
President's View

"Signs of Momentum"Feature
As Philip Eaton begins his fourth year as SPU president, the Comprehensive Plan for the 21st Century is being officially launched. He outlines several of the initiatives that are currently in full swing.


Scientific Literacy and SPUFeature
One study has found that only 6 percent of Americans can be considered "scientifically literate." Professor Bruce Congdon makes the case for a renewed focus on teaching the sciences.

Pied Pipers in Lab CoatsFeature
From a life-sized velociraptor to sharks in the school swimming pool, alumni teachers Brad Proffitt and Laurie Greco employ ingenious methods of attracting youth to sciences.

Counseling War's SurvivorsFeature
It was a first for SPU's SPRINT program. A team of doctoral psychology students took their skills to Bosnia, where victims of the war are struggling to heal.

Things Fall ApartFeature
For Professor Don Holsinger and Associate Professor Robert Baah, the Nigerian novel Things Fall Apart is a coming together of the richness of African literature and a call to wisdom for all cultures.

A Passion for ChristFeature
Tim Dearborn, SPU's new dean of chapel, believes that if Christians are faithful to the gospel, "our focus, passion and delight is always and only Jesus Christ."

Campus News

A Matter of DegreeFeature
This year, SPU launches two new degree programs specifically for working adults. You can complete a bachelor's degree in the evening -- or earn a master's degree online!

President Eaton and SPU Honored for Character-Building

Plan Now to Help Honor Young Life President and SPU's Alumnus of the Year!

New Gwinn Commons Serves Up the Ultimate in Campus Dining

Enrollment Numbers Affirm SPU's Long-Range Goals

Professor Steps Into New Role as Dean of Student Life

New Faculty for 1999-2000

Radio Makes Campus Comeback

If Trees Could TalkFeature
Nature is both audience and inspiration for SPU's cross country team. Ranked in the nations's top 10, the Falcons run among the scenic wonders of the Northwest.

McCrath Notches 500th Win

Women's Volleyball Team Hopes to Host Tournament

Basketball Teams Boast New Talent

Smith Named Woman of the Year

Pied Pipers in Lab CoatsFeature
From a life-sized velociraptor to sharks in the school swimming pool, alumni teachers Brad Proffitt adn Laurie Greco employ ingenious methods of attracting youth to sciences.

"Y2KC": Alumni Weekenders Enjoy a Getaway

SPU Grad Accepts Yale Faculty Position

Alum's Art Show a Big Success




Cascade Corner

Emeriti Update

In Memoriam

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