
Education: Special (EDSP)

EDSP 6642: Individualized Education Programs (3)


Covers development and implementation of Individualized Education Programs (IEP). Content is aligned with requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, such as evaluation, eligibility, initial meeting, provision of service, assessment of progress, review meeting, and reevaluation. Additional topics include present level of performance, transitions, and work with families, among others.

Equivalents: EDSP 4642

EDSP 6644: Educating Exceptional Students (3)


Examines the learning needs of students with a wide variety of disabilities with a special emphasis on strategies for the inclusion of these students in the general education curriculum. Students will become aware of specific accommodations, modifications, as well as the need for specially designed instruction. Students will also receive an overview of the requirements of special education law as outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and other legislation.

Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate students only.

EDSP 6646: Severe Disabilities (3)


Defines severe disabilities or low-incidence. Explores the characteristics of individuals identified with severe disabilities, their unique educational and service delivery needs, family and community issues, theoretical approaches, as well as instructional strategies, applications and supports. Emphasis given to effective teacher practices, age-appropriate programming, positive behavioral support, communication skills, and collaborative teaming for ensuring students maximize their potential.

Equivalents: EDSP 4646

EDSP 6648: Teaching Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (3)


Examines issues related to Emotional Behavioral Disabilities (EBD) including law and policy, racial and ethnic disparities, and historic and philosophic approaches that inform current programming. Prevention and intervention strategies covered, including individual and system-side perspectives that integrate mental health, academic instruction and behavioral interventions. Etiology, medical and educational diagnosis, characteristics of internalizing and externalizing behaviors, as well as family and community issues investigated.

Equivalents: EDSE 5944, EDSP 4648

EDSP 6651: Special Education Assessment (3)


Teaches diagnostic and evaluative procedures commonly used with exceptional children. Includes construction of criterion referenced tests and curriculum based assessment; use and interpretation of formal and informal tests, and procedures and related ethics procedures, and related issues.

Equivalents: EDSP 4561 Restrictions: Undergraduate are excluded.

EDSP 6652: Seminar in Learning Disabilities and ADHD (3)


Defines learning disabilities (LD) and Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) according to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and National Institute of Mental Health. Covers a range of concepts associated with LD and ADHD including signs and symptoms, assessment, intervention, teaching strategies, family support, and language.

Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate students only.

EDSP 6653: Teaching Reading to Exceptional Students (3)


Focuses on diagnosis of reading strengths and weaknesses; of correlates of reading problems; and analysis and selection of methods and materials for reading instruction of special needs children, including children who speak English as their second language.

Restrictions: Education only. Undergraduate are excluded.

EDSP 6657: Behavior Management (3)


Focuses on an in-depth explanation of applied behavior analysis and classroom management strategies useful in meeting the needs of children and youth with behavioral disabilities.

Equivalents: EDSE 5943, EDSP 4657 Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only.

EDSP 6658: Issues in Special Education (2)


A capstone experience that provides students with an opportunity to analyze their growth as special education professionals in comparison to internship experiences, coursework, and program assessments. Students also interpret their roles as teacher leaders in the field of special education, contrasted to state and national education initiatives and trends affecting students. Employment related activities such as resume writing, interviewing, and applying are also covered.

Equivalents: EDSP 4899 Restrictions: Education only. Undergraduate are excluded.

EDSP 6950: Topics in Special Education (3)


Examination of a current topic or issue. May be repeated for credit 2 times.

Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate students only.