Summer 2009 | Volume 32, Number 2
| Features
Taking Action: You Can Make a Difference
Excerpts from Shannon Daley-Harris and Jeffrey Keenan, "Our Day to End Poverty"

Our Day to End Poverty
(Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2007) |
In Your Local Neighborhood
which is currently being implemented by more than 200 communities across the nation.
Pack brown bag lunches with nutritious, nonperishable food items (such as energy bars, nuts, juice boxes, water bottles, and dried fruit) and keep them in your car or backpack. If you are approached by a homeless person for spare change, you can provide more-
substantial and nutritious help.
Help give a break to grandparent caregivers, foster parents, and single parents so they can recharge their batteries.
Speak up when you hear someone perpetuating a stereotype. Racism, sexism, and other biases against ɬÀï·¬ of other nationalities, languages, and incomes create and perpetuate poverty and injustice.
In Your Global Neighborhood
Have some serious fun with children. Download Food Force, a (free) video game developed by the to teach children about world hunger: . Players work to get food aid to a fictional country in need, discovering the thrill of working to solve a serious global problem.
Purchase (PRODUCT) red goods to benefit the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, or contribute directly: .
Start a Sister School (organization founded by SPU graduate Terry McGill ’82). Establish a relationship between a school in a developing country and your school, workplace, civic group, place of worship, or other group: .
Involve the children in your life in contributing and serving to improve the lives of other children. Children are very inventive and will think of projects and group activities that are just right for them. You can also introduce them to ways they can fight global poverty all their lives by visiting Mercy Corps’ Action Center to End World Hunger at .
Editor’s note: Our Day to End Poverty can be purchased through your favorite neighborhood or online bookstore. All net author royalties are donated to poverty organizations.
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