BUS 1700: Spreadsheets (1)
This tutorial course prepares students to take the initial MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) Excel exam. A full set of features for importing, managing, analyzing, formatting, and reporting spreadsheet data is covered. Practice exams help prepare students for the actual first-level MOS Excel exam, which is taken at the conclusion of the lessons. Passing the exam fulfills the spreadsheet competency requirement in SBGE.
Certification Fee (refundable)
BUS 2000: Purpose and Practice of Business (5)
Business touches all aspects of society and can either create or solve social problems depending upon how it is designed to operate. This class will explore the purpose and practice of business, with an emphasis on how business can serve the social good by providing products and services, meaningful employment, and support for other institutions. Students will develop their understanding of the interrelationships between financial information systems, product development, marketing and management as they create a business plan focused on serving a real world issue of contemporary social importance. Typically offered: Autumn, Spring, Winter.
Attributes: Ways of Engaging
Prerequisites: Math Placement Level: A or better
BUS 2330: Introduction to Sustainable Management (5)
This course will provide a general overview of the problems and opportunities provided by the challenges of sustainable management. In addition, the course will explore Christian themes and values that informs advancing human flourishing. Students will learn about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and what it means to manage for ɬ, planet, and productivity simultaneously. The class will also help students develop a system thinking approach to sustainable management issues and opportunities. Typically offered: Autumn.
Attributes: Ways of Engaging
BUS 2414: Legal Environment of Business (5)
Studies the relationship between law and business. Includes coverage of laws that impact the employer-employee relationship, product safety, advertising, contracts, business organizations, and business crimes and torts.
BUS 2500: Integrated Topics in Business, Economics and Political Science (5)
Many of today’s persistent social problems are so intractable precisely because they are complicated problems. They cut across so many domains of life that they defy easy solution. Therefore, to solve them one must tackle multiple dimensions. To that end, this class will consider a single social issue or problem from multiple disciplinary perspectives. A portion of each term will be taught by faculty members from different disciplines within SBGE and will address economic, political/ governmental, and commercial/ market-based considerations. May be repeated for credit 2 times.
Equivalents: POL 2500, ECN 2500
Attributes: Ways of Engaging
Restrictions: Undergraduate only.
BUS 2600: Managerial Communication (2)
Prepares students for communicating effectively in organizations. Topics include writing concisely and clearly; writing effective reports and business correspondence, including email and memos; delivering oral presentations; and mastering presentation software.
BUS 2700: Statistics for Business and Economics (5)
An introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics with emphasis on problems from business and economics. Topics include graphical representation of data, probability, discrete and continuous distributions, Central Limit Theorem, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, correlation and linear regression. Spreadsheet software is used for data management, analysis, and reporting. Typically offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring.
Attributes: WK Quantitative Reasoning
Prerequisites: (Math Placement Level: B or better
OR MAT 0145: C- or better)
AND (Spreadsheets Competency (SBGE): P or better
OR BUS 1700: C- or better)
BUS 2910: Internship and Career Strategies (1)
Assists students in finding an internship. Students will develop skills in resume and cover-letter writing; identifying and articulating strengths and skills; using resources for finding internships; interviewing and networking; and understanding the requirements for an approved business internship. It is recommended that students take this class during their freshman or sophomore year, and prior to applying for the major.
BUS 3250: Business Finance (5)
Studies the principles of financial markets, internal and external sources of funds and their costs to the firm. Includes management of working capital, capital budgeting, valuation issues, and financial planning.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Applied Mathematics, Business Administration, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Politics, Philosophy & Econ Majors, Minors, Concentrations only. Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: ACCT 2361: C- or better
AND Spreadsheets Competency (SBGE): P or better
BUS 3251: Investments (5)
Studies the basic problems and issues concerning development and implementation of a personal investment program. Includes analysis of investment risks, types of investments, securities markets and portfolio theory. Also considers securities analysis and valuation techniques.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Politics, Philosophy & Econ Majors only. Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: BUS 3250: C- or better
BUS 3330: Climate Change & Action (5)
This course will build an understanding of the underlying science of climate change and ways humans interact with the natural world. In addition, it will examine and develop an understanding of the current ways individuals and organizations measure and report their carbon footprint (and other environmental impacts) and potential mechanisms to mitigate that impact. Finally, students will explore issues of equity in both climate change as well as climate action solutions. Typically offered: Winter.
Attributes: Upper-Division
BUS 3541: Marketing and Society (5)
Studies the principles of marketing. Employs a systems approach to examine the impact of marketing on the quality of life. Considers both macro and micro dimensions of marketing.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration, Communication, Communication Studies, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Interior Design -Merchandising Majors, Minors, Concentrations only. Freshman students are excluded.
BUS 3542: Marketing Research (5)
Focuses on consumer and business insight generation through marketing research and data analytics. Examines exploratory, descriptive, and experimental methods. Applies statistical software, data analytics, and data visualization tools for collecting and processing data and for presenting findings.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration Majors only. Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: BUS 3541: C- or better
AND (MAT 2700: C- or better
OR BUS 2700: C- or better
OR MAT 2360: C- or better)
BUS 3544: Digital & Social Media Marketing (5)
Introduces various digital marketing topics including user experience and interface basic, website design, search marketing, digital advertising, re-targeting, email marketing, affiliate marketing, social media, content marketing, mobile, and emerging technology marketing. The course includes skill development regarding digital marketing platforms and tools.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration, Communication, Communication Studies Majors, Minors, Concentrations only. Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: BUS 3541: C- or better
BUS 3548: International Marketing (5)
This course examines the theory and application of international marketing from a global, rather than a U.S.-centered viewpoint. International management issues are examined both from the perspective of small and mid-sized businesses, as well as multinational firms. The course also focuses on ethical issues concerning the global diversity of customs and morals, environmental issues, and the impact of trade.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration Majors only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: BUS 3541: C- or better
BUS 3600: Gender and Leadership (5)
This course explores why women and men continue to have differing rates of representation in leadership roles in the workplace. Leadership styles, organizational practices, perceptual biases and other factors that influence leadership outcomes for men and women will be examined. The course reviews recent research from a variety of social science disciplines including social psychology, sociology, economics, political science, management and organization science.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
BUS 3614: Organizational Behavior for Managers (5)
An introduction to theory, research, and practice related to the management of human behavior in an organizational context. Course topics include individual characteristics, motivation, learning, communication, leadership, decision making, group dynamics, conflict, power, and politics. The course involves significant group activities and requires multiple oral presentations.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, Food and Nutritional Sciences, Global Development Studies, Information Systems, Nutrition and Dietetics, Politics, Philosophy & Econ Majors, Minors, Concentrations only. Freshman students are excluded.
BUS 3615: International Organizational Behavior (5)
An introduction to theory, research, and practice related to the management of human behavior in a global context. Course topics include individual characteristics, culture, motivation, communication, leadership, decision making, group dynamics, cultural diversity, conflict, and power, all examined in a cross-cultural setting. Only available on study abroad programs.
Equivalents: BUS 3614
Attributes: Upper-Division
BUS 3620: Management Information Systems (5)
Studies the processes for collecting, verifying, and processing information to assist management in making decisions to achieve the organization's goals. Software, hardware, networks, and electronic data interchange will be examined, with computer systems viewed as one part of the complete information system.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Information Systems Majors, Minors, Concentrations only. Freshman students are excluded.
BUS 3657: Human Resource Management (5)
An introduction to the management of human resources in organizations. Theory, research, and practice in the areas of human resources planning, job analysis and design, recruiting and staffing, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation, organization development, government regulation of HRM, and quality of work life will be studied.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration, Food and Nutritional Sciences, Interior Design -Merchandising, Nutrition and Dietetics Majors only. Freshman students are excluded.
BUS 3670: Management in the Nonprofit Sector (5)
The non-profit sector encompasses more than 1.5 million organizations across the United States. They play a key role in our society by operating in diverse areas and engaging in the initiation and implementation of many programs and services. However, one of the biggest challenges for non-profits and their leaders has been quality of management. Non-profit leaders must be prepared and equipped with the management skills essential to confront a multitude of challenges, including poverty, hunger, climate change, and more. In this course, students will learn how to create and manage a non-profit organization. Management topics addressed include fundraising, planning, and designing theory of change, planning (implementation and evaluation plans), reporting, and staff management. Typically offered: Autumn.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, International Sustainable Dev., Politics, Philosophy & Econ Majors only. Freshman students are excluded.
BUS 3680: Social Enterprise (3)
Examines "blended value" businesses designed to achieve both financial return and social benefit. Incorporates lectures, case studies, guest speakers, and preparation of a social enterprise business plan to study commercial ventures operated by nonprofit or for-profit organizations. Emphasizes the unique rewards and cultural, human resource, legal, and financial challenges of earned-income ventures within mission-based organizations. Grades for this course will be submitted after participation in spring quarter’s Social Venture Plan Competition.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Global Development Studies, Politics, Philosophy & Econ, Sustainable Management Majors, Minors, Concentrations only. Freshman students are excluded.
BUS 3682: Social Venture Planning (2)
A social venture provides a social service that is funded by a revenue-generating "engine". In this course, students will develop a business plan for a social venture that either enhances the revenue-generating capabilities of a social service agency, connects a social venture with a for-profit company's revenue stream, or creates a social venture start-up. Students will learn the components of a successful venture plan including market research, developing an operations strategy, creating financials and pitching their idea to potential donors and investors. Students completing this course will submit their plan to the Annual Social Venture Plan Competition during Spring Quarter.
Attributes: Upper-Division
BUS 3690: Inclusive Financial Services (5)
Examines microfinance as a tool to alleviate global poverty. Topics include lending methodologies, products, cultural and regulatory environments, financial analysis, and performance improvement of microfinance institutions, along with limitations and controversies surrounding the practice. Grounded in Christian theological understandings of economic development and human well-being.
Equivalents: ECN 3690
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Global Development Studies, Politics, Philosophy & Econ, Sustainable Management Majors, Minors, Concentrations only.
Prerequisites: ECN 2101: C- or better
BUS 3700: Quantitative Methods for Decision Making (5)
Uses computers for solving quantitative management decision problems. Topics typically included: applications of calculus, regression, logistics, risk analysis, linear programming, forecasting methods and advanced Excel.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Global Development Studies, Politics, Philosophy & Econ Majors only.
Prerequisites: (BUS 2700: C- or better
OR MAT 2700: C- or better
OR MAT 2360: C- or better)
BUS 3828: International Business (5)
Covers the major forms of international business including problems of licensing, production, marketing, import, and export; emphasizes relationships between theory and practice regarding management, government policy, and international problems.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Apparel Design, Apparel Merchandising, Business Administration, Economics, Global Development Studies Majors, Minors, Concentrations only. Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: ECN 2101: C- or better
OR ECN 2102: C- or better
BUS 3830: International Business Seminar (1-5)
Recommended Prerequisites: BUS 2000, BUS 3828. This course will be taught by an SPU faculty member at a location outside the United States for students who are part of the School of Business, Government and Economics Study Abroad program. The course will cover current topics in international business; the specific topics will vary from year to year. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
BUS 3950: Special Topics in Spirituality and Business (1-5)
This seminar-style course provides in-depth study of an issue related to Christian faith and business. The same topic cannot be taken for credit more than once. May take more than one offering per quarter with SAS registration. May be repeated for credit up to 9 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
BUS 4274: Problems in Corporate Finance (5)
Gives an in-depth treatment of the more critical aspects of financial decision making introduced in BUS 3250, utilizing lectures and case studies. Topics typically include mergers and acquisitions, forecasting and cash budgeting, valuation techniques, and capital structure issues.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration, Computer Science, Economics, Family and Consumer Sciences, Food and Nutritional Sciences, Textiles Clothing and Interior Majors only. Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: BUS 3250: C- or better
BUS 4275: The Practice of Finance (5)
Applies tools and concepts in all phases of finance to real situations through projects and case studies using Microsoft Excel.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Applied Mathematics, Business Administration, Economics, Politics, Philosophy & Econ Majors only. Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: BUS 3250: C- or better
BUS 4330: Sustainable Innovation (5)
In this course students will integrate and apply theories, knowledge and skills acquired in the sustainable minor courses to address a “wicked” problem. The course will emphasize systems thinking and development of a sustainability mindset. Students will recommend actions that address a wicked problem as well as address equity issues. Actions should recognize the interrelation between many of the sustainable development goals and thus be multi-solving in nature. Students will also explore the role of multi-stakeholder partnerships (business, government, and civil society) in addressing the issues. Typically offered: Spring.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: BUS 2330: C- or better
AND BUS 3330: C- or better
BUS 4543: Marketing Management (5)
Deals in depth with the planning, executing, and controlling of marketing strategies and tactics. Uses a computer simulation and a case format.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration Majors only. Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: BUS 3542: C- or better
BUS 4622: Information and Database Systems (5)
Database concepts and management issues are explored from information modeling to the implementation and application of a database. Topics include information modeling, database design and manipulation, query languages, integrity, reliability, distributed database, database management, design, and implementation of a database application. Typically offered: Alternate Years.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration, Information Systems Majors only. Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: BUS 3620: C- or better
BUS 4625: The Organization's Presence on the Net (5)
This course provides a framework for an organization to evaluate, create, and implement a successful net presence through the use of e-commerce tools. Information technology advances drive dramatic changes in every area of economic and personal life. Opportunities and challenges abound: fluid organizational structures; globalization; service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; networked communities; and supplier-producer-customer partnerships. Typically offered: Alternate Years.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration, Information Systems Majors only. Undergraduate only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: BUS 3620: C- or better
BUS 4631: Entrepreneurship (5)
BUS 2000 is a recommended prerequisite for this course. This course provides students with the skills to plan and start their own business, social enterprise, or product/service within an existing company. Topics will include market planning, production, management, financial and risk analysis. Students will develop a business plan.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, Global Development Studies Majors, Minors, Concentrations only. Freshman students are excluded.
BUS 4644: Operations Management (5)
Analyzes theory and application of the systems approach to production management. Provides a focus on the decision-making process, the design and control of manpower, materials, and machines in several production/service environments.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Information Systems Majors, Minors, Concentrations only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: BUS 3700: C- or better
BUS 4650: Data Analytics and Visualization (5)
Examines the principles and practices of data mining and information visualization including data analytics from a business perspective. Data mining is the computational process of discovering patterns in large data sets. Information visualization is the process of visually representing those patterns. Students will utilize tools and techniques to analyze large data sets in order to make sound business decisions. Data Analytics minors may take this course by receiving permission from the SBGE Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration, Computer Science - Systems, Economics, Global Development Studies, Information Systems, Political Science, Psychology Majors only.
Prerequisites: BUS 2700: C- or better
OR MAT 2700: C- or better
OR MAT 2360: C- or better
BUS 4660: Managing Systems (5)
This management course is a problem-focused look at organizational systems. Building upon a systems-theory model we will explore the macro-level issues and dynamics of whole organizations. Topics will include organization structure, technology, culture, context, power and politics, effectiveness, innovation, learning, and change. This is an applications-oriented course, in which our analysis of companies will be informed by theory and grounded in practice.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration Majors only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: BUS 3614: C- or better
BUS 4661: Special Topics in Management (1-5)
Students analyze current issues in improving the effectiveness of organizations. May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration, Global Engagement, Sustainable Management Majors, Minors, Concentrations only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
BUS 4690: Strategic Management (5)
Explores strategy formulation and implementation processes and the measurement of performance designed to aid organizations to achieve the purpose and objectives of both small and large businesses.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration Majors only. Post-Baccalaureate, Senior students only.
Prerequisites: BUS 3250: C- or better
AND BUS 3541: C- or better
AND BUS 3614: C- or better
AND BUS 3700: C- or better
AND BUS 4644 can be taken concurrently: C- or better
BUS 4700: Creating a Company (2)
Learn how to take your dream of starting a small business or social venture and put it into action. Students bring a business idea to the class, and develop skills to identify appropriate opportunities, choose and set up the right form of organization, develop a brand and marketing strategy, build sustainable operating processes, and identify sources of funding. This course is designed for senior students who have specifically indicated a desire to start a small business or social venture.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Senior students only.
BUS 4899: Business Ethics (5)
This senior-level capstone course explores various ethical theories and their application to the practice of business. Gives particular emphasis to Christian ethics and focuses on individual ethical decision making.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration, Computer Science, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Politics, Philosophy & Econ Majors, Minors, Concentrations only. Post-Baccalaureate, Senior students only.
Prerequisites: UFDN 3100 can be taken concurrently: D or better
AND (ECN 2101: C- or better
OR ECN 2102: C- or better)
BUS 4900: Independent Study in Business (1-5)
The student proposes a topic of current interest in business to a professor in the School of Business and Economics. The student meets with the professor to discuss a bibliography and rough drafts before turning in the final draft of a paper. A 5-credit independent study requires a total of 30 pages of written work. In general, the number of pages of written work must be six times the number of credits, or there must be equivalent work in exams or other requirements. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
BUS 4930: Business and Economics Practicum (1-3)
Selected students are assigned instructional support responsibilities. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Accounting, Business Administration, Economics Majors only. Freshman students are excluded.
BUS 4940: Internship (1-5)
Only available on study abroad programs. Provides opportunities for students to apply principles of business, faith, service and leadership in an organizational context. The internship must have a minimum time commitment of 100 hours during the quarter and be related to students' Business Administration major. A learning contract must be completed and approved by an SBE faculty member prior to the internship experience.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Business Administration Majors only. Freshman students are excluded.
BUS 4942: Internship Reflection and Professional Development (1)
An integrative course designed to provide the student with the opportunity to synthesize and demonstrate knowledge and skills developed in the functional business disciplines and through the student’s internship experience. Internship experience must be related to student's Business Administration major and have provided opportunities for student to relate and apply principles of business, faith, service, and leadership to a professional business setting. Requirements for instructor approval: (1)An Internship Approval Form must be completed by the student and the internship site supervisor and signed by the SBGE Internship Coordinator prior to the start of the internship. (2) Students must complete an approved internship (or be currently working at an approved internship) prior to enrolling in this class. (3) Students must register for this class within one calendar year of the start of the approved internship. Typically offered: Autumn, Spring, Winter.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Business Administration, Economics, Politics, Philosophy & Econ Majors only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: (BUS 2910: C- or better
OR GS 3001: C- or better)
BUS 4945: Advanced Internship (1-5)
Provides students with the opportunity to specialize their applied learning to discipline specific issues and questions through individualized guidance with a faculty sponsor in their concentration, first hand experience in their internship sites, academic research, and face-to-face interviews with professionals. May be applied to a business administrative elective. May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Business Administration Majors only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: BUS 4942: D or better