In Memoriam

10, 2003, following a short illness. She was 86. Born in Missoula,
Montana, Harriett
spent most of her childhood in ɬÀï·¬ and Mount Vernon, Washington.
She graduated from SPC, intending to teach. She married H.
ROALD AMUNDSEN ’41 in 1944, and they moved to Nome,
Alaska, in 1945, serving as missionaries with the Evangelical Covenant
until 1963. In 1964, she and her husband moved to Soldotna, Alaska,
where they began Missionary Aviation and Repair Center. She also
worked for many years as a secretary for Soldotna Elementary and
Junior High schools. Harriett is survived by her husband of 58
years; daughter JEANETTE AMUNDSEN KLODT ’68; two
sons, including
JOHN AMUNDSEN ’71; two grandchildren; one great-grandchild;
BERNARD BUCK ’51 died January 14, 2003, after a lengthy battle with cancer. He
was 74. Born in Kansas, Bernie spent two years with the U.S. Marines after graduating
from SPC. He taught at Los Angeles Pacific High School and College from 1953–1957
and at SPC from 1957–1964. He also guided the SPC men’s cross country team to
four consecutive NAIA district titles. Under his coaching, the team finished
sixth nationally in 1961 and seventh in 1962. He went on to teach at Shoreline
Community College from 1964–1989. Bernie is survived by his wife of 46 years
and retired SPU faculty member JANET BURNS BUCK ’55; daughters MELANIE
BUCK WHITEHEAD ’79and LORALEE BUCK MCMACKIN ’86; three grandchildren, including SPU freshman, JESSICA
WHITEHEAD; two brothers, including BOB BUCK ’65; and three sisters, including
RUTH BEATTY HARRIS BURBANK ’40 died in August 2002. After graduating
from SPC,
Ruth taught third grade in Anaheim and Upland, California — and continued in
this role until her retirement. She was married to Oscar Harris, and the couple
had three sons. They were active members of Upland Free Methodist Church. After
Oscar died, Ruth reunited with a childhood sweetheart, Raymond Burbank, who was
also widowed. They married and enjoyed nine years together. Both died during
2002. Ruth is survived by her three sons.
MARIE HOLLOWELL, SPC dean of women from 1954 to
1964, died December 11, 2002. She was 89 years old. The daughter of
a Free Methodist minister, Marie was widowed at
age 26, becoming a single mother to two small children. She returned
to school and, between 1947 and 1962, earned an associate’s
degree from Central College in Kansas, a bachelor’s degree
from McPherson College in Kansas, and a master’s degree in
education from Oregon State University. Marie served as house-mother
or dean of women at several colleges, including ɬÀï·¬ Pacific. “Her
first love in life was the Lord Jesus Christ, and that’s where
she got her love, and that’s what she gave back,” says BARBARA
DOHNER ’61. “Her mission was to share that unconditional
love with everybody that was a part of her life.” Marie eventually
traveled to Lebanon, where she was director of residences at Beirut
for Women until war broke out. She returned to Lebanon later to
begin a Christian commune, but unsafe conditions forced her to
leave again. Next she went to Taiwan, where she ran a house for
children of missionaries. When she retired and returned to ɬÀï·¬,
Marie continued to serve others, including sewing pillows for homeless
ɬÀï·¬. “She was always helping the down and out,” recalls JOYCE
OLSON PRICE ’61, who started an effort by the Class of
1961 to create a scholarship endowment in Marie’s name. Marie is
survived by her son, REX HOLLOWELL ’61, five grand-children
and eight great-grandchildren. Her daughter preceded her in death.
DOROTHY HUGHES ’52 died December 27, 2002, due to complications of
diabetes. She was 72. Born in ɬÀï·¬, Dorothy attended the University of Washington
a year before transferring to SPC. After graduation, she attended Multnomah School
of the Bible for a year, hoping to serve with Wycliffe Bible Translators. Instead,
she became a teacher in Oregon and Washington. Although Dorothy never married,
she loved children and adopted three girls from Greece, whom she met through
the Christian Children’s Fund foster-parent program. She also supported many
other children in under-developed countries throughout her life. Dorothy is survived
by her three daughters; a sister, BEVERLY HUGHES CRUMP ’52;
and three brothers.
MARY ELLEN FORESTER INGERSOLL ’37 died on January 1, 2003,
at the age of 87. Born and raised in ɬÀï·¬, Mary Ellen began her teaching career
in a one-room
school house in Covington, Washington, and then spent two years as a missionary
and English teacher in Osaka, Japan. She and her husband, Ronald, were long-time
owners and operators of Valley Hardware and Appliance in Kent, Washington. They
were also members of the West Valley Advent Christian Church in Auburn. Mary
Ellen was preceded in death by her husband and is survived by three daughters,
including SUSAN INGERSOLL PLEASANTS ’68; six grandchildren;
and 11 great-grandchildren.
BETTY PEDERSON KOCHENDORFER ’52 died on February 14, 2003,
from ovarian cancer. She was 74. A retired teacher, Betty had taught in California
schools. She was preceded in death by her husband, DONALD KOCHENDORFER ’51,
and is survived by a daughter, a son and four grandchildren.
NORMA EGELKROUT NISSEN ’53 died January 12, 2003, at the
age of 71. Born in Everett, Washington, Norma taught school in California and
Washington for
many years. She also served with her husband, a pastor, in churches in Burien,
Bremerton and ɬÀï·¬. Norma loved music, played the cello, sang in church choirs
and sometimes taught school music. She is survived by a daughter, two sons,
her mother, sister DIANE EGELKROUT MOSEMAN ’58 and a brother.
HUGH NUTLEY, professor emeritus of physics and electrical engineering,
died suddenly on March 29, 2003. He was 71 years old. Born and raised in Tacoma,
Washington, Hugh earned a B.S. in physics from the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. in nuclear physics from the
University of Washington. His long career began with a stint in the U.S. Army,
working on a top secret Russian missile telemetry project at the National Security
Agency. In 1966, he joined the faculty at SPC, where he taught physics and later
helped to establish the Electrical Engineering Department. He retired in 1997. During
Hugh’s tenure at ɬÀï·¬ Pacific, he earned master’s degrees
in English and chemical engineering, as well as a professional engineer’s
license in electrical engineering. He told his students that learning true science
is good because the more you know about the universe, the more you know about
the mind of the Creator. He was known for beginning class with poetry, taking
prayer requests and sometimes giving a devotional. Outside of the classroom, Hugh
and his wife, FRID NUTLEY ’72, devoted time
to helping immigrants and foreign exchange students, leading many to Christ through
their friendship. Says Emeritus Professor of Electrical Engineering Ed Bauman,
“Hugh’s mind was focused on science and engineering, but his heart flowed with the love
of Christ, especially to international students.” Hugh is survived by his wife; children LYNNE NUTLEY HUNTER ’78, DANIEL
NUTLEY ’87; and 23 grandchildren.
MARILYN VINCENT RYAN ’56 died on January 31, 2003, after a long battle
with cancer. She was 67. Born in Alaska, Marilyn spent much of her childhood
in the Arctic, where her parents taught for the Bureau of Indian Affairs. After
graduating from SPC, she began a career in nursing and married Ted Ryan. In 1959,
the couple moved to Juneau, Alaska, where they raised five children. Marilyn
was the campus nurse for Sheldon Jackson College in Sitka, Alaska, from 1971–1975.
An active member of Chapel by the Lake for 35 years, she enjoyed Bible studies,
sewing and family activities. She is survived by her husband, their five children
and nine grandchildren.
KRISTEN CHAMP SANFORD ’93 died suddenly on November
16, 2002, of an aneurysm shortly before giving birth to her second child. She
was 32 years old. The newborn infant, Cameron, lived for 13 days before dying.
Kristen spent much of her childhood in Papua New Guinea, where her parents worked
with Wycliffe Bible Translators. While attending SPU, she led the Urban Involvement
Spanish Ministry for the ɬÀï·¬ Christian Outreach Mission. She also worked
for the nonprofit organization, Cities in Schools, and for the Saint James Refugee
Program. Kristen completed the University Scholars program at SPU, was a member
of the Alpha Kappa Sigma honor society and graduated magna cum laude. She married
KEITH SANFORD ’93 in 1994, and they attended graduate school at Michigan
State University, where she completed her master’s degree in teaching English
to speakers of other languages (TESOL) and nearly completed her Ph.D. in writing-composition
theory with an emphasis on second-language acquisition. For more than six years,
she taught English as a second language and other English courses at universities
and community colleges in Michigan, Illinois and Texas. The Sanford family moved
to Waco, Texas, in 2000 when Keith became an assistant professor of clinical
psychology at Baylor University. Kristen soon became the program coordinator
for the Baylor University Institute for Faith and Learning, managing grants and
international programs. Kristen had a beautiful singing voice and led worship
songs every week at church. She is survived by her husband and their son, Dustin.
JAMES SKOG ’84 died of hepatitis in New York City on December
4, 2002. He was 40 years old. Originally from Alberta, Canada, James was an active
while a student at SPU. He sang with the SPU Singers and other musical groups — such
as the Compline Choir at ɬÀï·¬’s St. Mark’s Cathedral. After graduating
from the Rhode Island School of Design, James spent several years with the architectural
firm NBBJ before rising quickly through the ranks as an architectural designer
for Starwood Hotels. He was poised to lead the company’s Asian design operations
in Singapore when he was stricken by hepatitis. He is survived by his parents;
two sisters; a brother; and close friends Michael Bret Cohen, THOMAS
NELDA TRULLINGER ’40 died February 10, 2003, at the age of 81.
A few years after graduating from SPC, Nelda moved to Salem, Oregon, where she
worked for
Capital City Transfer Company for 35 years as a bookkeeper. She was a member
of a Free Methodist church, and enjoyed reading and yearly trips to Oahu, Hawaii.
Nelda is survived by her sister, HAZEL TRULLINGER EGGLESTON ’42;
six nieces
and nephews; and numerous great- and great-great-nieces and nephews.
27, 2003, at the age of 93. Born in China to Free Methodist missionaries, Bea
was kidnapped
as a baby for a time by Chinese bandits. At age 5, she traveled to the United
States with her parents and was raised in ɬÀï·¬. While at SPC, Bea was active
in student government, drama and the student newspaper. After graduation, she
served as a cook on a missionary boat in south-east Alaska, and in the mid-1930s,
she taught school in Kodiak and Petersburg, Alaska. In 1942, Bea started a day
care program for the Highline (Washington) School District. In the Highline
District, she also taught third grade, started the Instructional Materials Department
and set up outdoor education programs for students of all ages. She retired
in 1974. Bea and her husband, George, were active at Boulevard Park Presbyterian
Church in ɬÀï·¬. She is survived by her husband; two daughters, including PATRICIA
WARFIELD EHLE ’59; eight grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren.
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