Robert W. Wall
Paul T. Walls Professor Emeritus of Scripture and Wesleyan Studies
Education: BA, Valparaiso University, 1969; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary, 1973; ThD, Dallas Theological Seminary, 1979; additional graduate study at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University. At SPU 1978-2021.
Robert Wall’s books and articles — whether aimed at other scholars or clergy — originate in the ferment of the university classroom and in conversation with his students and colleagues. In both his published research and classroom teaching, Dr. Wall approaches the Bible as a sacred text — a “production of the Holy Spirit” — and in a manner that forms a clearer understanding of God for the 涩里番 of God.
The Reverend Dr. Wall is a 涩里番 native, an avid sportsman (CrossFitter, hiker, rower, and grandpa), and a dedicated 涩里番 sports fan. He is an elder of the Free Methodist Church who enjoys an active ecumenical ministry of preaching and teaching adult Bible studies in congregations of various faith traditions.
Wipf & Stock, 2024
Smyth & Helwys Books, 2024
T&T Clark - Bloomsbury, 2020
Abingdon Press, 2020
Baker, 2019
Baker Academic Press, 2015
This compact introduction to the Bible prepares students to begin reading the biblical text as Christian Scripture.
Abingdon Press, 2015
“Given the way many in the West have read the New Testament in the last century, the church might be regarded as an afterthought at best. But at the worst, it can be viewed as an unnecessary, perhaps even problematic, institutionalization of genuine faith especially in our post-denominational context. These perspectives fly in the face of the robust ecclesiological concerns and commitments of the New Testament documents when read as witnesses from, to, and for congregations of God’s 涩里番. Why the church? Because this peculiar fellowship of saints, whose loving communion is with the risen One, has been appointed by the triune God as God's herald.”
Eerdmans, 2013
Through a detailed examination of the historical shaping and final canonical shape of seven oft-neglected New Testament letters 鈥 James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1-2-3 John, and Jude 鈥 Reading the Epistles of James, Peter, John & Jude as Scripture introduces readers to the historical, literary, and theological integrity of this indispensable apostolic witness. It is the only treatment of the Catholic Epistles that approaches them as an intentionally designed and theologically coherent canonical collection.
Eerdmans, 2012
This theological commentary powerfully demonstrates the ongoing relevance and authority of the Pastoral Epistles for the church today. This innovative yet reverent volume will help revive the interest of students, pastors, and other Christian leaders in the Pastoral Epistles.
Eerdmans, 2012
Featuring both exegetical study and dynamic contemporary exposition, each chapter of Called to Lead first interprets the text of 1 and 2 Timothy as Scripture and then engages 1 and 2 Timothy for today's church leaders. The book covers many vexing issues faced by church leaders then and now 鈥 such issues as the use of money, leadership succession, pastoral authority, and the role of Scripture. Through it all, Called to Lead shows how Timothy remains a text of great value for the church today.
For a taste of this important book, read 鈥Preachers of Least Resistance鈥 (PDF), a brand-new chapter, on 2 Timothy 3:1-9, not included in the book.
Eerdmans, 2011
Eerdmans, 2006
Abingdon Press, 2002
Trinity Press, 1997
InterVarsity Press, 1993
Academic Press, 1992
"A New Testament theology of the church, then, must be the yield of an interpretive strategy that seeks to relate the parts together as an interdependent whole; only then can the biblical theologian create a dynamic portrait of how the whole New Testament defines the church, which we argue is a truer and more useful portrait than merely describing the sum of the definitions found within the New Testament letters."
Hendrickson, 1991
"At the very center of Revelation the good interpreter will always find the simple (not simplistic!) gospel of God. In this way, any interpretation worthy of the gospel will bear witness to the slain, yet exalted, Lamb through whom the salvation of God breaks into and radically transforms those who depend upon his dependable work; it will celebrate the triumph of God's kingdom, which is already realized in the Lamb's shed blood and which will be fully realized at its return."
Selected Publications
- “The Acts of the Apostles” (pp. 3–370) and “The Epistolary Literature of the NT” (pp. 373–410), in New Interpreter’s Bible, Volume 10 (L. E. Keck, ed., Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2002).
- “The Rule of Faith in Theological Hermeneutics” (pp. 88-107) and “Canonical Context and Canonical Conversations” (pp. 165–182), in Between Two Horizons: Spanning New Testament Studies and Systematic Theology (J. B. Green and M. Turner, eds., Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1999).
View Dr. Wall's CV (PDF) or for more information and additional publications.
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