

WRI 1000: Academic Inquiry and Writing Seminar (5)


This course provides first-year college students an introduction to academic inquiry. Its central purpose is to immerse students in the types of reading, writing, and critical thinking required by their new community – the university. Key elements of the course include understanding the rhetorical and cultural contexts that impact reading, writing, and learning; practicing the critical reading of academic texts; learning to develop insightful lines of inquiry and complex claims; and developing skill in the processes and conventions that lead to successful academic writing.

Attributes: Academic Writing Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students only.

WRI 1100: Disciplinary Research and Writing Seminar (5)


This course continues the academic inquiry and writing skills of WRI 1000 by incorporating the elements and standards of college-level research and writing within a disciplinary context. Students use writing throughout the term as a tool to investigate and communicate information and ideas and to approach and answer complex questions. Key elements include learning to develop good research questions and lines of inquiry; writing in appropriate disciplinary genres; understanding the proper use of primary and secondary sources; evaluating, summarizing, analyzing, and synthesizing research; revising writing so as to develop and deepen ideas; and producing a culminating paper or project.

Attributes: Disciplinary Writing Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students only. Prerequisites: WRI 1000: C- or better

WRI 2930: Pedagogies of Tutoring (1,2)


Students hired to work at the Research, Reading, & Writing Studio will study and put into practice pedagogies of tutoring writing. Typically offered: Autumn, Spring, Winter. May be repeated for credit up to 4 credits.

Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded. Prerequisites: WRI 1100: D or better

WRI 4930: Writing Practicum (1-3)


Selected writing assistants will serve as a mentor to first-year students in a section of WRI 1100 under the direction of the faculty member teaching the course. May be repeated for credit 12 times.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded. Prerequisites: WRI 2930: D or better