
Education: Mathematics

EDMA 6357: Teaching Secondary Mathematics (3)


Overviews content methods and strategies appropriate for the teaching of secondary school mathematics. Attention is given to developing standards of mathematical practice through the NCTM standards, the Washington State K-12 Learning Standards and the Common Core State Standards.

Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only. Graduate only.

EDMA 6432: Elementary Math Methods (3)


Examines contemporary curricula, materials, and issues in teaching K-8 mathematics, with an emphasis on research, learning theory, pedagogy, and the use of technology. Gives attention to the development of appropriate instruction based on the NCTM standards and the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics.

Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only.

EDMA 6501: Foundations for Elementary Mathematics Pedagogy (3)


This course is a study of research-based pedagogical practices including student discourse, questioning, use of precise mathematical language, multiple mathematical representations, instructional formats, and assessment strategies to support culturally responsive teaching and students' differentiated learning goals.

Restrictions: Graduate only.

EDMA 6600: Elementary Mathematics Leadership I: Communication and Collaboration (3)


This course addresses the responsibilities of an elementary mathematics specialist including communication with parents, colleagues and external agencies within the community; and collaboration with peers, administration, district and state personnel. Teacher leadership and school improvement processes provide the framework for these explorations of effective collaboration.

EDMA 6900: Independent Study (1-5)


Student works with a faculty member on a mutually agreed upon topic.