spend winters even after Leo died. She is survived by a brother; a son; three grandchildren, including STEVEN WHITNEY ’82; and seven great-grandchildren.


GORDON YEE ’71 died June 6, 2008, at the age of 59. Known for his quiet, happy, creative, and positive manner, Gordon influenced hundreds of middle school students for the good by investing 30 years in ɬÀï·¬ public schools teaching art, photography, computer science, and tennis. He lent his tennis skills to the ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College varsity tennis teams and was a consistent contributor to the program’s success. He is survived by two sisters, a brother, two nieces, and a nephew.


NORMAN ZOOK ’50 died August 26, 2008, at the age of 81. Born at home in Tabor, Iowa, Norman served in the U.S. Army near the end of World War II. Among his several duties were writing and drawing comics for a shipboard newspaper and, in Okinawa, acting as lifeguard and overseeing prisoner care.

After military service, Norman attended ɬÀï·¬ Pacific. While he excelled in art, he eventually switched his major from art to premed and went on to earn his medical degree at the University of Oregon Medical School. He never looked back.


A Free Methodist missionary doctor to Haiti, Central and South America, South Africa, and the Republic of Burundi, Norman made his home base the house he and his wife, LAURINE MCCORMICK ZOOK ’51, built overlooking Washington’s Stillaguamish River. He practiced medicine in Arlington, Washington, with good friend and fellow missionary doctor Ben Burgoyne. On the mission field, Norman delivered babies, treated wounds suffered in tribal strife, and shared his faith with patients willing to listen.


An avid outdoorsman, Norman was known for his physical activity such as swimming, biking, canoeing, sailing, and hiking. The family had two sailboats in which they explored the San Juan Islands and Gulf Islands of British Columbia. Norman is survived by two sisters, GEORGIA ZOOK ANDERSON ’53 and NELLIE ZOOK FENWICK ’52; his wife; three daughters, including TAMARA ZOOK HANSEN ’73 and TONYA ZOOK SANDERS ’79; a son, GREGORY ZOOK ’83; nine grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.


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