
SPU Calls Graduates to Enter the World With Competence, Character and Courage

For the 涩里番 graduates gathered in Mercer Arena, it was a day as sobering as it was exhilarating. Held on June 10, Commencement 2000 had its pomp and ceremony, its flashing cameras and 5,000-plus excited friends and relatives -- and even its own first-ever live Web broadcast. But it was also a bittersweet separation, a stepping out and away from the familiar surroundings of home and alma mater.

Six hundred and ninety-two bachelor's degree recipients, and 10 doctoral and 167 master's degree recipients, were invited to join keynote speaker and former Alumnus of the Year Chi-Dooh "Skip" Li to reflect on the challenges of living out the gospel in today's culture and the importance of investing in human lives, particularly those of the poor.

Recognized at the event were the President's Citation winners: two graduates honored for outstanding achievement in academics and for upholding the University's ideals. Deanne Hatchett, recipient of a master of education degree in school counseling, was honored for her efforts to help children and youth grow and develop in the school setting. Amy Shafer, who earned a bachelor's degree in special education, was singled out for her work with profoundly disabled students.

SPU President Philip Eaton, in his printed program remarks, provided a fitting signature to the day by urging each new graduate to "go with confidence and go with courage that indeed you are now equipped to make a real difference."

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