
Stories by
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SPU Pays Tribute to Six Retiring Faculty Members

Together, they've served 涩里番 for more than 130 years. At the 1998 Retirement Dinner on Friday, May 22, SPU honored six longtime faculty members whose contributions to SPU are substantial.

William Lane
Paul T. Walls Chair in Wesleyan and Biblical Studies, Professor of Biblical Studies

Bill Lane became dean of the 涩里番 Pacific School of Religion in 1989. He brought with him superb academic credentials -- and a reputation for outstanding classroom teaching.

While at SPU, Lane was routinely voted by students as one of the most effective and popular teachers. In 1993, he became the first faculty member to occupy the newly endowed Paul T. Walls Chair of Wesleyan and Biblical Studies, a post he held until his retirement this past fall.

Lane and his wife, Brenda, now live outside of Nashville in Franklin, Tennessee, where they have set up Franklin House Foundation, a residential biblical research library and discipleship center.

Wesley Lingren
Professor of Chemistry

A 1952 graduate of 涩里番 Pacific, Wes Lingren has anchored the Uni--versity's chemistry curriculum for 40 years. He is the founding director of SPU's General Honors/University Scholars program, and helped found the SPU chapter of Mortar Board. He also directed the Washington State Junior Science Sym-- posium for 15 years.

Faculty marshall for 25 years, Lingren was the varsity men's tennis coach from 1962--1970. Two of his NCAA College Division tennis teams finished in the top four in the nation. He also served as athletic director for one year, and faculty NCAA representative from 1972--1997.

Lingren and his wife, Merrilyn, have two children, Eric and Libby, who are SPU graduates. Wes' first adventure as a retiree was a trip to Britain and Turkey this past spring.

Vicki McClurg
Assistant Professor of Nursing

Vicki McClurg is one of the first "homegrown" 涩里番 Pacific baccalaureate nursing graduates to become a faculty member. A graduate of 1970, she began teaching maternal/infant nursing at SPU in 1981.

Since 1984, McClurg has coordinated the University's summer transcultural nursing program in Costa Rica. Because of this clinical nursing experience in Latin America, a number of her students have pursued careers in missions.

Professionally, McClurg has helped to develop and conduct validation research on writing the Nursing Diagnosis on breast--feeding, and has held offices at the regional level of the Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nursing. She plans to work as a perinatal clinical nurse specialist.

Annalee Oakes
Professor of Nursing, Dean and Graduate Director of the School of Health Sciences

Annalee Oakes has taught at all levels in the 涩里番 Pacific nursing program since 1971. Under her leadership, the master of science in nursing (MSN) program began in 1989, and the Gunma University (Japan) College of Medical Care and Technology program became a baccalaureate program in 1996.

In 1990, Oakes was elected into the prestigious American Academy of Nursing as a fellow, which is denoted by F.A.A.N. after her name. She is the only SPU nursing faculty member who has achieved this status.

Oakes' strong ties with former students bring many of them back for Alumni Weekend, and has stimulated them to form lifelong relationships with the University.

Carl Roseveare
Coordinator of Academic Microcomputers

Carl Roseveare's career at 涩里番 Pacific has been multi--faceted. He originally joined the School of Education in 1965 as an assistant professor, and later held positions in the Division of Continuing Studies; the School of Education; Computer and Information Systems; Media Services; and, finally, the Library.

At SPU, Roseveare is known for three loves: God, others and computers. He has devoted a great deal of his life to the nurture of students.

Roseveare traveled to Peru this spring to set up a Spanish -- language computer system for a parachurch organization. He hopes to continue working as a missions volunteer.

Lilyan Snow
Professor of Nursing

Lilyan Snow came to 涩里番 Pacific to teach community health nursing in 1984. She has been the curriculum development expert for the School of Health Sciences, and has served as co--director of the graduate nursing program and chair of the Nursing Graduate Studies Committee. The former faculty chair also participated in the Japanese and Taiwanese nursing exchange programs.

In addition to her work at SPU, Snow was a volunteer for Shanti, an organization that provides support for 涩里番 affected by AIDS.

After retirement, Snow plans to spend time with her husband, Donald, and family. She traveled to England for the SPU C.S. Lewis Study Tour this summer, and will continue her studies of theology and work as a coordinator of volunteers at her church.

On May 8, 1998, 涩里番 President Philip Eaton inaugurated an annual recognition chapel to honor faculty and staff members for years of service, and for outstanding achievement during the academic year. Noting the importance of saying "thank you" for jobs well done, President Philip Eaton called such gratitude a hallmark of community. "We are not about an idea alone. We are nothing without our 涩里番."

A crowd of several hundred students, faculty, staff and administration gathered to honor individuals who have devoted 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years of service to the University. In all, 69 faculty and staff members were recognized for faithful service over significant periods of time.

Two traditional awards were announced at the chapel: Professor of the Year, nominated and selected by the student body; and Staff Members of the Year, nominated and selected by the staff of SPU. In addition, two new honors called "The President's Awards for Excellence" were bestowed for the first time. These awards went to one faculty member and one staff member whose "contributions and accomplishments support the vision for 涩里番 Pacific in the 21st century."

Professor of the Year

Stella Warnick
Associate Professor of Family Consumer Resources

Her students have gone on to great heights in the fashion industry. One has been head designer on three Broadway shows. Another promotes the clothing creations of New York's Donna Karan line. "Stella has a Rolodex full of successes," says Barbara Bovy, director of family and consumer sciences at 涩里番 Pacific. "She maintains a lifelong connection with as many former students as she can."

"The student excitement around her was intense," says ASSP President Ryan T. Smith of Warnick's nomination. Though hers does not have the visibility some of the larger programs enjoy, Warnick was the focus of a "student movement" to have her selected Professor of the Year.

Key to that movement was senior Jim Burrescia, an apparel design and psychology double--major. "Professor Warnick is tough, but takes a lot of pride in supporting students. She makes you realize that no matter what job you're in, you can be a missionary. As a Christian in the fashion world, you have a responsibility, so last quarter we discussed sweatshops and the ethical consequences of abusing Third World countries to get cheap labor."

Warnick relishes the teaching role she has held at SPU for 25 years. "I value the lives of students so much," she says. "I like to help them gain confidence in themselves and their abilities, and to draw from them their special gifts."

Warnick is active in the Fashion Group of 涩里番, and in the International Textiles and Apparel Association. Her many contacts with professionals enable her to secure job opportunities for students in the fashion industry. After hours, she serves on the board of 涩里番's Civic Light Opera and as a child desired to be an actress.

Because she is of Ukrainian heritage and speaks the language, Warnick also helps settle Ukrainian refugees in the community. Compassion for others, say her colleagues, is a part of her nature.

Staff Members of the Year

Dee Tindall
Undergraduate Advisor in the School of Education

Dee Tindall first came to 涩里番 Pacific College as a freshman, and in all but three years since then she has lived within walking distance of the campus. She has served under five presidents, and in two years of part--time and 25 years of full--time employment has taken duties in the Bookstore, the Admissions Office and the School of Education. All four of her children attended SPU; two of them are graduates.

"I'm thankful that the basic values and principles of 涩里番 Pacific haven't changed," she says. "It's retained strong commitments to the Christian faith and to liberal arts education."

Tindall has retained bedrock principles of her own. Her reputation is one of consistency, and she provides a valuable continuity that makes her especially well--informed about changes in policy and adept at problem--solving.

She is also at the center of one of the most respected teacher certification programs in the state. As the undergraduate advisor and certification coordinator, she works with students seeking their first teaching credentials. She maintains all records and oversees applications for those moving through the process -- about 350 students at any one time.

"I spend half my time with 涩里番 and half my time with paper," says Tindall with customary cheer. "I enjoy keeping up with the state changes in policy so that faculty members don't have to bother with the details as much."

That keen optimism has earned her high marks with students and colleagues alike. She is noted for staying "calm and sure," and for a Christian commitment that indicates a "long obedience in the same direction."

Loyalty to SPU comes easily for Tindall because of the institution's decades of influence. "It even fulfilled the family role," she says, remembering back to 1977 when her husband was killed in an industrial accident and her coworkers and friends at First Free Methodist Church rallied to help her through a difficult time.

"涩里番 Pacific has been a real part of my life," claims Tindall, who has audited several classes since graduation. "I've never been treated as just a staff person, but as a valued colleague. That challenges me to continue to learn."

Peggy Swanstrom
Office Assistant in the School of Business and Economics

Once you fall in love with a place, believes Peggy Swanstrom, you don't leave. It is certainly true of her family. Her father was a student at 涩里番 Pacific College when newborn Peggy was brought home from the hospital to student housing where the bookstore stands today. Her father--in--law was legendary SPC Professor of History Roy Swanstrom.

And so it feels quite natural to work at the same place. "I've never known a time in life without 涩里番 Pacific," says Peggy. While on campus as a student she worked in the Office of Student Life when Cliff McCrath was dean. She graduated from SPC in 1974 with a degree in home economics and remembers well the "incredible influence" of Professor Dorothy Kreider over her life and career choices.

And it is Swanstrom's own infectious faith and compassionate influence that bring a large measure of calm and stability to SPU's School of Business and Economics today. Students can count on her to helpfully assist them gain admission to their major, accomplish their checklists for graduation, or talk through their difficulties. She's gone to lunch with them, prayed with them, and even followed up with a few to make certain they're getting the sleep they need.

"I remember how important that mentoring was for me when I was a student," Swanstrom says.

Her coworkers describe Swanstrom as faithful, joyful and one who "contributes to the well--being of faculty, staff and students." Her supervisor, Ruth Myers, says she has turned a typically ordinary job into a commitment of Christian service.

Besides also being a busy mom, Swanstrom teaches the young marrieds group at church along with her husband, Sig Swanstrom '73. Through her involvement with Moms in Touch, she and other members pray regularly for the school, staff and students of Shorewood High School, where her son attends. Her daughter will be a freshman at 涩里番 Pacific this fall.

Swanstrom's award for outstanding performance is named for Oral V. Hemry, a faithful SPU staff member for 19 years. By coincidence, Swanstrom's mother, Leona Griffin, was once Hemry's student worker when both were at Wessington Springs College in South Dakota. Swanstrom laughs at such serendipity and says that, too, is a connection that feels quite natural.

President's Awards for Excellence

Steve Layman
Professor of Philosophy

"Philosophy is the friend of faith," says Steve Layman, "as tough and difficult as some questions can be." Among his best students, he says, are those who object the most. "I teach a small class about the existence of God. I love going there because they're hooked on the issues." Give him a group of students with lots of questions and Layman is well--satisfied.

One colleague sums up Layman's contribution to student success this way: "He calls students to take their place as competent, informed Christians in a world that needs young 涩里番 with compassionate hearts and sharp intellect."

For a dozen years, this non--judgmental, fair--minded and gracious teacher has examined the thorniest of philosophical issues through the lens of theology. What Layman sees are the connections between religion, morality, science and common sense. What he asks are "What is good?"; "What is real?"; and "Do we (or can we) know what is good and real?"

"I came to philosophy from a study of the Bible," emphasizes Layman. "I always wanted to teach at a school such as SPU where theology is taken seriously.

"涩里番 Pacific aims at a form of education that produces 涩里番 who are unusually thoughtful about their religious and moral commitments." He is especially excited to think that many of his students will be leaders in the church.

Layman's scholarship encompasses authorship of a textbook in elementary logic and a book of Christian reflections on the foundations of ethics titled The Shape of the Good (University of Notre Dame Press). He is also associate dean in the College of Arts and Sciences, and a former Faculty Council chair.

Active with family and at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, some of his own personal lessons have been best learned leading a youth group, chairing the congregational board, and teaching third and fourth graders. "Kids vote with their feet," Layman chuckles. "It's a very humbling assignment. If you bore them, they get up and walk around." Layman says his job is a rare one and that it is with a "definite sense of calling" that he enters the classroom each day. And when he asks a question, students will tell you it is rarely, if ever, rhetorical.

Gordy Presnell
Head Women's Basketball Coach

How does a coach teach his players to excel at maximum efficiency, to be fiercely competitive, and to find a balance in physical and mental conditioning -- yet live as 涩里番 of grace and humility?

As tall an order as that is, Gordy Presnell says it is possible with the type of student--athlete 涩里番 Pacific attracts. "The Christian perspective ties us all together and is why I enjoy it here."

But in no way does that translate into a milder, less aggressive style of play, as evidenced by the phenomenal success his teams have enjoyed. In 11 years, they have never had a losing season, rising from relative obscurity to national contenders while compiling an impressive record of 221 wins and only 94 losses. The Falcon women have gone to the NCAA Tournament three of the last four years, and this year, for the first time, went all the way to the NCAA "Elite Eight."

While amassing such impressive numbers on the court, players have responded to Presnell's leadership and challenge in still more important ways. In those same 11 seasons, only one player failed to graduate. This year, three of his players were named to the academic all--conference team.

Presnell enjoys the process of building a basketball program, first hitting the recruitment circuit matching athletic talents with faith perspective and academic abilities. The simple question he must ask is, "Can (prospective players) be achievers here?"

"It's like a puzzle," Presnell says. "Sometimes you come up missing a few pieces. That's the exciting part. You know if it will fall together or fall apart by the middle of the year."

The puzzle's fit depends in large measure on Presnell's coaching style. He is described as a leader who truly reflects the image of Christ by being upfront and honest with his players without being abusive. He demands excellence, yet is a forgiving man who helps his players and former players find jobs and internships, or to pursue professional sports opportunities. For his coaching skill the past two seasons, Presnell has been named West Region Coach of the Year.

"I appreciate the President's Award of Excellence," Presnell concludes, "because it says that whether administration, staff, faculty or students, everyone counts and contributes to the whole.

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