
Erickson Conference Photo Gallery

Team Deer
Dr. Eric Long, Brendan McMillen, Karissa Courtney, Julia Lippert and Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler
(not pictured: Trevor Hildebrand). They were awarded "Best Oral Presentation" for their talk,
"Blakely Island deer, developmental heterochrony and the Island Rule".

Island Rule
A slide from the Blakely Island deer talk that nicely illustrates how Island Rule applies to Blakely Island deer.

Andrea Belleville
Andrea presented some cool three-spine stickleback genetic analysis, done in Dr. Catherine
Peichel's lab at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

Angie Pell
Angie quantified the levels of heavy metals in moss samples collected at sea level and higher elevations. She was jointly advised by Dr. Ryan Ferrer (Biology) and Dr. Karisa Pierce (Chemistry).

Chelsea Spaniel
Chelsea Spaniel presented her analysis of calcium oxalate crystals in skunk cabbage on Blakely
Island. She was advised by Dr. Tim Nelson (Biology).

Gailynn Benjamin
Gailynn's research looked at the energetic costs of carrying a load. Her project was advised by Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler (Biology).

Grace Andrews
Grace presented research she did with Dr. Wade Grabow (Chemistry) to Rachel Johns. Katya
Bergeron (on the right) worked with Grace on another project they presented during the oral session.

Isabelle Yalowicki and Melissa Doja
Isabelle and Melissa worked with Dr. Cindy Bishop (Biology) to examine the level of bacterial contamination in makeup. The key take-home message: Don't Share Makeup!

Joseph Heindel and Elizabeth Knodel
Joseph Heindel (talking to Dr. Daniel Keene) and Elizabeth Knodel were both advised by Dr. Daniel
Schofield (Chemistry).

Keni Vignaroli
Keni Vignaroli describes her team's research to Dr. Derek Wood (Biology). This research was advised by Dr. Rick Ridgway (Biology).

Julian Conn Busch
Julian worked with Dr. Jenny Tenlen (Biology) to characterize the PIWI protein in water bears.
Here, he is describing his research to Loriel Arcangel (on the left).

Sierra Sanders
Sierra worked with Dr. Jenny Tenlen (Biology) to identify a homolog of Vasa, a key regulator of germ cell fate, in water bears.

Kyle Davies
Kyle analyzed electromyography data collected by his advisor, Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler, to
uncover sex-specific differences in timing of muscle activation in the gait cycle.

Leah Bouterse and Christina Childs
Leah and Christina were part of a team presenting results from the Genetics course research project.

Maya Swinehart, Mariah Conley and Grace Mammarella
Maya, Mariah and Grace presented data from their research with
Dr. Janet Bester-Meredith on the effects of impaired olfaction on California
mice aggression.

Nellie Hannah
Nellie analyzed the distribution of ulvoid algae in Puget Sound, advised by Dr. Tim Nelson (Biology).

Simone Helzberg
Simone participated in a research internship through Oregon Health & Science University, looking
at the effects of sex hormones on ACL injury in women.

Tayler Wyss and Thao Nguyen
Tayler and Thao's research with Dr. Rick Ridgway (Biology) was awarded a "Best Poster" prize.

Dr. Robert Lerch
Dr. Lerch's talk provided both an overview of his educational and career path, and a perspective on the challenges and rewards of vaccine development.