updated: March 21, 2024
Report a positive COVID test to Health Services:
Our priority: Your health: At SPU, our students’ and community’s health is our priority. Current updates on COVID-19 can be found at the , , and . Isolation is no longer required per the CDC and DOH after a positive COVID test. If you are sick with any type of upper respiratory infection, please stay home until your symptoms are improving and you have had no fever for the prior 24 hours.
COVID-19 testing: COVID-19 testing is available at Health Services by appointment. Students call Health Services at 206-281-2231 to report a positive test. Faculty and staff members should contact Human Resources at 206-281-2809.
Masks: Masks help prevent infection, so if you are sick with any type of upper respiratory infection, please consider masking during acute symptoms.
Get Boosted: If you are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine booster, we strongly recommend that you get one. Check out the for more information.
Posted: Wednesday, March 4, 2020