
Lois Gomez - Shaping a More Livable World

SBGE Student Lois

You wrote a paper for Dr. Randy Franz’s Introduction to Sustainable Management class that was selected as a 2023 AIM2Flourish Prize Finalist. What is your paper about and how did you select the topic?

My paper is about the for-profit corporation Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI). Considering SDG goals, creating sustainable independent communities is a long-term beneficial goal. Setting up a region for success is what I was looking for in a company and DAI stood out to me right away. DAI has provided resources and integrated solutions regarding climate, DAI capital, digital acceleration, economic growth, education, the environment, fragile states, global health, governance, and sustainable businesses.

What Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) does your paper address and how does Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI) work to solve them?

My paper addresses creating sustainable cities and communities known as goal 11 and using decent work and economic growth goals known as goal 8. DAI works to create solutions and strategies by partnering with the community or investors. Government is another line of work done by DAI to support public financial management, suitable revenue-enhancing procedure, and efficient taxing.

How has Dr. Franz’s class or your writing of “Shaping a More Livable World” impacted your understanding of sustainability and future personal and professional goals?

Dr. Franz’s class impacted my depth of knowledge of sustainability. I believed I knew what it meant to be sustainable, but I was wrong. Being sustainable is more than just the environment, I see sustainability as a business-oriented notion. The best way to be sustainable is through business, business makes the world move. Thus, I find my purpose to be intentional with my time with how I apply myself to internships and job opportunities. I do not want to compromise what I now stand for due to this class for higher money opportunities.

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