
Education: Mathematics

EDMA 6357: Teaching Secondary Mathematics (3)


Overviews content methods and strategies appropriate for the teaching of secondary school mathematics. Attention is given to developing standards of mathematical practice through the NCTM standards, the Washington State K-12 Learning Standards and the Common Core State Standards.

Restrictions: Graduate only.

EDMA 6431: Math Content and Processes for Elementary Teachers (3)


Enables teachers to deepen their understandings of the underlying principles and connections among ideas inherent in school mathematics by reviewing math content and processes. Areas for review include number and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and data analysis and probability. Processes for reviewing content include problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representations. Previews planning, instruction, and assessment methods for ensuring teachers engage their students in making sense of mathematics.

Restrictions: Graduate students only.

EDMA 6432: Elementary Math Methods (3)


Examines contemporary curricula, materials, and issues in teaching K-8 mathematics, with an emphasis on research, learning theory, pedagogy, and the use of technology. Gives attention to the development of appropriate instruction based on the NCTM standards and the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics.

Restrictions: Graduate only.

EDMA 6433: Math Methods for Elementary Teachers (3)


Enables elementary teachers to draw on their subject matter knowledge to devise pedagogically effective teaching strategies, such as the use of analogies, examples, and teaching tasks that represent the content accurately and help K-8 students come to understand the content. Includes strategies for building on and refining the mathematical understandings, intuitions, and resourcefulness that K-8 students bring to the classroom; organizing the skills and competencies required to do mathematics fluently around a set of core mathematical concepts; helping students use metacognitive strategies when solving mathematics problems; and engage K-8 student prior conceptions and misconceptions.

Restrictions: Graduate only. Prerequisites: EDMA 6431: D or better

EDMA 6900: Independent Study (1-5)


Student works with a faculty member on a mutually agreed upon topic.

Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate only.