

HEB 1201: Hebrew I (5)


Surveys the essentials of biblical Hebrew, including grammar, morphology, syntax, and vocabulary, through the translation of selected Old Testament texts. Typically offered: Autumn.

Equivalents: THEO 1201

HEB 1202: Hebrew II (5)


Surveys the essentials of biblical Hebrew, including grammar, morphology, syntax, and vocabulary, through the translation of selected Old Testament texts. Typically offered: Autumn.

Equivalents: THEO 1202 Prerequisites: HEB 1201: D or better OR THEO 1201: D or better

HEB 1203: Hebrew III (5)


Continues to survey the essentials of biblical Hebrew, including grammar, morphology, syntax and vocabulary. It seeks to provide a beginning knowledge of the exegetical task and the tools to achieve it. This course is meant to be taken in a sequence with Hebrew I and II. If the sequence is interrupted, a placement exam must be passed before the third quarter begins. Includes a translation of the book of Jonah. Typically offered: Spring.

Equivalents: THEO 1203 Prerequisites: HEB 1202: D or better OR THEO 1202: D or better