CRIM 2360: Introduction to Statistics in Social and Behavioral Sciences (5)
Presents the conceptual basis and application of statistical analysis in social and behavioral research. Includes descriptive statistics, correlation and regression, hypothesis testing and inferential statistics. An introduction to analysis of variance and non-parametric statistics will also be provided.
Equivalents: SOC 2360, PSY 2360
Attributes: WK Quantitative Reasoning
Restrictions: Criminal Justice, Psychology, Soc Justice/Cultural Studies, Sociology Majors, Minors, Concentrations only.
Prerequisites: (CRIM 1110: C- or better
OR SOC 1110: C- or better
OR PSY 1180: C- or better)
AND (Math Placement Level: B or better
OR MAT 0145: C- or better)
CRIM 2510: Criminology (5)
This course focuses on the nature, causes, and distribution of crime in the U.S. The first part of the course deals with definitional, methodological, and measurement issues in the field. The second part of the course focuses on the various social scientific attempts to explain criminal behavior and patterns of criminality. The third part of the course focuses more specifically on understanding particular types of criminal behavior: illegal drug use and crime, criminal homicide, rape, property crime, and white-collar crime. The primary concern will be an understanding of why it is that some ɬ (or groups) are more likely to engage in criminal behavior than others.
CRIM 3111: Policing and Communities (5)
This course examines the police as a profession, from both a historical and contemporary context. We will think about the police as a social institution, exploring the structure of police systems and the culture of policing, and how it is shaped by broader socio-cultural contexts. We will explore the major strategies of policing (e.g., community policing, “broken-windows”, Crisis Intervention Teams, etc.) and the implications for the communities they serve (e.g., minority communities). In the course, we will study issues in contemporary policing and consider police reforms, with a focus on policing in an urban environment Typically offered: Autumn.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: (CRIM 1110: C- or better
OR SOC 1110: C- or better
OR CRIM 2510: C- or better
OR SOC 2510: C- or better)
CRIM 3212: Criminal Law and Procedures (5)
This course covers the basic principles of criminal law such as the necessary components of a crime, the basic elements of specific criminal offenses, and legally recognized excuses and justifications. This course will also investigate the legal procedure that accompanies the offenses both before and after arrest. In particular, the constitutional constraints on the government investigation of crime will be examined. Topics include search and seizure, interrogations and confessions, eyewitness identification, stop and frisk, electronic surveillance, and the right to counsel. Typically offered: Winter.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: CRIM 1110: C- or better
OR SOC 1110: C- or better
OR CRIM 2510: C- or better
OR SOC 2510: C- or better
CRIM 3313: Prisons and Corrections (5)
This course examines corrections as an integral part of the criminal justice system, exploring issues of imprisonment, parole, and probation, with a focus on prisons as the main correctional institution. The course examines the organizational structure and culture of prisons, including the social roles of prisoners and prison guards. The course examines historical and contemporary practices of punishment and rehabilitation (e.g., mass incarceration, the death penalty, treatment of vulnerable populations, solitary confinement), and contemporary reforms.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: (CRIM 1110: C- or better
OR SOC 1110: C- or better
OR CRIM 2510: C- or better
OR SOC 2510: C- or better)
CRIM 3360: Mapping Crime: Geographic Info (3)
This course introduces students to the use of Geographic Information Systems to learn how to use GIS software to map geographic features related to crime. Students will be equipped to locate and use datasets related to patterns of crime and the built environment. Typically offered: Spring.
Equivalents: URB 3360
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: (SOC 2360: C- or better
OR CRIM 2360: C- or better
OR PSY 2360: C- or better)
AND (CRIM 1110: C- or better
OR SOC 1110: C- or better
OR CRIM 2510: C- or better
OR SOC 2510: C- or better)
CRIM 4170: Juvenile Delinquency (3)
This course examines issues and concerns around the problem of juvenile crime. Topics covered include defining and measuring juvenile delinquency; theories of juvenile delinquency; individual, neighborhood, and societal explanations of delinquency; the impact of families, schools, peers, neighborhoods, and gangs on juvenile crime; and how society responds to juvenile delinquency, including efforts aimed at prevention and rehabilitation. (Formerly CRIM 3170 Juvenile Delinquency.)
Equivalents: CRIM 3170
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: (CRIM 2510: C- or better
OR SOC 2510: C- or better)
CRIM 4250: Law and Social Change (5)
This course examines the relationship between law, justice, and social change, addressing how law and justice intersect to impact social change. The course explores how law shapes, and is shaped, by individuals, groups, organizations, and various levels of government. The course covers theoretical approaches to the sociology of law, the role of law and justice in society, and the implications for social change. (This course was formerly called Law, Injustice, and Social Change.) Typically offered: Alternate Years.
Equivalents: SOC 4250
Attributes: Upper-Division
CRIM 4870: Serial Killers and Psychopaths (5)
This course examines extreme forms of criminal homicide: serial murder, mass murder, terrorist attacks, school shootings, genocide, and cult killings. The primary focus will be on the biological, psychological, and social factors that allow us to understand and explain these events.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Criminal Justice, Sociology Majors, Minors, Concentrations only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: (CRIM 2510: C- or better
OR SOC 2510: C- or better)
CRIM 4899: Capstone: Alternative Justice (3)
This class provides an opportunity for students to reflect upon what they have learned in the criminal justice program and the significance of this knowledge for understanding contemporary issues in criminal justice. Students will reflect on how to partner with their communities to enhance security, justice and reconciliation. The class will address faith and ethical perspectives to criminal justice and consider alternative criminal justice models. Typically offered: Spring.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Criminal Justice Majors only. Senior students only.
CRIM 4900: Independent Study (1-5)
Student works independently with a faculty member on a mutually agreed upon topic. May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits. Typically offered: Occasionally. May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: CRIM 1110: C or better
CRIM 4940: Internship (1-5)
Provides opportunities for students to integrate course learning in Criminal Justice with applied field experience. The internship program is designed for Junior or Senior Criminal Justice majors in good standing. Internships will be under the direction of the department internship coordinator and must be of clear relevance to criminal justice. A minimum of 4 hours per week of field work is required for all internships. Each credit is roughly equivalent to 4 hours per week. A maximum of 10 credits may be applied to the major. May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Criminal Justice Majors only. Junior, Senior students only.
Prerequisites: CRIM 3111 can be taken concurrently: B or better
AND (CRIM 3212 can be taken concurrently: B or better
OR CRIM 3313 can be taken concurrently: B or better)
CRIM 4950: Special Topics (5)
Topics will vary. May be repeated for credit 1 time.
Attributes: Upper-Division