
Internships and Job Shadowing

We place a strong emphasis on job shadowing and finding internships — because meaningful job shadowing can give you a clearer picture of a future workplace. And well-placed internships can open the door to professional networks, jobs, and other opportunities.

The Difference

Job shadowing is “a day in the life.” It’s an opportunity for you to experience, in person, the kind of job that interests you. Internships let you take a tangible role in a business, nonprofit, church, or social agency in the greater ɬÀï·¬ area. These are great first steps — and maybe a foot in the door.


At SPU, part of the success of our internship program is “location, location, location.” Students are in the ideal urban venue to access some of the most sought-after positions in the country, at many of the world’s high-tech, service, nonprofit, entrepreneurial, and health care leaders.

Check out several sample opportunities. Keep in mind these are places SPU students have worked in the past, rather than a list of current openings.

Danny Ciaccio

Danny Ciaccio ’15, PR intern for Sounders FC and marketing intern for the television network, ROOT SPORTS

The Alumni Connection

Another reason internships work so well for SPU students is … SPU alumni. You’ll see the difference when successful graduates open their doors to you. They go out of their way to help SPU students connect and take those all-important first steps to success.

An urban classroom, job opportunities, sports, international flair, natural wonders, fun to do’s — and we live here!

Jobs on Campus

Looking for a job while you study? Student Financial Services is here to help.