
SPU Brings George Will to 涩里番

Fragile Relations Between the West and Islam

Alum Helps the Poor in Latin America

[Table of Contents]

President's View

Becoming People of Wisdom
"I believe that those who have invested in the discipline of renewing their minds are the ones who will make a difference in our churches, in our city, and in the world," says President Philip Eaton.


Breakfast With George WillFeature
At the invitation of SPU, syndicated columnist George Will spoke to 900 涩里番-area leaders on April 16. The event highlighted SPU's partnership with the community.

The West and IslamFeature
Recent tensions in the Middle East have their roots in centuries of conflict, says Professor Don Holsinger. He argues that a study of the past can lead to peaceful solutions.

A Thousand MiraclesFeature
Brainchild of alumnus Skip Li, The Agros Foundation helps Guatemalan peasants purchase their own land. Li anticipates the creation of 1,000 new villages in Latin America by 2020.

Research That MattersFeature
What kind of research questions do SPU faculty members pursue? Response interviews four faculty members about some of their latest areas of investigation.

Campus News

Eaton Addresses "The Character Question" in Times Editorial

Foundation Gives $290,000 to Support "Common Curriculum"

Pew College Society Begun on Campus

SPU to Host National Conference on C.S. Lewis

Faculty Bookshelf

"Academic April" Guides Students Toward Graduation in Four Years

SPU is First to Offer Web Registration

SPU Biologist to Appear on the Learning Channel

Fellows Director Retires After 18 Years

SPU on Target to Make Annual Fund Goal

Response Honored at CASE Conference

Renowned Musician, Author Visits SPU as Artist-in-Residence

The Fabulous FalconsFeature
The women's basketball team made SPU history when it earned a place in the Elite Eight. Crowning the season was an emotional victory over UC-Davis to win the regional title.

June 6 Roast to Honor Foreman's 50-Year Career

Men's Team Shocks Defending Champions

Tomorrow's Legends Feature
Homecoming '98 celebrated legendary figures of SPU past and present. Take a photo tour of the February event and glimpse tomorrow's "legends."

Alum Co-Chairs Governor's Prayer Breakfast

Missionary and Playwright Receive Medallion Awards

Class of '48 Prepares to Join 50-Year Ring

Casey Weekend Moves to August 21-23




Cascade Corner

In Memoriam

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