

NUR 6010: Professional Nursing Concepts and Leadership (3)


Designed specifically for Registered Nurses who are beginning a program of study for the Masters of Science in Nursing. It is the first required course in the curriculum and is pre-requisite to all other required nursing coursework in the major. Course encourages self-directed study based on Adult Learner concepts. Facilitates adjustment to the education experience in general, to the teaching/learning role at SPU in particular, and to masters professional nursing education. Professional nursing is the focus of the course, extending from historical and philosophical concepts to contemporary trends, and future possibilities for the professional nursing role. Typically offered: Occasionally.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Graduate, Non-Matriculated students only.

NUR 6040: Population Health (3)


Analysis, application, and evaluation of community health nursing processes at the levels of family, small groups, community, and at-risk populations. Identification of community health diagnosis as the basis for interventions to maintain and/or promote health, prevent disease, and enable self-care within and by a community. Typically offered: Occasionally.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Graduate, Non-Matriculated students only.

NUR 6101: Professional Identity and Leadership in Inter-Professional Practice (3)


This course is designed to analyze theories and models of leadership and organizational behavior to apply in nursing practice. This course explores fiscal stewardship, management of resources, and strategic planning, including organizational change and conflict resolution. Critical analysis of personal and organizational communication and traits of effective leadership are applied to current healthcare delivery systems and practice issues. Typically offered: Occasionally.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Graduate only.

NUR 6103: Health Policy and Advocacy (3)


This course builds upon leadership theories and critiques nursing leadership responsibilities in health policy, planning and implementation of health policy, and the role of professional nursing in building health care systems of the future. Advocacy and the role of nursing in shaping health policy is explored. The role of government, lobbyist, and the inter-relatedness of policy, legislation, and regulation are critiqued regarding current health and nursing practice issues. Typically offered: Summer.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral only. Graduate, Non-Matriculated students only.

NUR 6106: Financial and Business Management for Nursing Leaders (1)


Overview of financial and business management concepts. Develops basic skills used in strategic and business planning, budgeting, and grant writing. Explores the legal and ethical environment in which businesses operate. Typically offered: Occasionally.

Restrictions: Graduate only.

NUR 6110: Writing for the Health Professional (2)


This course is designed to promote excellence in scholarly writing. Students will be required to use information technology to access scholarly literature and complete a variety of assignments aimed at improving scholarly writing using American Psychological Association standards. Typically Offered: Autumn.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral, Graduate only.

NUR 6209: Advanced Health Promotion and Holistic Health (3)


Analyzes primary prevention (health promotion and protection), secondary prevention, and community measures for assessing, monitoring, and implementing change for the health of communities. Examines epidemiological and selected evidenced based methods of assessing health outcomes for global populations. Considers health promotion factors that influence change at the individual and community level for application to clinical practice. Assesses current issues influencing health and health care systems. Typically offered: Occasionally.

Restrictions: Graduate students only.

NUR 6211: Advanced Health Assessment (3)


Provides the advanced practice nurse with the knowledge and tools to perform a comprehensive health assessment on adolescents, adults, and older adults. Uses experiential and didactic learning activities to facilitate development of evidence informed advanced assessment skills including systematic collection, organization, interpretation, integration, and communication of data. Emphasizes acquisition of critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills as well as on the collection and analysis of relevant data for the development of a comprehensive and holistic assessment. Typically Offered: Autumn.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral, Graduate students only. Fees: Graduate Nursing Lab Fee (refundable) , SHS Access Fee (refundable)

NUR 6211L: Advanced Health Assessment Lab (0)


Lab component of NUR 6211. Typically offered: Autumn.

Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate only. Fees: Graduate Nursing Lab Fee (refundable) , SHS Access Fee (refundable)

NUR 6213: Advanced Clinical Pathophysiology (4)


Investigates pathogenesis and physiology of human responses to stress and disease with analysis of selected clinical cases. Compares evidence with accepted health states, applying research based diagnostic methods, and diagnostic pathology are implemented. Extends basic A/P principles to analyze disease symptomology and pathogenesis. Typically offered: Occasionally.

Restrictions: Graduate only.

NUR 6214: Advanced Pharmacology 1 (3)


Prepares students with a foundation in pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice. The focus is on pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, adverse drug reactions, drug interactions, drugs in special populations, prescription-writing and the pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics of selected drug groups. Typically offered: Summer.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral, Graduate students only.

NUR 6301: Values, Faith and Ethics (3)


This course examines ethical and bio-ethical theories and decision making in the context of nursing practice, nursing leadership, and the current health care environment. Students explore the relationship between moral, faith, values development, and spirituality for their own professional practice. Integration of a Biblical understanding of ethics and values are discussed and contrasted with ethical theories and practice dilemmas. The American Nurses Association Code of Ethics and evaluation of respect for human dignity in professional practice and leadership is analyzed. This course provides opportunity for personal and professional synthesis. Typically offered: Spring.

Attributes: Theological Reflection Course Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate, Non-Matriculated students only.

NUR 6310: Quality Improvement & Program Evaluation (3)


Many strategies are utilized within healthcare systems to improve quality and safety. This course will focus on understanding systems of benchmarks, outcomes, and quality indicators to improve care and develop sustainable methods. In order to analyze quality, students will focus on the components and attributes of settings, the process of practices, and the impact of care on health status. Management practices will be discussed as these lead to improvement in healthcare quality and safety. Students will be expected to review different system models and develop a plan within their specialty area (may include clinical internship hours). Typically offered: Occasionally.

Restrictions: Graduate students only.

NUR 6311: Practice Inquiry 1: Foundations of Evidence Based Practice (3)


This course provides a foundation of research concepts to generate research and utilize data to improve practice and care decision-making. Various methodologies and mechanisms of interpreting data in both the qualitative and quantitative research trajectories are analyzed. This course integrates theoretical and practice guidelines to examine evidence-based practice. Students generate and differentiate between answerable research questions, systematic review of research evidence, critique strategies, and appraisal of reliability, validity, and applicability to a specific nursing or health problem or specific patient population. This course provides the required foundation for student work on a clinical scholarly project (capstone). Typically offered: Occasionally.

Restrictions: Graduate, Non-Matriculated students only.

NUR 6312: Practice Inquiry 2: Synthesis and Translation of Evidence for Practice (3)


Students will develop skills to critically evaluate and synthesize evidence for translation to clinical practice. Analyze and apply methodologies for implementing evidence into practice. Examine methods of designing, implementing, evaluating, and sustaining processes to improve practice and healthcare outcomes. Second course in the Practice Inquiry series. Typically offered: Occasionally.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Graduate students only.

NUR 6510: Healthcare and Patient Care Technology (3)


With the proliferation of computer use and information management systems, all nurses must interface with computer technologies. Healthcare delivery involves complex processes that require interdisciplinary teamwork and frequent communication among health care providers using constant changing technology. This course focuses on understanding the theoretical underpinning of technology systems, the impact on patient care and analysis of interface of computer technologies within the health care system. Data base utilization to augment enhanced performance outcomes will be addressed as well as legal, ethical and social issues surrounding technology (may include clinical internship hours). Typically offered: Occasionally.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Graduate only.

NUR 6805: Crs Dev&Prof Role for Nur Ed (3)


Includes philosophy of nursing education pedagogy, curriculum design, research, publishing, interpersonal dynamics and team-work in academic and practice settings, functioning within institutional expectations, developing a teaching portfolio, legal issues, and future directions in nursing education. Strategies of adult learning, teaching and evaluation are analyzed. Typically offered: Occasionally.

Restrictions: Graduate only.

NUR 6806: Professional Role Seminar (3)


This course provides the student with theoretical principles and skills to develop her/his professional leadership role within complex health care systems. Transition into advanced nursing practice roles is facilitated. The nursing profession and leadership responsibilities of nurses in diverse practice roles, the requirements for, and regulation of these roles are discussed. The importance of working effectively with interprofessional teams to deliver health care is emphasized. The professional expectation that the master's prepared nurse exert leadership not only within the profession but also in the health care delivery system is critical to professional role development. Typically offered: Occasionally.

Restrictions: Graduate only.

NUR 6898: Clinical Leadership Capstone 1 (1)


The capstone experience is designed to provide the student with the opportunity to integrate key concepts related to quality improvement, global healthcare, patient safety, economics of health care, health policy, informatics, organizations and systems, communication and interprofessional practice within a population or special area. This course is the first of two courses. The focus of the first course is the planning and design of the clinical capstone project. (Also requires clinical internship hours). Typically offered: Occasionally.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Graduate only. Fees: Graduate Nursing Lab Fee (refundable)

NUR 6899: Clinical Leadership Capstone 2 (1)


This course is the second in the series and is a continuation of the first capstone course. The capstone experience is designed to provide the student with an opportunity to integrate key concepts from the curriculum into professional practice. The focus of this second course is the implementation and evaluation of the clinical capstone project. (Also requires clinical internship hours). Typically offered: Occasionally.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Graduate only. Prerequisites: NUR 6898: B or better Fees: Nursing Fee (refundable)

NUR 6900: Independent Study (1-5)


Emphasizes individual study of nursing, health care or issues related to these major concepts planned within the scope and expertise of nursing faculty advisors. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Graduate only.

NUR 6941: Internship: Nurse Educator and Clinical Leadership in Practice (1-3)


Clinical theory, EBP, and leadership skills are implemented within a clinical focus; guided internship setting. Opportunity to advance skills and clinical judgment within selected patient care delivery systems are provided. Competency and professional role within specialty pathway and under supervision of an advanced clinical preceptor are assessed. A minimum set of internship hours and clinical competencies for specialty standards are required. Typically offered: Occasionally. May be repeated for credit up to 12 credits.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Graduate only. Fees: Grad Nursing Internship Fee (refundable)

NUR 6955: Special Topics (1-5)


Students will work on specialized areas of interest with faculty in advanced nursing coursework. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Graduate only.

NUR 7101: Professional Identity and Leadership in Inter-Professional Practice (3)


Focuses on professional identity and responsibilities of advance practice nursing; advanced communication strategies specific to professional communication and leadership; contemporary leadership approaches within complex health care systems; and inter-professional teamwork skills needed to assess and transform practice environments and facilitate change for individuals, and organizations. Typically offered: Autumn.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only.

NUR 7104: Foundations of Healthcare Delivery Systems, Economics, and Finance for Advanced Practice Nursing (3)


Provides an overview of healthcare delivery in the context of economics, finance and organizational systems. Addresses the relationship between organizational theory and behavior to transform patient-centered care and improve health outcomes. Students will analyze care delivery systems focusing on stewardship, economics, management of resources, and cost-quality evaluation to enhance value in healthcare delivery. Typically offered: Winter.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only.

NUR 7105: Professional Issues and Role Transition (2)


Focuses on the presentation and analysis of health care trends, key professional issues influencing advanced practice nursing, and professional leadership role in today’s healthcare environment. Facilitates transition from student to professional entering advanced nursing practice. Typically offered: Winter.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only.

NUR 7106: Financial and Business Management for Advanced Practice Nursing (1)


Overview of financial and business management concepts. Develops basic skills used in strategic and business planning, budgeting, and grant writing. Explores the legal and ethical environment in which businesses operate. Typically offered: Winter.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only.

NUR 7209: Advanced Health Promotion for Population Health (4)


Focuses on the analysis of health promotion, disease prevention, risk reduction theories, and evidence based practices through the lifespan. Analyzes social, psychological, biological, environmental, and cultural factors to assess social determinants of health, health disparities, and vulnerability in individuals, populations, and communities. Focuses on the analysis, application, and evaluation of community health nursing processes and health promotion strategies as applied to the delivery of clinical services to improve public health, reduce disparities, provide leadership in delivery of care, and synthesize one’s clinical role with public health. Typically offered: Winter.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only.

NUR 7212: Clinical Reasoning and Advanced Health Assessment (3)


Provides the advanced practice nurse with the knowledge and tools to perform a problem focused health assessment on adolescents, adults, and older adults. Uses experiential and didactic learning activities to outline a framework for systematic collection, organization, interpretation, integration, and communication of data regarding the assessment of symptoms and physical exam findings. Emphasizes further development of critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgement in the collection of an in-depth symptom analysis, selection of appropriate examination techniques, and interpretation/synthesis of data to formulate a differential diagnosis. Typically offered: Winter.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only. Prerequisites: NUR 6211: B or better Fees: Lab Fee (refundable)

NUR 7212L: Clinical Reasoning and Advanced Health Assessment Lab (0)


Component of NUR 7212. Typically offered: Winter.

Restrictions: Doctoral only. Fees: Lab Fee (refundable)

NUR 7213: Advanced Clinical Pathophysiology (4)


Investigates human responses to stress and disease by analyzing selected clinical cases, comparing study findings with accepted health states and applying research-based diagnostic methods. Studies pathophysiology of common conditions including epigenetics and psychiatric disorders; enhances integration of concepts learned through presentation, discussion, and literature review. Typically offered: Spring.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only.

NUR 7215: Advanced Pharmacology 2 (4)


Advances core primary care pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Registered Nurse clinical practice, including case study application of advanced pharmacodynamics, and pharmacokinetics for more complex disease management. Typically offered: Autumn.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only.

NUR 7309: Scientific Foundations of Nursing Theory & Practice (3)


Course explores the philosophical, ethical and scientific underpinnings for nursing to build a scholarly understanding of the discipline. Drawing on a critical analysis of the knowledge and methods from biophysical, social, behavioral, and organizational sciences, the course will address frameworks, concepts and modes of inquiry that frame the knowledge of advanced practice nursing. The foundational knowledge of nursing science will prepare students to critically read, analyze and apply research in advanced nursing roles. Typically offered: Autumn.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral only. Non-Matriculated students only.

NUR 7310: Quality Improvement and Program Evaluation (3)


Course will focus on understanding the impact of systems and its benchmarks, outcomes and quality indicators to improve health care. The course prepares students to assess, design, implement and evaluate evidence-based quality health care practices in a variety of healthcare contexts. Emphasis on continuous process improvement and program evaluation to achieve high quality health care outcomes with application of course concepts to practice. Typically offered: Summer.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only.

NUR 7311: Practice Inquiry 1: Foundations of Evidence Based Practice (3)


Course provides the student with the knowledge and skills to obtain, understand and critique theory and research from nursing and related fields as a basis for evidence-based practice. Emphasis is on major methods for scholarly research with particular attention to analyzing, interpreting and summarizing results as a foundation for practice-based inquiry. The role of the advanced practice nurse to ensure ethics and advocacy in research and evidence-based practice is also addressed. First course in the Practice Inquiry series. Typically offered: Winter.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only.

NUR 7312: Practice Inquiry 2: Synthesis and Translation of Evidence for Practice (3)


Students will develop skills to critically evaluate and synthesize evidence for translation to clinical practice. Analyze and apply methodologies for implementing evidence into practice. Examine methods of designing, implementing, evaluating, and sustaining processes to improve practice and healthcare outcomes. Second course in the Practice Inquiry series. Typically offered: Spring.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only.

NUR 7510: Informatics in Advanced Practice Nursing (1)


An introductory seminar providing an overview of health informatics including applications for care delivery, use of data for health promotion, planning and evaluation of health outcomes. Provides a foundation for informatics concepts and competencies integrated into subsequent course offerings. Includes topics regarding terminology, framework for knowledge, clinical information systems, information literacy, legal and ethical dimensions, and new technologies for patient- and healthcare systems. Typically offered: Autumn.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only.

NUR 7710: Advanced Practice Nursing in Pediatric Primary Care (4)


Prepares the advanced practice nurse to provide care for the pediatric population, from birth through adolescence. Emphasizes the integration of advanced practice nursing process and theory, critical thinking, clinical reasoning, clinical judgement, and evidence based practice with techniques of clinical health assessment and management of infants, children, and adolescents. Didactic content addresses advanced history taking; physical and developmental assessment; wellness promotion and illness prevention; comprehensive diagnosis and management of common health problems; and follow-up care for children with both acute and chronic conditions. Strong emphasis is placed on health promotion; disease prevention; and providing ethical and culturally competent care to underserved, marginalized, and diverse patients/populations. Typically offered: Spring.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only.

NUR 7720: Advanced Practice Nursing in Gerontology (3)


This course focuses on evidence-based, patient-centered care at the individual and population level in the assessment and management of older adults with multiple chronic conditions, including prevention and management of geriatric syndromes. Analysis of the healthcare delivery system to support optimal care transition, maximizing quality and function across the health continuum and care settings. Strong emphasis is placed on health promotion; disease prevention; and providing ethical and culturally competent care to underserved, marginalized, and diverse patients/populations. Typically offered: Autumn.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral, Non-Matriculated students only. Fees: SHS Access Fee (refundable)

NUR 7730: Advanced Practice Nursing of Adults in Acute Care (3)


This course provides the clinical nurse specialist (CNS) student opportunities to increase the depth of their acute care knowledge and the integration of the CNS competencies and spheres of influence in the hospitalized, acutely ill adult patient. Students will synthesize knowledge of complex disease, multisystem pathophysiology, and advanced physical assessment to plan, implement and evaluate evidence-based, clinical management for patients with selected clinical problems. A central focus will be on strategies to guide effective use of clinical protocols, direct patient care, intra- and interprofessional consultation, and system-level interventions to improve health outcomes for the selected populations. Typically offered: Winter.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral, Non-Matriculated students only.

NUR 7740: Advanced Clinical Management 1: Acute and Chronic Conditions in the Adolescent and Adult Patient (3)


Prepares the advanced practice nurse to provide care for select common conditions in adolescents and adults. Emphasizes the integration of advanced practice nursing process and theory, critical thinking, clinical reasoning, clinical judgement, and evidence based practice with techniques of clinical health assessment and management of adolescents and adults. Didactic content addresses comprehensive diagnosis and management of common health problems and follow-up care for patients with both acute and chronic conditions. Strong emphasis is placed on health promotion; disease prevention; and providing ethical and culturally competent care to underserved, marginalized, and diverse patients/populations. Typically offered: Winter.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only.

NUR 7741: Advanced Clinical Management 2: Chronic and Behavioral Health Conditions in the Adolescent & Adult (4)


Prepares the advanced practice nurse to provide care for select common, complex chronic, and behavioral health conditions in adolescents and adults. Emphasizes the integration of advanced practice nursing process and theory, critical thinking, clinical reasoning, clinical judgement, and evidence based practice with techniques of clinical health assessment and management of adolescents and adults. Didactic content addresses comprehensive diagnosis, management, evaluation, and follow-up of chronic, behavioral health, and multi-system complex conditions. Strong emphasis is placed on health promotion and providing ethical and culturally competent care to underserved, marginalized, and diverse patients/populations. Typically offered: Summer.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only.

NUR 7742: Advanced Clinical Management 3: Gender-based Care and Obstetrics in the Adolescent and Adult Patient (3)


Prepares the advanced practice nurse to provide care for select gender related conditions and obstetrical care. Emphasizes the integration of advanced practice nursing process and theory, critical thinking, clinical reasoning, clinical judgement, and evidence based practice with techniques of clinical health assessment and management of adolescents and adults. Didactic content addresses wellness promotion, illness prevention, and comprehensive diagnosis and management of common health problems and follow-up care for pregnant women as well as clients with both acute and chronic gender related conditions. Strong emphasis is placed on health promotion and providing ethical and culturally competent care to underserved, marginalized, and diverse patients/populations. Typically offered: Autumn.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only.

NUR 7900: Independent Study (1-5)


Emphasized individual study of nursing, health care or issues related to these major concepts planned within the scope and expertise of nursing faculty advisors. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only.

NUR 7930: Simulation and Field Experience Practicum for the Nurse Practioner (2)


This primary care practicum continues to expand the knowledge of health assessment principles specific to the role of the nurse practitioner within the student’s targeted specialty population. Emphasis is on the utilization of critical thinking, relevant theories of health and illness, and evidence-based practice to assess, diagnose, manage, and evaluate common health care problems, disease prevention, and health promoting strategies. The course integrates content from prior coursework and uses a standardized patient case-based format as well as field experiences. Typically offered: Spring.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only. Fees: Lab Fee (refundable)

NUR 7931: Advanced Practice Clinical Practicum I: Nurse Practitioner (5)


This primary care practicum continues to expand the knowledge of health assessment principles specific to the role of the nurse practitioner within the student’s targeted specialty population. Emphasis is on the utilization of critical thinking, relevant theories of health and illness, and evidence-based practice to assess, diagnose, manage, and evaluate common health care problems, disease prevention, and health promoting strategies. The course integrates content from prior coursework and uses a standardized patient case-based format as well as field experiences. Typically offered: Summer.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only. Fees: Grad Nursing Internship Fee (refundable)

NUR 7932: Advanced Practice Clinical Practicum II: Nurse Practitioner (5)


This is the second in a series of practica and connected clinical seminars that continues to expand nurse practitioner competencies in complex health care management for individuals and populations. With minimal to moderate assistance, students develop evidence-based approaches to assessment, differential diagnosis, and management, considering cultural, socio-economic and diversity factors for their practice population. The course integrates content from prior coursework and includes exploration and analysis of leadership roles; and identifying practice inquiry questions related to health or system concerns. Utilizes skills of self-reflection and self-analysis to evaluate ongoing development of advance practice competency with plan for continued professional development. Typically offered: Autumn.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only. Prerequisites: NUR 7931: B or better Fees: Grad Nursing Internship Fee (refundable)

NUR 7933: Advanced Practice Clinical Practicum III: Nurse Practitioner (5)


This is the third in a series of practica and connected clinical seminars that continues to expand nurse practitioner clinical competencies with emerging independence in management of patient problems. Focuses on integration and application of evidence-based approaches to assessment, diagnosis, and management of complex clinical problems in primary care. Emphasis is on the synthesis of advanced knowledge and skills with management of complex clinical problems utilizing inter-professional collaboration, leadership role development and systems thinking to improve healthcare outcomes. Utilizes skills of self-reflection and self-analysis to evaluate ongoing development of advance practice competency with plan for continued professional development. Typically offered: Spring.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only. Prerequisites: NUR 7932: B or better Fees: Grad Nursing Internship Fee (refundable)

NUR 7934: Simulation and Field Experience Practicum for the Clinical Nurse Specialist (2)


This practicum continues to build on knowledge of previous course work and specific principles of the advanced practice nurse and the core competencies for the clinical nurse specialist (CNS). Students will work within three spheres of influence: patient/family, nursing and other health care personnel, and organizational systems utilizing a multidisciplinary approach through application and integration of theory, practice inquiry, and clinical knowledge. Emphasis is on clinical judgment, assessment, interdisciplinary collaboration, and communication. Concepts of role development for consultation, coaching and mentoring will be integrated with CNS specific simulation exercises, case based scenarios, and field experiences. Typically offered: Spring.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only. Fees: Lab Fee (refundable)

NUR 7935: Advanced Practice Clinical Practicum I: Clinical Nurse Specialist (5)


This is the first in a series of practica and connected clinical seminars designed to provide the clinical nurse specialist student with opportunities to develop advanced nursing practice competencies within the specialty population (e.g. Adult/Gerontology) across a variety of health care settings with moderate assistance. Emphasis is on the utilization of clinical reasoning, relevant theories of health and illness, and evidence-based practice to advance leadership skills, clinical judgment, advocacy and a caring practice within care delivery systems. The course integrates content from prior coursework and includes beginning exploration of leadership roles and identification of practice inquiry questions related to health promotion, health care delivery, and system concerns. Typically offered: Summer.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only. Fees: Grad Nursing Internship Fee (refundable)

NUR 7936: Advanced Practice Clinical Practicum II: Clinical Nurse Specialist (5)


This is the second in a series of practica and connected clinical seminars designed to provide the clinical nurse specialist student with opportunities to develop advanced nursing practice competencies with a targeted patient population from diverse backgrounds across a variety of health care settings with minimal to moderate assistance. Emphasis is on the utilization of critical thinking, relevant theories of health and illness, and evidence-based practice to assess, diagnose, treat and evaluate health care problems across the age-span of specialty focus. The course integrates content from prior coursework and includes exploration of leadership roles and identifying practice inquiry questions related to common health or system concerns. Utilizes skills of self-reflection and self-analysis to evaluate ongoing development of advance practice competency with plan for continued professional development. Typically offered: Autumn.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only. Prerequisites: NUR 7935: B or better Fees: Grad Nursing Internship Fee (refundable)

NUR 7937: Advanced Practice Clinical Practicum III: Clinical Nurse Specialist (5)


This is the third in a series of practica and connected clinical seminars designed to provide the clinical nurse specialist student with opportunities to develop advanced nursing practice competencies with a targeted patient population from diverse backgrounds across a variety of health care settings with emerging independence. Emphasis is on the utilization of critical thinking, relevant theories of health and illness, and evidence-based practice to assess, diagnose, treat and evaluate health care problems across the age-span of specialty focus. The course integrates content from prior coursework and includes exploration of leadership roles and identifying practice inquiry questions related to common health or system concerns. Utilizes skills of self-reflection and self-analysis to evaluate ongoing development of advance practice competency with plan for continued professional development. Typically offered: Winter.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only. Prerequisites: NUR 7936: B or better Fees: Grad Nursing Internship Fee (refundable)

NUR 7938: DNP Immersion Practicum (1-7)


This course is a concentrated immersion experience to implement the doctorally prepared advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) role in preparation for independent entry-level practice. Focus will be on the integration and application of APRN competencies, leadership strategies and practice inquiry as they relate to care management from wellness to acute care in the context of the individual, population/community, and health system. Course taken over multiple quarters for a total of 7 credits. Typically offered: Spring. May be repeated for credit up to 7 credits.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only. Prerequisites: (NUR 7937: B or better OR NUR 7933: B or better) Fees: Grad Nursing Internship Fee (refundable)

NUR 7939: Advanced Practice Synthesis Practicum: Post-Masters APRN (1-8)


This synthesis course integrates Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) competencies for the post-Master’s board certified advanced practice registered nurse (APRN). Focus will be on the synthesis of the application of DNP competencies within the APRN specialty at an organizational level and the most advanced level of APRN practice. Course is taken over three (3) consecutive quarters for a total of 9 credits. Typically offered: Occasionally. May be repeated for credit up to 9 credits.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only.

NUR 7955: Special Topics (1-5)


Students will work on specialized areas of interest with faculty in advanced nursing coursework. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only.

NUR 7995: DNP Scholarly Project Proposal (3)


The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) project exemplifies scholarship of advanced nursing practice for the DNP student. Students will synthesize, integrate and translate newly acquired knowledge and skills from previous DNP courses. Translational research methods and implementation and dissemination sciences are foundational to the project. This is the first in a sequence of courses guiding the development and dissemination of a scholarly work that contributes to evidence-based practice in a nursing specialty. Emphasis for this course will be on proposal development. Typically offered: Autumn.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only.

NUR 7996: DNP Scholarly Project (2-5)


This course continues the process of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) project as described in the DNP Scholarly Project Proposal course. Emphasis will be on the implementation, evaluation, and sustainability of the project. Conducted under the guidance of a faculty advisor. Variable credit with minimum requirement of 4 credits total. Typically offered: Autumn, Spring, Summer, Winter. May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.

Restrictions: Health Sciences only. Doctoral students only. Prerequisites: (NUR 7995: P or better)

NUR 7997: DNP Scholarly Project Completion (1)


This course is the culmination of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Scholarly Project. Emphasis will be on deliverables and the dissemination of the project. Conducted under the guidance of a faculty advisor. Typically offered: Autumn, Spring, Summer, Winter.

Restrictions: Doctoral only. Prerequisites: (NUR 7996 can be taken concurrently: P or better)