
Transfer courses will be listed on the left and the SPU transfer equivalent course or code will be shown to the right.

  • When an equivalent SPU course exists, the subject and number of the SPU course are listed to the right.
  • Common equivalencies (other than those directly equivalent to an SPU course) may include:
SPU LDEL or SPU UDEL, Transfer LD or UD Elective The course is not equivalent to a course SPU offers, but it is transferrable and will count toward the minimum 180 credits required for graduation. LDEL indicates the course will transfer as lower division and UDEL indicates the course will transfer as upper division.
SPGE Lower or Upper Division WKA, H, QR, AS, FS, SS This course is not equivalent to a course SPU offers, but it will meet a requirement in the Exploratory Curriculum.
Lower or Upper Division CUE This course is not equivalent to a course SPU offers, but it will fulfill the Cultural Understanding and Engagement requirement for graduation.
Lower or Upper Division WE This course is not equivalent to a course SPU offers, but it may fulfill the Ways of Engaging requirement in the Exploratory Curriculum.

All courses from a community college are considered lower-division, regardless of equivalency, and will not count as upper division within a major or degree but will fulfill the course criteria. Sometimes more than one course at another institution must be taken to cover all of the material in a particular SPU course (e.g., both ACC 210 and 220, combined, may transfer as an equivalent to SPU’s ACCT 2361). These courses may be accepted individually; however, the individual courses are not equivalent to any particular SPU courses. SPU’s degree requirements can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog under Baccalaureate Degree Requirements.

Students who transfer to SPU having completed a Direct Transfer Associate’s degree (DTA) are exempt from certain curriculum requirements.

The “attributes” column denotes any Exploratory or Common Curriculum sub-category (as noted below) into which the course transfers at SPU. Students should refer to the catalog year of their matriculation for definition of requirements and appropriate attributes.

Attributes are defined as follows:

  • COR2: UCOR 2000
  • COR3: UCOR 3000
  • CUE: Cultural Understanding and Engagement
  • FDN1: UFDN 1000
  • FDN2: UFDN 2000/3001
  • FDN3: UFDN 3100
  • LD: Lower Division
  • UD: Upper Division
  • W: Writing Credit
  • WE: Ways of Engaging eligible
  • WKA: Ways of Knowing Arts
  • WKAS: Ways of Knowing Applied Science
  • WKFS: Ways of Knowing Fundamental Science
  • WKH: Ways of Knowing Humanities
  • WKQR: Ways of Knowing Quantitative Reasoning
  • WKSS: Ways of Knowing Social Science
  • WRIA: WRI 1000
  • WRID: WRI 1100