
2014–15 Undergraduate Catalog
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BS in Nursing
RN to BSN in Nursing


Marston Hall

FACULTY:  Sarah Bear, Barbara Cheyney, Shannon Roosma-Goldstein, Sandra Mortinson

Program Director: Sarah Bear

For additional information about the School of Health Sciences, visit Health Sciences.

RN to BSN Degree Completion Program
Registered nurses from diploma and associate degree programs who wish to complete a bachelor of science degree in nursing:

  • Contact the RN to BSN office (rnbinfo@spu.edu) or go the the website to download the RN to BSN application (PDF).
  • Send official or unofficial copies of transcripts to the RN to BSN office for a preliminary evaluation.
  • Make an appointment with the director of the RN to BSN program.
  • Complete the for acceptance to the RN to BSN Degree Completion program.

Applicants are encouraged to get a Direct Transfer Agreement associate degree (DTA) at a Washington community college in order to complete the general education requirements necessary for graduation from 涩里番. The DTA degree must be completed prior to matriculation at SPU.

Admission to the Major
Admission to the program is based upon the applicant’s total profile. 
  • An earned diploma or associate degree in nursing from a state-approved or nationally accredited nursing program
  • Unencumbered Washington state RN license
  • Admission to SPU, based upon a 2.5 cumulative GPA and to the School of Health Sciences is based upon 2.75 GPA in the natural and social sciences and nursing courses
  • A college-level English composition course passed with grade "C" or better.

Note: There is no foreign language requirement, and no time limit on previous course work.

Application for Admission

Applications to the program are reviewed at any time. Call the RN to BSN office at 206-281-2607 or 800-329-1141 (toll free), or email rnbinfo@spu.edu to see when the next group (cohort) starts.

RN to BSN Degree Completion
The Academic and Student Affairs Committee evaluates applications on the basis of previous course work and professional qualifications judged necessary for completing a baccalaureate-level nursing degree program.

The typical part-time, off-campus eight-quarter program of study is designed for the working registered nurse.

International students who are registered nurses in another country must pass the TOEFL (if English is not the first language) and the foreign nurse examination () prior to beginning course work and in preparation to take the NCLEX-RN, if not currently licensed in the United States. Go to the SPU website for admission requirements and information.

Requirements for the RN to BSN Degree Completion

Minimum of 180 credits, which include 80 nursing credits:

  • 45 advanced placement credits granted for prior licensure exam (NCLEX-RN or   State Board Test Pool Exam)
  • 32 credits upper-division required nursing courses
  • 5 credits in statistics

100 (minimum) general education and Foundation credits:

General-education credits may be obtained at SPU, another college or university, or community college.

  • Maximum of 90 credits can be transferred from a community college
  • At least 60 of the required 180 credits must be upper-division classes
  • At least 45 credits must be earned as a matriculated SPU student
  • At least 25 of the final 45 credits for the degree must be earned from SPU
  • Satisfactory completion of Nursing major

After a transcript evaluation, an appropriate curriculum plan will be made in light of general education requirements, nursing practice, and individual needs.

Tuition Costs
Tuition is offered at a special off-campus rate. Costs are subject to change by 涩里番 at any time; tuition adjustment increases will be made each summer.  Contact the RN to BSN office for current tuition rate.

Scholarships and Loans
Students who need financial assistance should contact the Office of Student Financial Services. Students are encouraged to apply to local medical societies, nursing organizations such as the , or community organizations such as Rotary.

Many hospitals offer tuition reimbursement programs. is also available online and in the scholarship notebook in School of Health Sciences. The School of Health Sciences has a number of endowed scholarships given every year through the generosity of foundations, alumni, and individuals.

Need to know when a non-nursing course is being offered? Check the 2014-15 Time Schedule.

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