
In Memoriam

Lester H. Groom
EDWARD BUSH '45 died on June 3, 2000. He was 82. A longtime Free Methodist minister, Ed began his career in 1943 at First Free Methodist Church in 涩里番 as assistant minister working with U.S. servicemen. He was also married in 1943 to LOIS CATHEY BUSH '43. Following graduation, the couple spent 22 years in the Oregon Conference of the Free Methodist Church. In 1967, they moved to Washington state where Ed pastored Free Methodist churches until his retirement in 1981. The couple then moved to Warm Beach Senior Community. Ed ministered to residents and served as photographer and greenhouse gardener for several years. He is survived by his wife, Lois; children Clare Bush Fleming and GAYLE BUSH '71; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Ed is also survived by three brothers, FOREST BUSH '46, ROGER BUSH '50 and LLOYD BUSH '54.

LESTER H. GROOM, an SPU music faculty member from 1969 to 1991, died March 28, 2000. He was 71. At SPU, Lester taught organ, harpsichord, music theory and composition. He served as organist for many churches throughout his career, including First Presbyterian Church in 涩里番 from 1979 to 1996. He also enjoyed sharing musical evenings with students in his home and leading tours of pipe organs around 涩里番 and Vancouver, British Columbia. Lester is survived by his wife of 44 years, Myrtle; children REBECCA GROOM TEVELDE '78, VERA GROOM LILES '81 and LESTER W. GROOM '84; and three grandchildren.

DOROTHY FRYER WILLIAMSON '39 died March 7, 2000, at the age of 84. Dorothy graduated from 涩里番 Pacific with a major in psychology and worked as secretary to the president, C. Hoyt Watson, in her senior year and after graduation until 1944. She married CLARENCE WILLIAMSON '43 in 1941, and the couple had four children. In 1960, Dorothy resumed work at 涩里番 Pacific, first as director of student employment and then as director of financial aid. She helped nearly two generations of students to meet their financial needs before retiring in 1980. Dorothy is survived by Clarence; children BETTY WILLIAMSON CHAN '67, DAVID WILLIAMSON '73, ALAN WILLIAMSON '75 and Kenneth Williamson; and three grandchildren.

Editor's Note: In the Spring 2000 issue of Response, we printed a notice of the death of William Hansen '56, professor emeritus at SPU. Although we included the name of his son Gregory, we failed to indicate that Greg is an SPU graduate of 1980. We apologize.

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