
Personal Safety Tips

Know how to contact the Office of Safety & Security or the ɬÀï·¬ Police Department

  • For emergencies contact the Office of Safety and Security at (206) 281-2911. The Office of Safety and Security is able to respond to any emergency call on campus within minutes of notification.

  • You may also report a crime in person, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year at the Office of Safety and Security at 601 West Emerson, ɬÀï·¬ WA 98119, or by calling 206-281-2922. You may also

  • Program these numbers into your cell phone so they are easily accessible.

  • Learn where the campus emergency telephones (yellow emergency call boxes) are located on campus and press the button in the middle to contact the Office of Safety and Security.

  • Ensure that you are subscribed to SPU-Alert, the campus mass notification system. If you are a student, faculty, or staff member and have not signed up yet, , login to Banner, and select Personal Menu, then choose the Emergency Alert System to enter or update your information. Parents, please encourage your students to sign up for the SPU-Alert system.

Walking, jogging, or running around campus

  • Familiarize yourself with the layout of the campus. When walking at night on or around campus, choose well-lit, busy pathways and streets. Avoid alleyways or “short cuts” through isolated areas. Travel in groups and avoid going out alone.

  • Call the Office of Safety and Security at (206) 281-2922 to request a walking or vehicle escort if you feel uncomfortable walking alone. Escorts are available to and from anywhere within the close vicinity of campus.

  • Tell a friend or roommate where you are going and what time you expect to return.

  • Be aware of what is going on around you. If you suspect you are being followed, indicate your suspicion by looking behind you. If you are being followed, cross the street, change direction, and notify someone (e.g., call Safety and Security if you are nearby campus, or else call 9-1-1). If you can do it safely, note the description of the person following you.

  • Carry a personal safety alarm or safety whistle and use it if you are in danger.

  • Carry your purse/backpack close to your body and keep a firm grip on it; carry your wallet in an inside coat pocket or your front pant pocket.

  • If a motorist stops and asks for directions, keep your distance from the car.

  • When jogging or running, plan your route in advance, jog/run in familiar areas, vary your route and schedule, and avoid secluded or dimly lit areas.

  • Carry identification. Don’t wear jewelry or carry cash.

  • Wear bright colors to improve your visibility.

  • Take a key with you; do not leave your house or room unlocked.

  • Do not wear headphones/earphones if they prevent you from hearing other sounds (e.g., traffic, other ɬÀï·¬).

If you sense trouble

  • If your intuition tells you that something is off or you are at risk, leave that situation quickly. If possible, join a group of ɬÀï·¬ nearby.

  • If a threatening situation is imminent and ɬÀï·¬ are close by, yell, scream or do whatever you can to get their attention. Calling safety and security and/or dialing 911 are all viable personal safety responses. Yellow emergency call boxes are located in many areas on campus and simply require a push of a button to notify Safety and Security of your situation.