

President Eaton Engages
the Culture

Communicating the institution's vision for "engaging the culture and changing the world" to local and national audiences is one of 涩里番 President Philip Eaton's top priorities. The following list is a sampling of his recent speaking engagements and professional involvements:

  • Emerald City Rotary. April 24, 2001, 涩里番. President Eaton addressed this downtown Rotary club on "Culture Shaping and Character Formation: The Old and the New for Higher Education."
  • City Chapel Fellowship. April 26, 2001, Washington Athletic Club, 涩里番. President Eaton spoke on "The Unfolding Stories of Our Lives" to this longstanding downtown organization.
  • Westmont College Commencement Address. May 5, 2001, Santa Barbara, California. Addressing West-mont graduates, President Eaton asked them, "What Will Be Your Life Story?"
  • World Vision Chapel. May 9, 2001, Federal Way, Washington. President Eaton visited World Vision's headquarters to speak to the WV staff on "How to Change the World: Aligning Our Stories With the Big Story."
  • Renton Rotary Club. June 14, 2001, Renton, Washington. President Eaton addressed the Rotarians on "Good Leaders for a New Century."
  • SPU Tour in England. June 18-29, 2001. President and Mrs. Eaton hosted this tour for a group of SPU's special friends. In addition to leading the group to various historic sites, the president provided reflections on British poetry along the way.
  • The Wharton Institute for Research on Higher Education. July 8-12, 2001, University of Pennsylvania. President Eaton and his cabinet participated in a senior leadership conference on strategy-building for change led by faculty from The Wharton School.

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