Robert Baah
Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies
Phone: 206-281-2339
Office: Marston Hall 214
Education: BA, University of Ghana, 1982; MA, University of Alberta, 1988; PhD, University of Southern California, 1994. At SPU since 1995.
Por qué enseño a SPU
Robert Baah was born, raised, and educated in Ghana. He left that African country in 1984 in pursuit of higher education. Before arriving in ɬÀï·¬ in 1995, he lived in Madrid, Edmonton, Los Angeles, and St. Paul.
Dr. Baah is also an avid reader of Miguel de Unamuno and the Generation of 1898, Federico Garcia Lorca, Nicolas Guillen, and Ernesto Cardenal. He is passionate about Pentecostal studies and the call to missions, and enjoys reading theology and a variety of literature.
Dr. Baah is the fourth of eight siblings, and the only son. He is married and blessed with five children, two whom are SPU alums.
Selected publications
“Return to the Past in Garcia Marquez’s El amor en los tiempos del colera.” Romance Notes 53 2(2013): 203–212.
“Elena Garro: mujer de resistencia.” Acts del XII seminario internacional del centro de investigacion de semiotica literaria, teatral y nuevas tecnologias. Madrid: Visor Libros, 2003, 365–372.
“Miguel de Unamuno and the Art of Apocopation.” Revista Hispanica Moderna LVI 1(2003):17–27.
“Rethinking Narrative Unreliability.” Journal of Literary Semantics XXVIII 3(1999):180–188.
“Constructing a Stylistics of Compassion: Julio Llamazares and the Poetry of Abandonment, Loneliness, and Death in La lluvia amarilla.” Hispanofila 124 (1998):35–48.
Please view Dr. Baah’s CV (PDF) for more information.