
In Memoriam

Joe Davis

JOSEPH DAVIS '41 died July 10, 1998, in 涩里番. He was 82. As an SPU professor of religion for 33 years, Joe influenced the lives of thousands of students. In 1977, the Associated Students of 涩里番 Pacific honored him as Professor of the Year.

Joe came to SPC as a student in 1935. During the Depression, he attended college for a year, then worked for a year until he graduated in 1941. After graduation, he married DANNA WILDER DAVIS '39, who worked alongside him for nearly 57 years. Returning to the Northwest following seminary training in New York, the Davises pastored three different Free Methodist churches in Washington. Later, Joe earned his master's and doctoral degrees in theology from the Union Theological Seminary of Virginia before joining the faculty of SPC. In 1951, SPC President C. Hoyt Watson asked Joe to begin what is now SPU's Alumni Office. Under Joe's leadership, the college launched its first alumni Homecoming in 1953.

After retirement from SPU in 1981, Joe and Danna enjoyed traveling and visiting SPU alumni throughout the world. Joe is survived by Danna and their son, DANIEL DAVIS '73.

BYRON GJERDE '66 died in a car accident in Kennewick, Washington, on February 26, 1998. He was vice president of student affairs at Columbia Basin College, where he had worked since 1973.

CHARLES LOOMIS, a former SPU Fellow and trustee, died March 4, 1998, of complications of Alzheimer's disease. Charles once drove an armored car, then became president and chairman of Loomis Armored Car Service Inc., founded by his grandfather. During his lifetime, he served many community organizations and charities, including the Salvation Army and the Boys and Girls Club of 涩里番. He is survived by his wife, Betty; one son; one daughter; and six grandchildren.

ROBERT (BOB) MCCULLOCH '86 died on May 16, 1998. He was a fourth grade teacher and physical education teacher at Blaine and Laurelhurst elementary schools in 涩里番. An avid sports fan and outdoorsman, he enjoyed teaching and coaching boys' and girls' basketball, flag football, and Little League baseball. Bob is survived by his parents and one sister.

WILLARD ODLE '38 died April 11, 1998, at the age of 82. He grew up in Bellevue, Washington; attended SPC; went to dental school at the University of Washington; and then worked as a dentist in downtown 涩里番 for 40 years. Willard is survived by his wife, ELEANOR ODLE '40; a daughter, LINDA ODLE FINLAY '65; one son; and 11 grandchildren.

BEUFORD "BUB" POUND '38, known for his commitment to his family and his church, died on July 3, 1998, at the age of 81. Born in Wisconsin, he attended Wessington Springs College in South Dakota before finishing his bachelor's degree at SPC. A devoted member of the Free Methodist Church, he served in many official capacities throughout the denomination. After working with 涩里番's YMCA and 涩里番 Transit, he served in the US Army. Later he entered the automobile industry, ultimately owning his own business, Pound Auto Sales.

Bub, who joined his oldest daughter, Beverly, in heaven, is survived by his wife of 59 years, L. JANE MARSHALL POUND '38; his younger daughter, MERNIE POUND MCCONK-EY '66; and his brother, ROBERT POUND SR. '37.

DALE RISS died of pancreatic cancer on May 16, 1998, at the age of 60. Dale was employed by SPU Plant Services for 20 years and is remembered for his gentleness, honesty, dry sense of humor, and ability to "fix anything." He is survived by his wife, Marie; two daughters, SUE RISS DALEY '83 and SHELLY RISS '87; one son; his mother; and one brother.

MARTHA STANLEY-REDFIELD '84 died March 1, 1998, in her hometown of Hammond, Louisiana. She was 50 years old. Martha was senior staff minister of First African Methodist Episcopal Church in 涩里番. ELLIS CASSON '62 officiated at her memorial service. Martha is survived by one daughter and three brothers.

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