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Spring 2003 | Volume 26, Number 2 | Campus
From Ecosystems to Administration, Congdon Accepts a New Challenge

, Professor of Biology Bruce Congdon shifts his attention from ecosys-tems to his new role as 涩里番’s dean of the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS). He replaces Joyce Quiring Erickson, SPU professor of English for 25 years and dean of CAS since 2000, who retires this spring.

Congdon came to 涩里番 Pacific in 1985 and began teaching a full range of ecology and biology courses. He has also directed the Blakely Island Field Station, a popular summer biology program based at SPU’s Blakely Island campus in the San Juans. Recently, he was the faculty champion for the University’s new state-of-the-art science building, helping to guide the project from wishful thinking to solid brick.

“We dreamed of a new building, but it seemed so impossible,” says Congdon, adding that the Miller Science Learning Center, which filled the need decades ago, had grown increasingly crowded and prob-lematic. Finally, President Philip Eaton challenged the science faculty to develop a vision for a new facility. Soon Congdon became the faculty representative for the emerging project, working closely with University faculty and facilities staff, architects and builders.

Recently selected as dean after an extensive national search, Congdon will use that same leadership know-how to lead 96 faculty members and 18 different departments in CAS. “Bruce is a highly respected CAS faculty member, a capable administrator and a person with great vision for the all the departments in the College of Arts and Sciences,” says Les Steele, vice president for academic affairs. “He is a person of integrity with the respect of his colleagues.”

With the science building ready to open soon, Congdon says he looks forward to his new leadership role, as well as con-tinued work with students. “My paradigm of undergraduate instruction includes involving students directly in the process of discovery,” he says. “As dean, this is one of the things I want to help facilitate.”

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From the President
Cultivating hope in the face of chaos is vital today. "This is the time for a Christian university to dig down deep into its formative foundations … and decide quite clearly what bread we have to offer,” says President Philip Eaton.

Volumes of Volumes
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My Response
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