
President's View

If Not Us, Then Who?Feature
President Philip Eaton reviews our cultural transition and SPU's place to fill the gap left by cultural drift. "In this time of transition, we need leaders," he writes.


Leadership That UnitesFeature
Nobel Peace Prize nominee George Mitchell spoke at SPU's Greater 涩里番 Community Breakfast on May 3. "Intelligent, thoughtful leadership seeks to unite," he says.

The Wired World's Renaissance Man Feature
Larry Wall '76 is a hero among hackers. Creator of the Perl programming language, he seamlessly blends computers, faith, family, language and music.

Techno-Grads Feature
Educated in one of the planet's most "wired" cities, SPU graduates have made their presence known in the exploding high-tech industries.

Share What You're Doing Here!

Net GainsFeature
Early investments in campus technology are paying great dividends -- enriching learning, serving students and alumni, and extending SPU's reach around the world.

Taking the PlungeFeature
With $2 in their pockets and a desire to share the plight of the homeless, 36 students took part in the annual "Urban Plunge" this year. It's an education in understanding, they say.

A Passion for SPU BasketballFeature
Fans reveled in the history-making achievements of this year's men's basketball team. Regional champs, the Falcons reached the Final Four for the first time ever.

Campus News

Life Through the Body and the BloodFeature
Recipients of the first-ever "Living and Learning Grant" at SPU, senior Anne Marie Olney and Associate Professor Cindy Fitch called the community to bone marrow donation.

As the school year winds down, join us on campus for a concert, play or chapel event.

SPU School of Business Gains International Accreditation

SPU to Establish Education Research Center With Gates Foundation Grant

Weter Lecture Explores Science and Wisdom

Endowment to Fund Fan Gates Reading Series

Portland Phonathon Boosts the University Fund

Performing Groups Tour in four States

A Passion for SPU BasketballFeature
Fans reveled in the history-making achievements of this year's men's basketball team. Regional champs, the Falcons reaches the Final Four for the first time ever.

Women's Soccer Kicks Off in 2001

Women's Basketball, Gymnastics Make Postseason

Heritage Inducted Into Hall of Fame

The Wired World's Renaissance ManFeature
Larry Wall '76 is a hero among hackers. Creator of the Perl programming language, he seamlessly blends computers, faith, family, language and music.

Educated in one of the planet's most "wired" cities, SPU graduates have made their presence known in the exploding high-tech industries.

Homecoming Attracts Big Crowds, See Photos Here!

Celebrate Fort Casey's Centennial!

Support Scholarships With an Alumni Credit Card

Spring Zing: President Eaton Hosts Golf and Baseball in Arizona




Cascade Corner

In Memoriam

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Response to jgilnett@spu.edu or call 206-281-2051.
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