

PAUL WRIGHT turned 94 years of age in November 2001. Paul was dean of education and director of Summer Sessions at SPC from 1940-1949, and in the 1970s, helped to established Family Dynamics Inc., a biblically centered marriage, family and child counseling center. Paul's family writes, "Neither walkers nor the effects of Parkinson's Disease and age have prevented Dr. Wright from continuously placing his full trust in the Lord. His current ministry has been one of fervent prayer for others." He and his wife, Mildred, make their home in an assisted living facility in San Diego, California.


MEL FOREMAN, SPU professor emeritus of sociology, and his wife, IVANELLE KIRKPATRICK FOREMAN '42, visited SPU this fall to celebrate the growing numbers of the Foreman clan who work at or attend SPU. Members of the family who gathered included (pictured left to right): CHARLES FOREMAN '05 and Gail Foreman (son and daughter of Mel's son JERRY FOREMAN '74 and wife Vicki Foreman); Ivanelle Foreman; Mel Foreman; ADRIENNE THUN '04 (daughter of Mel's daughter, JAN FOREMAN THUN '74, and husband BILL THUN '74); Doug Downing (SPU associate professor of economics and Mel's second cousin); Ann Foreman (UW junior and daughter of Mel's son DALE FOREMAN '67 and GAIL BURGENER FOREMAN '72); and JOY JONES SNELL '70 (Mel's niece). Other family members at SPU who are not pictured include KYRIL SNELL '05 (Joy's son), and JEANELLE FOREMAN '03 (daughter of Jerry and Vicki Foreman).

The Foreman Family


BILL BURR is an active volunteer at Warm Beach Camp in Stanwood, Washington. For the past five years, he has been instrumental in hanging lights for "The Lights of Christmas" celebration at the Free Methodist camp. During the winter, Bill also works on the night security team at Warm Beach. His wife, RUTH DAVIS BURR '50, volunteered in the dinner theatre's Baylight Room for "The Lights of Christmas." The couple also volunteers at Rancho Betania, Warm Beach's sister camp in Mexico.


FRANK THOMPSON, a professor emeritus of philosophy and religion at Greenville College, recently taught the Pentateuch at the Kazakhstan Evangelical Christian Seminary in Almaty, Kazakh-stan. This month he will teach the Book of Revelation at the OMS Bible School in Cape Haitian, Haiti. For more than a year, Frank has supplied the pulpit at the DuQuoin, Illinois, Presbyterian Church while the congregation seeks a new pastor. He lives in Greenville, Illinois.

AMY BOWEN WESTER, MARIAN ANDERSON, MARGARET VALLEY RAYBURN, CAROL HUNTER TAYLOR and AUDREY TJEPKEMA THORSEN (pictured left to right in both photos below) were the SPC students who, along with a group of students from the University of Washington, made up the Basic 6 nursing class of the Swedish Hospital School of Nursing from 1949-1951. The longtime friends attended the SPU Class of 1951 reunion in June 2001, and their Basic 6 nursing class reunion in September 2001. Members of the Basic 6 class have kept in contact through the years and celebrate reunions periodically.

The Class of 1951 student nurses are pictured in the March 11, 1949, edition of The Falcon.

The five friends met at the Basic 6 reunion in September 2001.


CLIFF COLLINS has been given the "My Favorite Teacher Award" for the state of Montana by the Montana Federation of Republican Women. He was presented with the award by the Republican National Chair, Governor James Gilmore of Virginia, at the Republican Women's National Convention in San Antonio, Texas, in September 2001. The "My Favorite Teacher Award" is a component of President Bush's "No Child Left Behind" program.


WES DENISON, a longtime educator in public and private Washington schools, had the new soccer field at Covington Christian Middle School in Covington, Washington, named in his honor in Autumn 2001. Wes is a former Washington State Principal of the Year and winner of the Christa McAuliffe Award for outstanding educators. Wes and his wife, Bernice, live in Kent, Washington.


PAULINE WOOLSEY ROUND was elected by the Presbytery of Olympia, Washington, to be commissioner to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA in Columbus, Ohio, in June.


MARY LOU BEALL lives in Atlanta, Georgia, where she is coordinator of an adult satellite campus of Mercer University. Mercer has 800 students working on their B.A. and B.S. degrees. Mary Lou is also an adjunct teacher of public speaking and theatre on several of the Mercer campuses.

JAMES PARK and his wife, Joyce, are members of Wycliffe Bible Translators. They recently finished serving in Suriname for 31 years, working on the translation of the Aukan New Testament, which was published in 1999. They have taken a new assignment with the International Publications Department of Wycliffe and will live in Tucson, Arizona.


ALICE KIRK KALSO is director of community relations and admissions at Warm Beach Senior Community in Stanwood, Washington. Located next door to Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center, the Christian retirement community is currently home to nearly 100 retired SPU alumni, professors and staff. Alice is married to DON KALSO '71, who works in insurance sales. Their three children are SHARI KALSO NEAL '98, TIMOTHY KALSO '02 and JASON KALSO '05.


JUDY KROPF ESTABROOK and her husband live in Bucks, England, and work for Wycliffe Bible Translators. Judy is also in her second year of a master's degree program in career counseling and management at Bickbeck College, University of London. She says she is enjoying her new role as a career counselor for Wycliffe.

JIM LYON recently celebrated his 10th year as senior pastor of North Anderson Church of God in Anderson, Indiana. The church draws some 2,100 涩里番 each Sunday to its service. Jim graduated from the University of Washington Law School after graduating summa cum laude from 涩里番 Pacific and went on to serve in the Washington State Legislature. He was soon called into the pastorate, however, first at Woodland Park Church of God in 涩里番 for eight years, then to North Anderson in Indiana. He and his wife, Maureen, live with their four children in Anderson.


DENNIS CARLSON '75 and his wife, Mary Lynn, are living in Oaxaca, Mexico, as missionaries with the Evangelical Covenant Church. Previously, they served in Zaire/Congo, Africa, for six years before civil war necessitated their leaving. Dennis then worked on the pastoral staff of Salem Covenant Church in Twin Cities, Minnesota, for 3 1/2 years.


ROBERT STAPP is a professional singer with the John Alexander Singers of the Pacific Chorale. The Singers recently sang in a production of the comic opera "Platee" by Rameau, directed by Nicholas McGegan of the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra and choreographed by Mark Morris. Robert lives in Long Beach, California, and is a member of the First Congregational Church of Long Beach.


MELISSA MORTON LACKMAN has returned to the practice of law in Valencia, California, on a part-time basis. She serves pro bono as head of the legal team of the Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation, which is dedicated to assisting families of children with bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness). She, husband Vernon, and their three children live in Santa Clarita, California.


LISA ANDERSON NOLLAND received her doctorate from the University of Bristol in England in Autumn 2001. Her dissertation explores the life and work of Christian social reformer Josephine Butler, who tackled controversial topics such as sexuality and morality in Victorian England. Lisa writes that "[SPU] Professor Roy Swanstrom was a mentor and friend both in the university and thereafter," and that she "continues to be inspired and challenged by all he represented." A chaplain and actively involved in an evangelical Anglican church, Lisa lives in Bristol with her husband, John, and their daughter. John is academic dean at Trinity College, Bristol.


RICHARD BECKER received his master's degree in theology from Franciscan University of Steuben-ville, Ohio, in 1995. He then moved to South Bend, Indiana, where he took a job in religious education with the Catholic Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. After two years with the diocese, he entered Bethel College in Mishawaka to study nursing. Rick is now a staff nurse on an oncology floor at Elkhart General Hospital in Elkhart, Indiana. He and his wife, Nancy, have five children.

RODNEY WILLIAMS recently had several of his poems published in the new book, Poets Table Anthology: A Collection of Poetry by Northwest Poets. Rodney is data center supervisor for REI (Recreational Equipment, Inc.) and lives in 涩里番.


TOM LOTZ and SUE MITTEN LOTZ '84 work with New Tribes Mission in South America. Both teachers, Tom now serves as principal of the New Tribes Mission boarding school in Puraquequara, a village near the city of Manaus, Brazil.

THOMAS PHILBRICK is a software consultant with Curtis Consulting Group Inc. in Issaquah, Washington. His wife, Sandra, is a registered nurse at Virginia Mason Medical Center. They live in Issaquah.


KAREN WESCHLER KENNEDY teaches first grade at Mary J. Tanner Elementary School in Granville, New York. Her husband, ED KENNEDY '87, is a captain with Continental Express Airlines. They have one child and live in South Glen Falls, New York.

GLYNNIS MORTON has joined Group Health Cooperative as an obstetrician/gynecologist at the Eastside Medical Center in Redmond, Washington. Prior to accepting her new position, she was on staff at the Providence General Medical Center in Everett. Glynnis earned her M.D. from St. Louis, Missouri.


SYLVIA GREYBECK BURNS, a licensed massage practitioner in the Exercise Training Center at the University of Washington Medical Center, volunteered for a week at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah. She joined 258 massage practitioners from 12 countries in providing sports massage to Olympic athletes. Sylvia was chosen to work at the Winter Games because of her involvement with local Northwest sporting events, including the Goodwill Games, Pacific-10 and Western Athletic Conference swimming championships, national gymnastics championships, professional soccer games and the 2000 Olympic diving trials. She lives in 涩里番.

CHARLES FARHADIAN earned his doctorate from Boston University in religious studies in 2001. His dissertation was a social and ethnographic history of urban Dani Christians in New Order Indonesia. Charlie is now an assistant professor of religion and theology at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan.


CINDY FORTUNE SPENCER is serving as the children and youth coordinator at Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral in 涩里番.


WENDY JOBE has joined the staff of Hecker Architects in Bremerton, Washington, as an interior designer. She will work with project architects on custom waterfront homes, remodeling, commercial buildings and tenant improvement projects.


KATHLEEN MCAULIFFE STURGES is the vicar at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church in Ivy, Virginia. She, husband Michael, and their two sons live in Charlottesville, Virginia.


KEITH HOPKINS is on staff at Life Bible College in Los Angeles, California, where he also earned a degree in theology. Prior to that, he and his wife, LAUREL GROVE HOPKINS '95, spent two years in Hong Kong with Revival Chinese Ministries International. Laurel is a stay-at-home mom to the couple's two young children. The Hopkins look forward to pastoral ministry together in the near future.

GRANT KNEPPER '93 and PAM WENDLING KNEPPER '90 live in 涩里番, where Grant serves as pastor at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church in Ballard. Pam works as a copywriter at Leviton Voice & Data Division in Bothell. She is also managing editor of Higher Things magazine, and is school board president at Concor-dia Lutheran School in 涩里番. The Kneppers have one daughter and will celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary in August.


MARILYN MASON-PLUNKETT, who received a master's degree in marriage and family therapy from SPU in 1994, has been named chief executive officer of the People for People Board of Directors in Yakima, Washington. People for People provides employment training and transportation services in Central Washington. A resident of Yakima, Marilyn has also served as the vice president of business development for Central Washington Comprehensive Mental Health and was the chief operating officer of the Comprehensive Mental Health Foundation. She was named Yakima YWCA's "Woman of Achievement in Health/Medicine" in 1999.

JANETTE RAMOS is director of safety, health and environmental affairs (SHEA) for Boeing's fabrication division in Auburn, Washington. A strong proponent of safety and environmental stewardships, she developed a course titled "Excellence in Customer Service," which is now taught to all SHEA personnel in Auburn. Janette is also serving a three-year term on the board of directors for the Auburn Chamber of Commerce, and she is secretary of the Boeing Management Association Board of Control. She resides in Federal Way.

CARMEN WALL SCHABEL lives in Portland, Oregon, and graduated in June 2001 with a Ph.D. in mathematics education from Portland State University. She began a new job this past fall as assistant professor of mathematics at the University of Portland. Carmen's husband, Tim, is the pastor of young adults at Lake Bible Church.


JENNIFER PORTER earned her M.D. from the University of Washington School of Medicine in June 2000. She is now doing her internship and residency in obstetrics/gynecology in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

ERIC SAUERS received a doctorate in exercise science from Oregon State University in June 2000. He is now chair of the Department of Sports Health Care at the Arizona School of Health Science in Phoenix.


JILL JURRIES graduated from Pepperdine University School of Law in Malibu, California, in May 2000. After a year as a local prosecutor in Idaho, she went to work as an associate at a private law firm in Boise. Jill left that position in March to become a special agent for the United States Secret Service in the Denver, Colorado, field office.


TONY BELMONTE is teaching fourth grade in Park Ridge, Illinois. His wife, Jennifer, is a second grade teacher in the same school district. The couple lives in Arlington Heights.

BRIAN COUCH recently passed the oral boards for the U.S. State Department Foreign Services Officer Corps.


BETH BUTLER ARMSTRONG finished her master of arts degree in counseling at George Fox University in April 2001. She is now working full-time as a mental health counselor at Community Counseling Center (Catholic Community Services) in Keizer, Oregon. She serves adolescents, children and adults by integrating faith and psychology.

MORGAN BURBRIDGE has joined Kidder Mathews & Segner in 涩里番 as an office sales and leasing broker. Prior to that, he was a research analyst with Rome & Associates in Redmond, Washington, and a sales account executive with Clear Communications.

RYAN T. SMITH has worked for Nike Inc. since 1999. He is the assistant footwear merchandising manager for the Asia/Pacific Region, managing four product lines in 11 countries. He also conducts business analysis and creates marketing tools. In addition to working at Nike, Ryan volunteers for the Beaverton, Oregon, Police Department as a reserve police officer, performing patrol duties and community assistance. He and his wife, Kimberly, live in Portland, Oregon.


DEBRA VAUGHN SMITH completed her master's degree in communication in December 2001. Her thesis was "The Shaping of the American Civil Rights Movement: The New York Times' Role in 1953." She now works in the Washington State University news bureau, where she writes, edits and works with the media. She and her husband, Eric, live with their daughter in Pullman, Washington.


DIANA OVERALL teaches the children of missionaries in Costa Rica at the Instituto De Lengua Espanol. She writes, "I am thankful for my education from SPU. The encouraging community of professors, students and spiritual leaders helped me prepare for reaching out to this part of the world." Diana lives in San Jose, Costa Rica.

Footnotes News Correction: In the Winter 2002 issue of Response, we incorrectly identified the son of MARTI OAKS ENSIGN '52 as Richard Ensign. The correct name is SCOTT ENSIGN '92.

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