
"Alive Again" - The Art of Reconciliation

The School of Theology hosted a new Art Installation and Hallway Dedication event on Tuesday, October 11, 2022. Our Dean, Brian Lugioyo, opened with a few words about how this project was inspired and sponsored by the Seminary Advisory Board members. 

For generations, artists have been inspired by Jesus’s story of reconciliation in the parable of “The Prodigal Son” (). This collection of prints from artists of various backgrounds draws us into the story of God who runs to embrace us; “for this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!”

Dr. Dave Nienhuis—our Associate Dean of Academic Programs—shared some reflections on this well-known parable. Shannon Sigler—the Executive Director of the Brehm Center of Worship, Theology & Design—guided us on how to view and reflect on the artwork:

  1. What is happening in this piece?
  2. What do you see that makes you think so?
  3. What else can you discover?

If you haven't yet seen this exhibition, you can view it in Alexander & Adelaide Hall on the first floor. Be sure to grab a brochure that will give you pertinent information about the art and each artist. You'll also want to check out the featured published works of our SOT Faculty. 

We extend our deep and profound gratitude to the Seminary Advisory Board for their generous support of the Seminary. 

Posted: Wednesday, October 12, 2022