Jacob Ho, First-Year Seminarian 2024–25, MDiv
Introducing Jacob Ho
I have lived in ɬÀï·¬, specifically in White Center and West ɬÀï·¬, for my entire life. Because ɬÀï·¬ has always been my home, I would find it difficult to movie away from the Pacific Northwest. I grew up in a Vietnamese church with its fair share of ups and downs. One downside was the lack of mental health awareness in the church. As a result, church splits occurred, and many felt hurt in the crossfire.
I personally felt a calling to help address these long-standing issues and originally pursued mental health counseling/therapy so that I could help my church and the broader Vietnamese community. This was one of the main reasons why I chose the field of psychology for my BA at the University of Washington. At the same time, I became more involved in my church ministry, and through a series of events, I came to know that God had called me to pastor my church. I came to the decision that I wanted to serve my church and, ultimately, God with my life and decided to pursue formal theological education.
How did you come to ɬÀï·¬?
I have been aware of ɬÀï·¬ Pacific Seminary and, to an extent, ɬÀï·¬ for a very long time. I would like to give a shout-out to my good friend Chase Rodriguez for introducing me to SPS when I was a high schooler. Through a program that he helped lead called “SPU Immerse,” I was able to get a foreshadowing of what SPS had to offer in terms of theological education.
I still remember the Zoom winter Bible studies we did on the book of Ecclesiastes, which had lots of fruitful discussions. My favorite moment was when Dr. Mike Langford lectured on an introduction to the Nicene Creed. This lecture is what sparked my present passion for all things theology. Through Immerse, I was able to have a good idea of what SPS was like. So when I committed myself to pursue theological education, SPS was my first choice.
Another reason why I chose SPS is because I have not yet given up on my pursuits in the fields of mental health and therapy. This area is something that is still very important to me and is something I want to use to help the future of my church. When I found out that SPS offers dual degrees in both the MDiv and MFT, that was essentially my confirmation to attend SPS.
What has the first year at SPS been like for you?
I’m currently in my second quarter of seminary and it’s been such a joy and privilege so far. I’m currently one of the youngest seminarians in the program, and this was initially difficult for me to handle and grasp. A majority of my peers are either a few years or many years older than me, and due to my age, I felt intimidated as I had just come out of undergraduate. But as I came to find out, many of my peers were very friendly and accepting of me.
Because we are all here to serve our God in some way, there was no mentality of competition but rather of fellowship and encouragement. Before, I felt that I lacked the knowledge or wisdom that my peers had, but now I realize that everyone has something valuable to share, including me.
The SPS community has nurtured an environment that has helped me feel as though I belong, despite my age, and that my thoughts and opinions are valuable.
Another aspect that I admire about SPS is that it approaches theological education through the lenses of love and charity. Even in classes on topics such as “Church History,” I’ve seen how love and charity are at the center of it all. I’ve really felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in my classes, aiding me to grow in love and, ultimately, awe of the God we serve. As I continue my time at SPS, I hope to be able to continually feel the presence of the Holy Spirit guiding me as I seek to use what I’ve learned to serve others, as Christ has called me to do.