
Faculty Profile

Matthew Benton

Matthew Benton

Adjunct Associate Professor of Philosophical Theology

Email: bentonm@spu.edu
Phone: 206-281-2220
Office:  207

Education: BA, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1999; MA, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2002; MA, Yale University, 2005; PhD, Rutgers University, 2012. At SPU since 2016.

’s areas of expertise include Epistemology, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Religion, and Logic; his teaching is focused on each of these areas.

Before coming to SPU, he was a postdoctoral research fellow in philosophy at the University of Oxford from 2012-2015 (as part of the project), and from 2015-2016 at the University of Notre Dame (as part of the project).

His main research interests are in Epistemology (recently, on knowledge, knowing persons, epistemic defeat, and fallibilism), as well as some allied areas in Philosophy of Language (on assertion and related speech acts, lying, factive predicates, and testimony) and in Philosophy of Religion (the epistemology of religion broadly construed, and the problem of evil). He was recently awarded a research grant from the John Templeton Foundation on . In 2020, he was given SPU’s Scholar of the Year Award.


Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022

Edited with Jonathan L. Kvanvig. Epistemological questions about the significance of disagreement have advanced in concert with broader developments in social epistemology concerning testimony, the nature of expertise and epistemic authority, the role of institutions, group belief, and epistemic injustice (among others). During this period, related issues in the epistemology of religion have reemerged as worthy of new consideration, and available to be situated with new conceptual tools. This volume explores many of the issues at the intersection of the epistemology of disagreement and religious epistemology: in particular, how to think carefully about religious diversity and disagreement, balancing epistemic humility with personal conviction, the place of religious belief in our social lives, and how best to think about truths concerning religion.

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018

Edited with John Hawthorne and Dani Rabinowitz.  Recent decades have seen fertile theorizing within mainstream epistemology which has had a dramatic impact on how epistemology is done. Religion is the place where such rethinking can potentially have its deepest impact and importance. Yet there has been surprisingly little infiltration of these new ideas into philosophy of religion and the epistemology of religious belief. Knowledge, Belief, and God incorporates these new developments in mainstream epistemology, and extends these developments to questions and arguments in religious epistemology. The investigations proposed in this volume offer substantial new life, breadth, and sophistication to issues in the philosophy of religion and analytic theology. (For more, see:  from the OUP blog.)

Selected Publications

“,” in Religious Disagreement and Pluralism, Matthew A. Benton and Jonathan L. Kvanvig, eds. Oxford University Press, 2022, 1-39.

“” (with Peter van Elswyk), in The Oxford Handbook of Assertion, Sanford Goldberg, ed. Oxford University Press, 2020, 245-263.

“,” in The Moral Psychology of Hope, Claudia Blöser and Titus Stahl, eds. Rowman & Littlefield, 2019, 135-151.

“,” in The Oxford Handbook of Lying, Jörg Meibauer, ed. Oxford University Press, 2019, 120-133.

“,” in The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology, Miranda Fricker et al., eds. Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2019, 185-195.

“,” Res Philosophica 95 (2018): 421-447.

“,” Synthese (2018, early view): 1-17.

“,” Analysis 78 (2018): 195-198.

“,” The Philosophical Quarterly 67 (2017): 813-834.

“,” Noûs 50 (2016): 689-703.

“,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 92 (2016): 492-508.

“” (with John Hawthorne and Yoaav Isaacs), Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 7 (2016): 1-31.

“” (with Max Baker-Hytch), Philosophical Perspectives 29 (2015): 40-66.

“” (with John Turri), Synthese 191 (2014): 1857-1866.

“,”Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2014).

“,” Analysis 72 (2012): 102-105.

“,” Analysis 71 (2011): 684-687.

Additional resources

Please see (PDF) for a list of his publications.