May 27, 2022 |
Student Reconciliation
Ministries: |
Meg Rouse rousem2@spu.edu
Coordinators, Mack Metro
McKenzie Jamieson
Coordinator, Anna Bursch
Catalyst Ed. Programmer
Patti Fong fongp@spu.edu
JPC Publications:
JPC collaborates with Campus Ministries under the umbrella of University Ministries offering holistic student development in the areas of worship, discipleship, and reconciliation ministries. www.spu.edu/um
Follow the JPC Winter 2022 on social media
For all of University Ministries weekly rhythms, including chapel and small group opportunities, check things out on the website: spu.edu/um |
2022 Perkins Center Prize Award
For the past 4 years, with the generous and ongoing support of friends of the John Perkins Center, we have embarked into inspiring future generations with the establishment of the Perkins Center Prize. This scholarship program was intended to honor the work and legacy of Dr. John M. Perkins, whose life's passion and mission is to call future generations and the Church towards the ministry of reconciliation and what he has coined Christian Community Development. The Prize seeks to help generations of students to learn about the work of Dr. Perkins, to inspire participation in the work of the John Perkins Center, and to encourage current and future SPU students to explore practical ways towards reconcilia- tion in our communities. Eligible students submit one entry that responds to a writing prompt. Each submission is reviewed by a committee and selected based on creativity, originality, and the potential for their program or research finding to be implemented or utilized.
The 2022 Perkins Center Prize Awardee is Erin Hallquist, for First Prize in the scholarship amount of $1,500. This year's award is going to an incoming student who will be starting at ɬÀï·¬ in this upcoming 2022- 2023 year.
Erin Hallquist is a high school senior from Southeastern Washington. At SPU, she intends to double major in Art & Social Justice and Linguistics, and then hopes to go on to get a master's degree in TESOL. Her work teaching adult ESL students and tutoring teen refugees has inspired her to advocate for more refugee support systems.
Erin's submission was entitled "RISE UP: Reaffirming Im- migrants' Success in Education Using Peers". The creative focus of the program envisioned support to teenagers impacted in the refugee resettlement process, because many of known resettlement programs focus aid to adults and young children. She wrote: "Teenage refugees are the most disadvantaged minors, because in addition to the developmentally appropriate emotional baggage of mere adolescence, they are also expected to adapt to a new culture and learn a new language in the few short years before they turn 18 years old, and the American legal system jettisons them into adulthood to find their own way."
To help, Erin identified some current model programs working against this deficit and engineered a vision for RISE UP as a practical way that her community could engage. Her proposal included insights for the reach for this program, wholistic community involvement utilizing peer mentoring and the education system, and a look at implementation needs, even as it related to funding possibilities. In the application of CCD principles like the 3 R's, on Relocation Erin especially noted, "Relocation is a bit backwards in this situation, but this reciprocity still leads to positive change. In this case the served population relocated to where we are, but we are still able to assist them."
We appreciate the understanding and experience Erin brought towards her program idea. It was very encouraging to see a high school student take advantage of this opportunity. Along with her submission she commented "Thank you for offering this opportunity to students. While writing this paper, I learned a lot about myself and more about my community." And for us as a Center this is central to our work and our hope for students, that they would learn more about themselves and be able to do so being a part of the community. Congratulations Erin Hallquist for this year's Perkins Center First Prize.
Community Focus: 2022 Perkins Center Prize Award WINNER! |
The Perkins Center Prize Awardee for the 2022 First Prize Award $1,500 is Erin Hallquist! The Perkins Center Prize scholarship program was intended to honor the work and legacy of Dr. John M. Perkins, whose life's passion and mission is to call future generations and the Church towards the ministry of reconciliation and what he has coined Christian Community Development.
Erin Hallquist
SPU First Year, Fall 2002 Intended Major: Art & Social Justice & Linguistics Submission: RISE UP: Reaffirming Immigrants' Success in Education Using Peers - Supporting teenagers impacted in the refugee resettlement process. She writes, "Teenage refugees are the most disadvantaged minors...expected to adapt to a new culture and learn a new lan- guage in the few short years before they turn 18 years old..." The proposal included wholistic community involvement utilizing peer mentoring and the education system, and a look at implementation needs like funding. |
Image: Photo of Erin Hallquist in library |
Campus Events:
Monthly Wednesdays @ 12:00 PM, Eaton Hall Breezeway
Commuter, CHA, Transfer, Off-Campus students, come through for a grab-and-go lunch as you make your way to class. We'll be in Eaton Hall Breezeway from 12-1 on Wednesdays April 20th to June 1st. Please keep 6-foot distance and wear face covering when you come through. Follow us on Instagram for more info .
Looking to connect in community and grow in faith? Residential students are invited to check-out winter small groups, hosted by our SMCs in partnership with UMin. Groups will start Week 2. Sign-up or email krorem@spu.edu with questions. If you're on Instagram, be sure to follow our or teams for encouragement and updates on future events!
Community Groups begin week 2 of the quarter! There are a variety of groups where you can find community and spiritual engagement. Check out for spring quarter offerings.
Every Wednesday @ 7 pm, Fireside Room (SUB)
We are continuing our theme from Fall quarter, "Deconstruction: A Faith that Matters", as we continue to create a space for those who are asking the tough questions about who God is and why we should believe in God's promises. Stop by the Fireside Room (SUB) Wednesdays from 8-9pm for a space designed by students for students. For more info, connect with us on our !
Community Events:
Every Tuesday @ 8:00 am (CST), Online
Dr. John Perkins hosts weekly zoom bible study every Tuesday at 8:00 am (CST). He would love for you to join him! In order to join, please the Monday before the Bible study event. You will receive Zoom info 30 minutes before the call on Tuesday morning. The Bible studies recordings can be seen on .
Ongoing Exhibit at Tacoma Art Museum
Contemporary Native artists are actively deconstructing myths and preconceptions about Native ɬÀï·¬ through their art. Many portraits of Indigenous ɬÀï·¬ by non- Native artists romanticize, stereotype, or appropriate Native ɬÀï·¬ and cultures. By countering these non-Native narratives with contemporary art by Native artists, the exhibition aims to give voice to Native ɬÀï·¬ and communities to show their resiliency and power over the ways in which they are portrayed and perceived. This exhibition seeks to continue TAM’s work with tribal members to educate our visitors about the symbolism of the artworks and the historical contexts in which they were created.
Ongoing until July 10, 2022, ɬÀï·¬ Art Museum South Gallery
Spanning a period from the third millennium BCE to today, the works in this exhibition offer metamorphic and compelling images of the human body. Most of the artists utilize female and feminized forms in a myriad of ways, including as a devotional object, as a mode of self-representation, and to question the safety of public spaces. Devi, the great goddess who holds immeasurable sacredness and strength, is a typical and potent subject within the canon of South Asian art. In modern and contemporary art, South Asian-identified artists have reacted against traditional norms and challenged gender, national, and social stereotypes. Each of the artists on display invest the human body with the power to question social, political, and normative fictions. By doing so, they invite you to explore the complexities of the human body: to contemplate and question which bodies are conferred with greater degrees of humanity
and perhaps to imagine, with them, different ways to embody change.
May 31, 2022 @ 6:30 pm, Online
Join Washington Innocence Project (WashIP) for a community discussion about the role and importance of prosecutors in the criminal legal system. This event will include a panel of speakers who will give short presentations followed by a Q&A based on questions submitted by attendees. This event will include a series of speakers that will also participate in a Q&A panel of pre-received questions. When you register for the event we urge you to submit your questions to the panel. Register .
June 6, 2022 @ 1:00 pm,
Online Free for folks 22 and under Design is more than an aesthetically pleasing logo or banner – it has the power to solve problems in unique ways, cultivate innovation, and anchor multidisciplinary teamwork. In Reimagining Design, Kevin Bethune describes his journey as a Black professional through corporate America, revealing the power of transformative design, multidisciplinary leaps, and diversity. Bethune, who began as an engineer at Westinghouse, moved on to Nike (where he designed Air Jordans), and now works as a soughtafter consultant on design and innovation, shows how design can transform individual lives and organizations.
In Bethune's account, diversity, equity, and inclusion emerge as a recurring theme. He shows how, as we leverage design for innovation, we also need to consider the broader ecological implications of our decisions and acknowledge the threads of systemic injustice in order to realize positive change. Bethune is joined by Beverly Aarons in the 138th episode of Town Hall's In the Moment Podcast, as they discusses design in harmony with other disciplines. Design in harmony with other disciplines can be incredibly powerful. With insight and compassion, Bethune provides a framework for bringing this about.
June 8, 2022 @ 7:30 pm, Online
$5 General, Free for folks 22 and under
With exponential growth in the ɬÀï·¬ area, demand and costs for housing are high and availability is low. Affordable housing is difficult for so many to come by, and the region is feeling more than just growing pains; it's in crisis. In ɬÀï·¬, most residential areas are zoned for single-family homes, restricting the ability to increase housing density and provide more affordable housing options. Are there new housing solutions that can accommodate everyone? As regions across the country grapple with how to solve the growing housing crisis, city planner M. Nolan Gray shares vital insight in his new book, Arbitrary Lines: How Zoning Broke the American City and How to Fix It.
But the approach is not without controversy. As discussion continues around loosening long-standing zoning rules, some residents worry that zoning changes will impact the "character" of neighborhoods, while others see the current zoning rules as an impediment to much-needed change.Could our region benefit from a reimagined approach to single-family neighborhoods? Through explanations and stories, Gray shows why zoning abolition could help produce more affordable, vibrant, equitable, and sustainable cities. Register .
Student Opportunities:
Are you looking for more ways to get involved on campus? Leadership and scholarship opportunities? Apply to be on leadership with University Ministries, with our areas of Campus Ministries, the John Perkins Center and Church and Community Connections. Applications to serve as a 2022-23 UMin Student Leadership are now available on the Student Hiring Engage page.
Catholic Connections Coordinator, Latreia/SPRINT, Upperclass & Commuter Ministries, UMin Design & Marketing, UMin Events & Program Coordinator, Urban Involvement, Worship Team (band and core). If you have questions, please email umin@spu.edu.
Take part in local community engagement with regional partners of the JPC’s Urban
Involvement ministry, providing weekly opportunities to volunteer with a team of SPU students at 6 different sites throughout the week. Interested in serving with one of our community partners, or have time to serve on a particular day of the week, there is a student site leader for each of our partner organizations. Contact the Urban Involvement team to ask when they are going to their site and how you can join them. Email urbaninvolvement@spu.edu with your interests.
SPRINT's Mississippi Pilgrimage June 16-23rd. Students will learn from some of the places and experiences that shaped Dr. John Perkins in segregated Jackson, Mississippi. We will spend time with the Perkins family, visit some important markers in Perkins' life and the Civil Rights Movement, as well as visit Selma Bridge and the EJI museum and Memorial.
In this pilgrimage, we will recall America's racialized history, learn the origins and principles of Christian community development, and how it might shape our Christian formation towards justice moving forward.
Applications are due April 11th. Estimated Costs: $1100