
Computer Classrooms /Labs

Student computer labs are located across the campus. Some of the computer labs are highly specialized for specific academic programs while other labs are more general purpose. In most of the student labs, a standard set of academic software tools are provided that include word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software, statistical software, programming languages, and database software.

All of the general-purpose computer labs also provide full access to the Internet, printers, and other local and remote networked resources. These are the primary locations, although small computer clusters are located in other buildings as well. 


  • Instructional classroom (main level) with 20 workstations. 
  • An open lab (lower level). 
  • Main level email and reference stations. 
  • A special access station for the visually impaired, and a shared scanning station are also available in the lower level lab. 

  • Located in Marston, this classroom contains 25 workstations. 

  • Macintosh computers connected to MIDI keyboards. 

  • Several instructional classrooms with workstations are located in this building computer science, math and engineering. 
  • An open computer lab is located on the second floor. 

  • Kiosk computers for quick access to the web and email. 

  • Macintosh computer lab for art and visual design students. 

  • Kiosk computers for quick access to the web and email.