
Faculty Profile

Ange Kakpo

Ange Kakpo

Assistant Professor of Economics

Email: kakpoa@spu.edu
Phone: 206-281-2960
Office: McKenna Hall 212

Education: BS, Abomey-Calavi University, 2011; MS, Michigan State University, 2016; PhD, Virginia Tech, 2022. At SPU since 2022.

Dr. Ange Kakpo received his Ph.D. in Applied Economics at Virginia Tech in 2022. His research interests lie in Development Economics, with a primary focus on issues related to smallholder farmers' resilience to weather shocks and other resource challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa. Prior to joining SPU, Dr. Kakpo has taught microeconomics at the undergraduate and graduate level, and mathematical economics at the graduate level. Dr. Kakpo completed his Master’s in Agricultural Economics at Michigan State University and his Bachelor in the same area at the Abomey-Calavi University in his home country Benin.

Dr. Kakpo’s recent work focuses on weather shock impacts on staple crop production and market price seasonality, as well as weather shock impacts on market participation in staple crop markets in West Africa. Dr. Kakpo’s research also studies land access and crop productivity issues in West Africa. In addition, Dr. Kakpo is interested in employing causal inference methods (RCT and quasi-experimental methods) to evaluate the impacts of social protection and other development programs in strengthening the resilience and improving the livelihoods of economically disadvantaged populations.

Selected Publications

  • Kakpo, A., Mills, B., and Brunelin, S. (2022). "Weather Shocks and Food Price Seasonality in Sub Saharan Africa: Evidence from Niger,” Food Policy (ACCEPTED, August 2022).
  • Neill, C.L., Kakpo, A., and Mack, R., (2021). “The Role of Experience, Specialty Certification, and Ownership on the Gender Wage Gap for Veterinarians,” Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

Personal Links

Dr. Ange Kakpo Teaching

Why I Teach at SPU

Ange Kakpo, Assistant Professor of Economics

I teach at SPU because it is an opportunity for me to use my God-given talents, to share my knowledge of Economics, to help and empower the lives of others.