
SOT Lectures 2022-23

Watch for more information about these upcoming lectures from our SOT faculty and guest speakers.

  • Nov. 9, 2022 (7:00 pm) - Upper Gwinn (Third Floor)
    Dr. Frank Spina will offer his inaugural lecture at the Frank Anthony Spina Lectureship on Christian Scripture. His presentation is entitled, “Multiplying Divisions: A Divided Israel, A Divided Church, A Divided University.” There are multiple stories about Israel’s disunity in the Old Testament.  Division in Israel is a veritable motif.  Because Israel is a figure for the Christian Church, Christians cannot avoid these narratives that describe God’s elect ɬÀï·¬ as constantly multiplying divisions.  Of course, the Church itself is divided and continues to multiply her divisions.  Ironically, and tragically, the Church has mirrored its biblical figure well.  In this inaugural lecture of the Frank Anthony Spina Lecture on Christian Scripture, we will reflect on this biblical material in the light of the propensity of the Church to divide.  As well, in our reflection we dare not ignore the centrifugal forces that plague institutions, like universities and seminaries, that are sponsored by the Christian Church.  Let those who have ears, hear!

  • Feb. 9, 2023 (7:00 pm) - Upper Gwinn (Third Floor) 
    Our annual Palmer Lecture will be presented by from Baylor University. His lecture is entitled, "The Divine Economy vs Racial Capitalism: Identity Politics, Antiracism and the Redemption of All Things." With antiracism lost in a fog of identity politics, it has surrendered the work of liberation to debasing forms of class warfare. But antiracism as a mode of liberation theology narrates justice and mercy as natural to the world insofar as they are natural to God. By considering the work of local forms of Christian life invested in God’s deep economy, we see God’s redemption of the world.

  • Apr. 19, 2023 (7:00 pm) - Fine Center - First Free Methodist Church
    The annual Walls Lecture will be given by SOT Faculty member, Rev. Dr. Douglas Strong. His lecture topic will be, “Jesus and Justice:  Wesleyan Holiness Abolitionism as a Model for Theology Today.”

  • May 16, 2023 (6:00 pm) - Upper Gwinn (Third Floor) 
    In celebration of his pending retirement, SOT Faculty member Rev. Dr. Richard Steele will offer a lecture entitled, “Therapeia PsychÄ“s.”  The theme of the lecture will emphasize that theological education in a distinctively Wesleyan key must be about the healing of souls, not simply the transformation of society.

Posted: Tuesday, August 16, 2022