

4:00 pm - 4:55 pm PLENARY SESSION
Welcome and Introductions
Keynote Presentation: Dr. Grace Wolf-Chase
Lecture Recording (access requires an SPU login)

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm PARALLEL SESSION 1
Oral Presentations: Biology, Chemistry, Health and Human Performance, History of Science, Mathematics
Digital Posters: OMH 119, OMH 135, OMH 138
Printed Posters: OMH Lobby (First Floor)

6:05 pm - 7:05 pm PARALLEL SESSION 2
Oral Presentations: Biology, Computer Science, Engineering, Physics
Digital Posters: OMH 119, OMH 135, OMH 138
Printed Posters: OMH Lobby (First Floor)

Schedule At-A-Glance (PDF)




5:00 pm - 5:15 pm Alessandro Rizzi and Helena Nguyen, "The Synthesis of Light-Up Luminescent Lanthanide Probes Responsive to RNA Aptamer’s Binding" (Presentation 12)
5:15 pm - 5:30 pm Lizzie VanBrunt, "Exogenous Glutamate Increases Long-Distance Plant Defense Signaling" (Presentation 2)
5:30 pm - 5:45 pm Abdullah Bashmail, The Modulation of Lipogenesis During MHV-68 Lytic Infection of NIH/3T3 Mouse Cells" (Presentation 11)
5:45 pm - 6:00 pm Morgan McGovern, "Glucose transporter expression of Murine Herpesvirus 68 infected NIH/3T3 cells" (Presentation 10)


5:00 pm - 5:15 pm Alicia Termini, Pamela Styborski, Esther Kim and Valerie Schulte, "Women’s Advancement of Genetics" (Presentation 37)
5:15 pm - 5:30 pm Yennifer Gaspar, Emma-lee Vu, Allen Diaz and Daria Parodi, "Women in medicine" (Presentation 38)
5:30 pm - 5:45 pm Dhyana Kida, Krysta Reese, Michelle Moxley, and Charlotte Howell, "Women in Aerospace" (Presentation 39) * Top Oral Presentation awardee
5:45 pm - 6:00 pm Lexi Hellums, Jessica Martinez, Nicki Yorges and Wanting Zhang, "Ruth Benedict's Contributions to Anthropology" (Presentation 40)


5:00 pm - 5:15 pm Javon Walker, "A Pilot Study to Compare Two Different Target Heart Rate Protocols on Perceived Exertion: Heart Rate Reserve vs. HRR and Heart Rate Variability" (Presentation 30)
5:15 pm - 5:30 pm Benjamin Granger, Anna Gorbenko and Briley Olson, "Foam rolling in daily environment: An observational study" (Presentation 32) * Top Oral Presentation awardee
5:30 pm - 5:45 pm Haley Yoshitomi, Vanessa Aniteye and Dieuthien Nguyen, "Pre-competition Anxiety in Female Track and Field Athletes: A Qualitative Research Design" (Presentation 34)
5:45 pm - 6:00 pm Alexis Verr, Francesca Casseus and Mackenzie Nevarez, "Investigation of Pre-Performance Rituals in Collegiate Male Soccer Players" (Presentation 35)


5:00 pm - 5:15 pm Jacob Medjo, Brynna Hansen and Zoie Bailey, "Adaptive immune response and fluctuation of the ectocervical microbiome in pig-tailed macaques infected with Mycoplasma genitalium" (Presentation 3)
5:15 pm - 5:30 pm Victoria Bowman, Gio Gonzalez and Morgan McGovern, "The cervicovaginal microbiome and PMN abundance of Mycoplasma genitalium infected pig-tailed macaques" (Presentation 4) * Top Oral Presentation awardee
5:30 pm - 5:45 pm Sophia Tekorius, "Newly Sequenced Genome of Sea-1 Strain of M. genitalium Provides Opportunity to Compare with Type Strain, Collected 30 Years Apart" (Presentation 5)
5:45 pm - 6:00 pm Yohannes M. Abraham, Kasey Quintero and Othman Alsaadi, "MgpB and MgpC antigenic variation and ectocervical pH conditions over time in pig-tailed macaques infected with Mycoplasma genitalium" (Presentation 6)


5:00 pm - 5:15 pm Silas Newby, Robin Santos and Patrick Kealohilani Balbas, "The effect of a foot strengthening program on risk factors for biomechanical compensatory injuries" (Presentation 29)
5:15 pm - 5:30 pm Allie Zacharias and Jenna Bouyer, "The Effectiveness of a Single Exercise Program on Hamstring Speed and Intensity in Female Athletes" (Presentation 31)
5:30 pm - 5:45 pm Jon Geiger, "ActivPAL Compliance, Reliability, And Activity Characteristics Of Remote Employees During COVID" (Presentation 33)
5:45 pm - 6:00 pm Julia Kumai and Caleb Travis, "Effects of a PNF Stretching Protocol on Anterior Pelvic Tilt and Range of Motion in Hamstrings in Young Adult and Middle-Aged Individuals" (Presentation 36)


5:00 pm - 5:15 pm Haylie Turner, "What Happened To The Integrity of The P-value?" (Presentation 41)
5:15 pm - 5:30 pm Allie Hanson, "Jump up, Super star!" (Presentation 42)
5:30 pm - 5:45 pm Emily Bogle, "Simulating Cancer Cell Migration with High Performance Computing" (Presentation 43) * Top Oral Presentation awardee
5:45 pm - 6:00 pm Madison Licari, "Exploring Linear Algebra Concepts Through SageMath" (Presentation 44)


Group A: 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm

OMH 119: Riley Pleas, Peter Felton, Pardeep Sharma, Thy Tran, and Jonathan Xu. "Gourmacracy." (Presentation 19)

OMH 119: Mercy Lelago, Binsa Bhandari, Issa Mathno and Ryan Graue. "Parityy." (Presentation 66)

OMH 119: Riley Peters and Brandon Hua. "The differential impact of environmental humidity on male and female walking pace variability." (Presentation 71)


OMH Lobby

Group A: 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Abigail Joppa, Bridget Erb and Cypress Payne. "OwieTracking." (Presentation 16)

Chenyang Wei and Vaughn Poon. "Different Size-Exclusion Elution Profiles for Similar MgpC Fragments Eluted at High Imidazole Concentrations." (Presentation 47)

Danny Pham, Owen Smith and Carrie Cox. "Carbon Sequestration and Forest Management." (Presentation 62)

Group B: 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm

David Mosoreti and Danny Pham. "Design and testing of a wireless buoy for fluid density measurements." (Presentation 46)

Megan Iliuc, Julia Gill, and Ethan Hwang. "Purification of Mycoplasma genitalium MgpC Protein Fragments for Antibody Binding Studies." (Presentation 50)

Anna Bursch. "Cardiovascular health and locomotive efficiency: the relationship between walking speed, heart rate variability, and stress." (Presentation 52) * Top Poster Presentation awardee

Mohammad Al-Na'ar. "Solar Energy in Kuwait." (Presentation 58)

Richo Abenojar, Brandon Hua, Mariah Kelley, and Tyler Ruch. "The Effect of Weightlifting Approaches on Heart Performance." (Presentation 72)




6:05 pm - 6:20 pm Yaira N. Ponce, Jessica E. Vester and Hera Beatrice F. Cadelina, "Exploring the Effects of Zinc Gluconate on Maternal Recognition in California Mice (Peromyscous californicus)" (Presentation 7)
6:20 pm - 6:35 pm Kaitlyn Liu and Anton Milan Brkic, "Exploring the Relationship Between Anosmia and Paternal Recognition in Peromyscus californicus" (Presentation 8)
6:35 pm - 6:50 pm Grace Barthelmess, Mollie Brown, Lexi Hellums, Mary Lerwick, and Eric Lopit, "Survivorship of Columbian black-tailed deer on a predator-free island" (Presentation 1)
6:50 pm - 7:05 pm Mathea Kurtz-Shaw, "An analysis of mesophotic macroalgal species richness and abundance in Puget Sound" (Presentation 9)


6:05 pm - 6:20 pm Andrew Macpherson, "James Webb Space Telescope Synopsis" (Presentation 45)
6:20 pm - 6:35 pm David Mosoreti and Danny Pham, "Design and testing of a wireless buoy for fluid density measurements" (Presentation 46)
6:35 pm - 6:50 pm Mercy Lelago, Binsa Bhandari, Issa Mathno and Ryan Graue. "Parityy." (Presentation 66)


6:05 pm - 6:20 pm Abigail Joppa, Bridget Erb and Cypress Payne, "OwieTracking" (Presentation 16)
6:20 pm - 6:35 pm Jason Woolley, Levi Dahlberg, Bosena Telila and Zachary Himes, "Financr" (Presentation 14)
6:35 pm - 6:50 pm Londone Watts, Kayla Jeter, Austin White and Roberto Hernandez-Ramirez, "Social Loopz" (Presentation 15)
6:50 pm - 7:05 pm Ethan Meyer, Jonathan Hacker and Abdu Mohamed, "Tile Trial" (Presentation 13) * Top Oral Presentation awardee


6:05 pm - 6:20 pm Gregory Maynard, Shubhajeet Baral, Khuong Do and Thuong Nguyen, "Pixel Walker" (Presentation 18)
6:20 pm - 6:35 pm Riley Pleas, Peter Felton, Pardeep Sharma, Thy Tran, and Jonathan Xu, "Gourmacracy" (Presentation 19)
6:35 pm - 6:50 pm Danielle Johnson, Karl Hynden, Jacob Encinas, Logan McCabe and Sammy Tessema, "Sun Tracking Solar Panel and Water Collection System" (Presentation 24)
6:50 pm - 7:05 pm Nicholas Godoy, Amos Jun, Ciello Magsanide, Eriko Nugroho, and Lansing Laws, "Down to Earth-Food Composter" (Presentation 25)


6:05 pm - 6:20 pm Lorenzo Martinez, Jasmine Salmeron, Marcela Soares Silveira, Hunter Hanay and Jack Kwon, "Trainr.Space" (Presentation 17)
6:20 pm - 6:35 pm Clara Hall, Drew Bell, Ethan Yoo, Justin Mak, Quan Nguyen and Wesley Tiff, "The Medicine Monitor" (Presentation 26)
6:35 pm - 6:50 pm Daynon Dang, Omar Garibay, Nate Geller, Saihou Jobe and Jason Smith, "Incentive Spirometer 2.0" (Presentation 27) * Top Oral Presentation awardee
6:50 pm - 7:05 pm Amanda Harkleroad, Andrew Harper-Smith, Muhammad Sesay and Ashlynn Burgess, "AAAMP Cart" (Presentation 28)


6:05 pm - 6:20 pm SPU Falcon Racing, "SPU Falcon Racing Peregrine" (Presentation 20)
6:20 pm - 6:35 pm Parker Charles Kehret, Chloe Moore and Luke Ahlquist, "The Green Home" (Presentation 22)
6:35 pm - 6:50 pm Alden Scherrer and Ryan Cresap, "The Flying Squirrel" (Presentation 23)
6:50 pm - 7:05 pm Colin Brenchley, Mohammed Ali, Sean Barbour and Kinnon McPeak, "Hybrid Magnetic Braking System" (Presentation 21)


Group A: 6:05 pm - 6:35 pm

OMH 119: Sophia Tekorius. "Identifying Two Potential Vasa Homologs in Hypsibius exemplaris." (Presentation 65)

OMH 119: Gabrialla Cockerell. "Data Abuse: An Investigation of Data, Algorithms, and Practices." (Presentation 67) * Top Poster Presentation awardee

OMH 119: Babra Ndiritu. "Women in Mathematics." (Presentation 68)

OMH 135: Silas Newby, Robin Santos and Patrick Kealohilani Balbas. "The effect of a foot strengthening program on risk factors for biomechanical compensatory injuries." (Presentation 29)

OMH 135: Javon Walker. "A Pilot Study to Compare Two Different Target Heart Rate Protocols on Perceived Exertion: Heart Rate Reserve vs. HRR and Heart Rate Variability." (Presentation 30)

OMH 135: Allie Zacharias and Jenna Bouyer. "The Effectiveness of a Single Exercise Program on Hamstring Speed and Intensity in Female Athletes." (Presentation 31)

Group B: 6:35 pm - 7:05 pm

OMH 135: Alexis Verr, Francesca Casseus and Mackenzie Nevarez. "Investigation of Pre-Performance Rituals in Collegiate Male Soccer Players." (Presentation 35)

OMH 135: Sagma Prajapati. "Relationship between number of steps and sleep." (Presentation 69)

OMH 138: Benjamin Granger, Anna Gorbenko and Briley Olson. "Foam rolling in daily environment: An observational study." (Presentation 32)

OMH 138: Haley Yoshitomi, Vanessa Aniteye and Dieuthien Nguyen. "Pre-competition Anxiety in Female Track and Field Athletes: A Qualitative Research Design." (Presentation 34)

OMH 138: Julia Kumai and Caleb Travis. "Effects of a PNF Stretching Protocol on Anterior Pelvic Tilt and Range of Motion in Hamstrings in Young Adult and Middle-Aged Individuals." (Presentation 36) * Top Poster Presentation awardee


Otto Miller Lobby

Group A: 6:05 pm - 6:35 pm

Yohannes M. Abraham, Kasey Quintero and Othman Alsaadi. "MgpB and MgpC antigenic variation and ectocervical pH conditions over time in pig-tailed macaques infected with Mycoplasma genitalium." (Presentation 6)

Eric Owsley. "Analysis of Acetyl-CoA Synthetase 1 (AceCS1) expression in MHV-68 infected cells." (Presentation 51)

Yohannes M. Abraham. "Ki67, CXCR3, and CCR6 hepatic T cells labeling in naïve and SIV-infected macaques." (Presentation 53) * Top Poster Presentation awardee

Amanda Harkleroad and Emily Bogle. "Simulating Cancer Cell Migration with High Performance Computing." (Presentation 57)

Jordi Scherrer, Hannah Buller and Rachel Millard. "Women in Engineering and Physics." (Presentation 59)

Morgan McGovern, Sam Smith, Nikki Au, and Jenn M-R. "Why Women in Chemistry are Overlooked for Nobel Prize Awards." (Presentation 60)

Abigail Hagen. "Pythagorean Theorem Number Theory for High School Students." (Presentation 61)

Brynna Hansen. "Identifying student conceptual resources for understanding circuits." (Presentation 63)

Group B: 6:35 pm - 7:05 pm

Morgan McGovern. "C-terminal Truncations of the Mycoplasma genitalium MG281 Protein Impair Immunoglobulin Binding." (Presentation 48)

Cameron Weller and Helena Nguyen. "Design and expression of two recombinant bacterial fragments allows direct comparison of two clinical timepoints." (Presentation 49)

Yohannes M. Abraham. "Quantification of Mx1+ T cells via hepatic zonation of naïve and SIV-infected macaques." (Presentation 54)

Brynna Hansen. "Bioinformatics analysis identifies putative Jak and Stat homologs in Hypsibius exemplaris." (Presentation 55)

Kalkidan Yekuno. "DNA extraction from bone of a black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) population on Blakely Island, WA." (Presentation 56) * Top Poster Presentation awardee

"A Natural Language Processing Approach for Categorizing Student Ideas in Introductory Calculus-based Physics." (Presentation 64)

Victoria Bowman. "Construction of MG281 mutants in Mycoplasma genitalium." (Presentation 70)