Autumn 2007 | Volume 30, Number 2
| Features
Did You Know?
Just where is the Christian mission field today? “The Western world is the only major segment of the world’s population in which Christianity is not growing,” say Tom Clegg and Warren Bird, authors of Lost in America: How You and Your Church Can Impact the World Next Door (Group Publishing, 2001). It is not surprising then that, according to World Christian Encyclopedia, the United States — the world’s largest missionary-sending country — has ironically become the world’s largest missionary-receiving country.
Joel Carpenter also notes the irony that much of the energy in the Western Christian church is being fueled by immigrants. For instance, there are 3,000 African Christian congregations in Great Britain. Twelve hundred Chinese evangelical congregations thrive in the United States and Canada. And, in the United States, 3,000 Catholic parishes hold Spanish-language masses each week.
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from the president
Going Global
President Philip Eaton asks the ɬÀï·¬ Pacific community to discuss what “global” means for SPU.
APA Accreditation
SPU’s doctoral program in psychology now in an elite group.
Street Vision
Hillary Prag '06 gives homeless teens a voice — through a camera lens and ɬÀï·¬ gallery showing.
books, film, & music
Behind the Faces
Four new films may help moviegoers learn to love and understand their global neighbors.
On the Fast Track
Jessica Pixler received numerous awards as a freshman, including an international gold.
my response
A Banquet of Languages
David Habecker ’93 says knowing multiple languages gave him a new perspective on life — and his faith.
Response art
Forbidden City
Professor Joanna Poznanska and her husband share “Forbidden City,” by a Chinese artist.