
I just finished reading the Autumn [2001] Response and wanted to let you know how much I appreciated the care with which it was put together. I was a student [at SPC] from 1965 to 1967 and later finished my degree elsewhere, but I have always … maintained great interest in the fulfillment of mission in so many wonderful ways through the years. Your latest issue was great, as are all the Response issues. I particularly enjoyed the article on The Lord of the Rings and shared the copy with our minister, who has seen the movie three times. Thanks for having such interesting articles.
Anne Campbell '67 • Columbia, Missouri

Thank you for the article on longtime coaches Heritage and McCrath. Having been coached by Doris 20 years ago and occasionally corresponding with her, I know faith is a significant part of her life. She emphasizes that in order to compete well at a high level, one must have prominent belief in himself or herself, and she encourages others to develop such trust by establishing a personal faith in Jesus Christ.
John Klinkman '82 • Novato, California

The purpose of this [letter] is to let your University president, Dr. Eaton, hear that the father of one of your alumni thinks that his comments in "A Vision of Peace" were beautiful music to these ears. These come at a time when, sadly and frighteningly, I hear many very discordant sounds from many others in positions of leadership in this country.

At a time when most of our leaders speak of war and killing, and act only out of selfishness and self-interest, as a response to madness, without thought or reflection, I particularly liked President Eaton's words: "And sadly, we experience too much dividedness in our daily lives, split as we are so often by race, ideology, politics, religion and economics…

"My first impulse is to start with learning. We must learn everything we can. We must learn about each other across our dividing lines. We must learn everything we can about those whom we do not understand. We must learn everything we can about who we are, where we stand and why. … Learning builds the foundation for common humanity, and without such learning there can be no understanding. …

"Next we must act peacefully."

I am glad to see that the light is being shined in some places in this country by those who can make some difference for good in the lives of our young. Keep it going and continue to spread these words wherever you can.
Bert Metzger Jr. • 涩里番, Washington

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. Send any questions, comments or correspondence about Response to jgilnett@spu.edu
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