
Salma Aly

SBGE student Salma

Where did you do your internship?

My internship was with Boeing in ɬÀï·¬, WA.

What did you get to do as part of your internship?

During my internship I helped the team to with invoices backlog to recognize a potential revenue of $1.3 million.

How did you get connected with this internship opportunity?

I was an international intern at Boeing for a year before I transferred to ɬÀï·¬. I reached out to my network there and let them know about my interest. It was complicated since they recruit for internships a year prior and, at that time, I was not sure if I would be in ɬÀï·¬. However, they were very helpful and supportive and I was able to secure a summer internship position.

How did your internship impact your future personal and vocational aspirations?

During this internship, I was given a challenging project. When I look back, I feel that this opportunity made me more mature business-wise. I am more confident now to ask “why” and think about how we can make things better and more efficient rather than just following a specific process.

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