Welcome and Introductions (3:00 - 3:20 pm)
Otto Miller room 109
We will be welcomed by Dr. Bruce Congdon, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Division of STEM and Social Sciences. Theresa Britschgi, Director of STEM Support Services, Washington State Opportunity Scholarships (one of our sponsors), will recognize Washington State Opportunity Scholars who are presenting their research at the Erickson Conference this year.
Oral Presentations (3:30 - 5:05 pm)
Biology and Chemistry, Otto Miller room 128
3:30 - 3:50 pm |
Age Structure and Survivorship of Black-tailed Deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) on Blakely Island, WA. |
3:55 - 4:15 pm |
The energetics of human incline walking |
4:20 - 4:40 pm |
Thermoregulation variation in women during different phases of the menstrual cycle |
4:45 - 5:05 pm |
Uncovering Novel Genetic Pathways in Caenorhabditis elegans |
Mathematics, Otto Miller room 215
3:30 - 3:50 pm |
Baseball and Markov Chains: The Influence of the Power Hitter |
3:55 - 4:15 pm |
Connections Between the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence |
4:20 - 4:40 pm |
Eradicating Ebola in West Africa |
Computer Science and Engineering, Otto Miller room 245
3:30 - 3:50 pm |
Voice Cloud |
3:55 - 4:15 pm |
FloMeda |
4:20 - 4:40 pm |
Project C.E.R.B.E.R.U.S., An autonomous fire fighting robot |
4:45 - 5:05 pm |
"Brio Pack" Portable Refrigeration System |
Poster Presentations (5:15 - 6:30 pm)
Otto Miller Lobby and 2nd Floor
Dustin Kress and Laura DeWald. Characterization of a tertiary interaction found in the THF Riboswitch. Advised by Dr. Wade Grabow, Biochemistry.
Dylan Marashi and Tucker Rogers. Monitoring RNA nanoparticle assembly using a split-Spinach aptamer. Advised by Dr. Wade Grabow, Biochemistry.
Jennifer Burns and Nathaniel Ng. Aggression and infanticide: the effects of vasopressin on maternal behavior in Peromyscus californicus. Advised by Dr. Janet Bester-Meredith, Biology.
Nellie Hannah. Submerged Vegetation Monitoring Project: Videographic analysis of Ulvoid distribution. Advised by Dr. Tim Nelson, Biology.
Morgan Hasegawa, Andrew Kerlee and Bree Ferguson. Age estimation of Odocoileus hemionus columbianus on Blakely Island, WA, using M1 molar parameters. Advised by Dr. Eric Long, Biology.
Daniel Lee and Yarenni Mendoza. Investigating proline gene evolution in Agrobacterium spp using functional complementation. Advised by Dr. Derek Wood, Biology.
Cara Lord. Identifying a Homolog of the Conserved Germline Development Protein, GLD-1, in Tardigrades. Advised by Dr. Jenny Tenlen, Biology.
Jann Michael C. Macarulay and Kathryn Ushimaru. GIMO: Creation of transgenic P. berghei parasites expressing P. falciparum gene of interest ortholog for the prevention of liver stage development. Advised by Dr. Ashley Vaughan (ɬÀï·¬ BioMed) and Dr. Elena Brezynski, Biology. * Best Poster awardee
Grace Mammarella, Melissa Rowe and Mariah Conley. Defending your turf while anosmic: Can vasopressin compensate for loss of aggressive social behavior due to disrupted olfaction? Advised by Dr. Janet Bester-Meredith, Biology.
Kristin Neale. Overwintering of Ulva species in the Northeastern Pacific. Advised by Dr. Tim Nelson, Biology.
Patrick Nielsen. Identifying Homologs of the Conserved Cell-Signaling ProteinsDelta and Notch in Tardigrades. Advised by Dr. Jenny Tenlen, Biology.
Quinton Ouellette. Identification of mex-5 homologues in divergent nematodes. Advised by Dr. Jenny Tenlen, Biology.
Melissa Piontek and Samantha Boyle. Renal Secondary Hyperparathyroidism as the Proposed Cause of Satin Disease in Cavia porcellus. Advised by Dr. Cynthia Bishop, Biology.
Genny Roberts. Unraveling the Genome of Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Advised by Dr. Derek Wood, Biology.
Zach Ryan. Functional analysis of a conserved germline gene in tardigrades. Advised by Dr. Jenny Tenlen, Biology.
Rebecca Anne Marie Sebastian. Allelopathy in Euphorbia milii latex on heterospecific cut-flower longevity. Advised by Dr. Ryan Ferrer, Biology.
Maya Swinehart. Scent-Sational Attractions: Effects of Impaired Olfaction on Parental Behavior and Mating Behavior in the California mouse. Advised by Dr. Janet Bester-Meredith, Biology.
Haley Vincent. The indirect effects of sea star wasting syndrome on Mytilus edulis. Advised by Dr. Ryan Ferrer, Biology. * Best Poster awardee
John Grino and Hwanhee (Chris) Kim. Developing luminescence sensor used in measuring enzymatic activity of carboxylesterase 1/2 (CES 1 / CES 2). Dr. Minhee Lee, Chemistry.
Computer Science
Andrew English, Andy So, Eric Boe and Jimmy Hong. Study Buddy. Advised by Professor Elaine Weltz, Computer Science.
Michaela Gavigan, Devin Nichol, Gino Marquez and Isaac Graves. R.O.W. Advised by Professor Elaine Weltz, Computer Science.
Aaron Grider. Nanomagnet Logic Web Interface. Advised by Dr. Aaron Dinger, Computer Engineering. * Best Poster awardee
Aaron Grider, Isaac Wang and Van Nguyen. Voice Cloud. Advised by Professor Elaine Weltz, Computer Science.
Trenton Sanders, Adam Carlson and Thomas Lippert. TextOwl: The Definitive Reading Experience. Advised by Professor Elaine Weltz, Computer Science.
Alex Sharp, Ryan Tran, Mitchell Wall and Richard Wood. Country and Capital Learning Software. Advised by Dr. Ruth Ediger, Political Science.
Abdulrahman Almogbil, Yuki Matsubayashi, Gino Serra, Mitchell Wall and Rosemar Aquino. Pressure Light System. Advised by Dr. Adam Arabian, Engineering.
Jordan Banks, Jonathan Lewis, Byron Kim, Omar Almuhanna and Sarah Grace. Affordable Proximity Sensor for the Visually Impaired. Advised by Dr. Adam Arabian, Engineering. * Best Poster awardee
Adam Carlson, Michael Powell, Nick Rogers, Sam Siekmeier and Colin Wilkins. Excel-o-meter. Advised by Dr. Kevin Bolding and Dr. Adam Arabian, Engineering.
Jordan Dykstra, Travis Sitton, Josh Lorenzen, Matt Caton and Nathan Anderson. The Juicebox. Advised by Dr. Kevin Bolding, Engineering.
Nathan Fredrickson, Ashley Sonan, Jon Kettenring, Matt Christiansen and Dan Al Haidan. Fast-Reaction Self-Balancing Leg. Advised by Dr. Adam Arabian, Engineering.
Tyler Kehret, Ben Smith, Nathaniel Freed, Ronald Lopez and Nolan Smurro. Sensei System. Advised by Dr. Adam Arabian, Engineering.
Hannah Kim, Alec Hancock, Spencer Marshall, Ha Nguyen, Tin Nguyen. Autonomous Quiet Leaf Collector. Advised by Dr. Melani Plett and Dr. Adam Arabian, Engineering.
Linh Ngo, Conner O'Kinsella, Travis Gibson, Cameron Griffith, Yisel Navarro. Building Navigation System for the Visually Impaired. Advised by Dr. Adam Arabian, Engineering.
Spencer Noble, Christopher Li, Elisheva Zoolkoski, Andrea Alden-Glick and David Phillips. Wind4Water. Advised by Dr. Adam Arabian, Engineering.
Drew Svendsen, Ryan Fairchild, Joel Dugas, Brett Angelo and Sean Russell. Green Rain. Advised by Dr. Kevin Bolding, Engineering.
Keynote Address (7:30 - 8:30 pm)
Otto Miller room 109
Our keynote speaker is Dr. Barth Netterfield from the University of Toronto, who will discuss is research in balloon-borne astrophysics: "Researching the heavens as they declare the glory of God"