
2024 Annual Alfred S. Palmer Lectureship

Walls Lecture 2024

An annual event at SPU since 1978, the Palmer Lecture Series "seeks to bring the best minds and hearts in Wesleyan theology and biblical studies to campus to discuss the Christian faith from a Wesleyan perspective." The lectureship is held in honor of Alfred Palmer, a pastoral leader in Western Washington for more than half a century.

Tues, May 21 | 11:10 am - 12:00 pm
First Free Methodist Church (Sanctuary)
SPU CHAPEL - Rev. Dr. Sam Wells - “God on Fire” (Exodus 3: 1-15)
Worship will be led by St Martin’s Voices, one of the UK’s most versatile, professional vocal ensembles. 

Tues, May 21 | 1:30 - 3:00 pm
Nickerson Studios 103
St. Martin-in-the-Fields Voices offer an open rehearsal/workshop with the Chamber Singers of ɬÀï·¬. Come join us for a behind-the-scenes look into the process of preparing modern works for choir including Will Todd’s brilliant Jazz Missa Brevis and St. Martin’s Voices’ composer-in-residence, Lucy Walker. These talented singers from London will inspire SPU choristers to reach new heights in their artistry and we welcome you to witness this transformation.

Tues, May 21, 2024 | 7:00-9:00 pm
First Free Methodist Church (Sanctuary)
Palmer Lecture: “Here I Stand With God: A Christology Contra Mundum for Today”
This event requires no registration and is free. It will be video-recorded. 

Featuring Rev. Dr. Sam Wells, Vicar of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London. He is a regular contributor to Thought for the Day on BBC Radio 4’s Today program. He has published 46 books, including works on Christian ethics, mission, ministry, scripture, liturgy, and preaching. This event requires no registration and is free. It will be video-recorded. 

Sam Wells has been Vicar of St Martin-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square, London, since 2012. He is a widely known preacher, pastor, writer, broadcaster, theologian, and institutional leader. He was ordained in 1991 and served curacies in Newcastle and Cambridge. He was a vicar in Norwich from 1997 to 2003, and Cambridge from 2003 to 2005. From 2005 to 2012 Sam served in North Carolina as Dean of the Chapel at Duke University and Research Professor of Christian Ethics at Duke Divinity School.
Sam studied at Merton College, Oxford, at the University of Edinburgh, and at the University of Durham. His Ph.D. is in Christian Ethics. He is Visiting Professor of Christian Ethics at King’s College, London. Since 2014 he has been a regular presenter of ‘Thought for the Day’ on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. He has published 46 books, including studies in ethics, textbooks, an apologetics, collections of sermons, devotional works, and books to build up lay faith and ministry. He has also jointly written a collection of Eucharistic Prayers for every Sunday of the three-year Revised Common Lectionary cycle, published as Joining the Angels’ Song, and jointly created an enquirers’ course, Being With. His most recent book is How to Preach (Canterbury 2023).

Sam has long understood being with the poor as a significant dimension of his vocation. He has spent 11 years living and working in urban priority areas. In Norwich he helped to found and lead the first development trust in the East of England. He jointly founded HeartEdge, an influential movement for church renewal, in 2017.

Wed, May 22, 2024 | 7:30-9:00 pm
First Free Methodist Church (Sanctuary)
St Martin’s Voices Emerging Artists Concert
This event is free and requires no ticketing; however, a free-will offering will be requested.

is one of the UK’s most versatile, professional vocal ensembles. They sing for concerts, broadcasts and special services at their base in London’s iconic St Martin-in-the-Fields and beyond, and regularly perform alongside the Academy of St Martin in the Fields, London Mozart Players and Piatti Quartet. In response to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, St Martin’s Voices extended their digital recording projects, and was proud to feature in performances used by the Church of England’s online worship resources that have attracted more than 4 million downloads. They have toured to the USA and South Africa as well as undertaking extensive tours across the UK. The choir regularly features in broadcasts on BBC Radio 3, BBC Radio 4 and Classic FM. In 2023 they released their first album with Resonus Classics, A Winter Breviary, to critical acclaim.

Andrew Earis, Director of Music, St Martin-in-the-FieldsAndrew Earis is Director of Music at St Martin-in-the-Fields, where he has overseen the growth of the music programme to now encompass a broad programme of concerts, worship services and special events. This includes several voluntary choirs, choral training programmes for young professionals, and orchestral ensembles. Andrew is also director of the professional ensemble, St Martin’s Voices, which has presented concerts internationally, and has performed for major broadcasts on the BBC and Classic FM. Andrew regularly works with the Academy of St Martin in the Fields and has also directed performances by the London Mozart Players and Southbank Sinfonia. As an organist, he has performed at King’s College Cambridge, Westminster Abbey, and Washington National Cathedral.

Alongside his work at St Martin’s, Andrew acts as music consultant to the Church of England. He was responsible for producing online music resources which were used by thousands of churches during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond. Andrew is also a frequent contributor to the BBC’s religious programmes as conductor and music consultant. He is a producer of output including Radio 4 Sunday Worship and Radio 3 Choral Evensong.

Posted: Monday, December 4, 2023