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Spring 2003 | Volume 26, Number 2 | Campus
FM General Conference Comes to Campus

will host the General Conference of the Free Meth-odist Church June 28-July 4. This is only the second time that the event, which draws delegates from around the world, has been held on the West Coast. The first, also at ɬÀï·¬ Pacific, occurred in 1989.

“We place a high value on our relationship with the Free Methodist Church,” says SPU President Philip Eaton, “so it is exciting to be part of this major event.” In addition to being a conference delegate, Eaton will bring greetings at a reception for all area ɬÀï·¬ Pacific alumni in Upper Gwinn Commons on July 2 at 8:45 p.m.

Alumni Bob McDowell ’52, general coordinator for the conference, and Lenora Spears ’55, assistant coordinator, have been working for two years out of their homes at Warm Beach Senior Community to prepare for the anticipated 1,000 conference attendees. They’ve also enlisted their spouses, who are longtime SPU supporters, in the project: Don Spears as facilities and operations coordinator and Yvonne McDowell as events coordinator.

Volunteers are currently being sought to assist at the conference as greeters, bus drivers, registration staff, office helpers, information desk staff, auditorium set-up ɬÀï·¬ and security staff. For information, e-mail Lenora Spears at fmgc@juno.com.

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From the President
Cultivating hope in the face of chaos is vital today. "This is the time for a Christian university to dig down deep into its formative foundations … and decide quite clearly what bread we have to offer,” says President Philip Eaton.

Volumes of Volumes
SPU Library resources will top 22 million items in 2003. Starting this summer, materials can be ordered online from the new “Orca” catalog through the Orbis Cascade Alliance. [Campus]

Homecoming 2003: The Weekend in Photos
From fast-paced hoops to class reunions where former classmates reconnected, Homecoming 2003 was a picture-perfect weekend. See the action here. [Alumni]

The World of Teng Chiu
ɬÀï·¬’s Frye Museum spotlights an art collection owned by an SPU professor and her husband. Chinese artist Teng Chiu’s work has largely been forgotten, but Joanna Poznanska is helping to reintroduce him to the West. [Faculty]

Playing With Joy
After an incredible season, the unbeaten Falcon women’s basketball team lost the championship game but won the hearts of the Puget Sound fans. [Athletics]

My Response
“The soldier and chaplain are each unique callings fulfilled by those who respond to the call of the nation and to the call of God,” says Chaplain (Major General) Gaylord T. Gunhus, U.S. Army Chief of Chaplains.[My Response]