Hayley Hill
Business Administration,
with a concentration in Finance
Expected Spring 2014 Graduate
In addition to working in the School of Business, Government, and Economics as a student staff member, Hayley Hill has been contributing to the Smith Richards Group, a financial services firm on Mercer Island, for the past six months. She joined the team as an intern for Travis Mann '06, one of the firm's three partners.
Because of Hill's excellent work, financial knowledge, and willingness to tackle new projects, Smith Richards soon hired her as a paraplanner. Now she develops financial plans for clients, creating scenarios according to a client's current financial assets and intended financial decisions. She helps them track their progress toward their retirement goals. In the process, she says she enjoys getting to know clients and serving individuals in a practical way, and in the past six months her understanding of the financial world, investments, and the logic and intentions behind investing has increased significantly.
Hill is also a at SPU and is creating a Money Management curriculum for an orphanage in Uganda for her Senior Honors project. Using the financial understanding she has cultivated at SBGE and at Smith Richards, she hopes to help the children gain financial independence once they leave the orphanage at age 18.