
Palmer Lecture 2023

Palmer Lecture 2023

PALMER LECTURE - Feb. 9  - 7:00-9:00 p.m. - Upper Gwinn
--Baylor University's Associate Professor of Philosophical Theology and George W. Baines Chair of Religion--was our guest lecturer at the annual Palmer Lecture 2023. His lecture was entitled, "The Divine Economy vs Racial Capitalism: Identity Politics, Antiracism and the Redemption of All Things," and is . 

With antiracism lost in a fog of identity politics, it has surrendered the work of liberation to debasing forms of class warfare. But antiracism as a mode of liberation theology narrates justice and mercy as natural to the world insofar as they are natural to God. By considering the work of local forms of Christian life invested in God’s deep economy, we see God’s redemption of the world.

For more information, you can obtain Dr. Tran's latest book,

  • Presents a novel way of thinking about and approaching American racism and antiracism
  • Situates Asian Americans at the center of its analysis
  • Utilizes two extended cases (nineteenth-century Chinese Americans in the American South and a religious based community in present-day San Francisco)

Posted: Tuesday, March 21, 2023