Caleb Henry, Advisor
涩里番 provides assistance to students considering
law school through a Pre-Law Advising Program sponsored by
the Department of Political Science and Geography.
Pre-law is not a
major and therefore has no required courses. However, all students
considering law school are strongly encouraged to take the following three-course
- POL 3780 Law and Society
- POL 4450 American
Constitutional Law: Federalism and Separation of Powers
4451 American Constitutional Law: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
Each course is offered on alternate years.
In addition, students should request from the pre-law advisors a
copy of the handout, "Pre-Law at SPU," which lists all law-related
courses offered by SPU, as well as important information about the
(LSAT), legal internships, and student
membership in the .
- Students interested in a
legal career should contact the pre-law advisors in the Political
Science Department as early as possible during their study at SPU.
- The pre-law advisors will assist pre-law students in choosing a
major and a course of study appropriate to law school.
- The pre-law advisors will
advise students about how to prepare for the LSAT.
For more
information, contact Dr. Reed Davis at
206-281-2395 or
Other Recommended Courses for Pre-Law Students
Pre-Law students are also encouraged to take other law-related courses at SPU as their schedule permits. These include:
- BUS 2414 Legal Environment of Business (5)
- JRN 3301 Media Law (5)
- SOC 3371 Crime and Delinquency (5)
- SOC 4250 Sociology of Law (5)
In addition, Pre-Law students are encouraged to take courses that strengthen their skills of writing, speaking, and analysis, which are crucial to success in law school and the legal profession. Some of these courses include:
- COM 1321 Public Speaking (5)
- COM 2323 Argumentation: The Art of Inference (5)
- COM 3628 Foundations of Western Rhetoric (5)
- COM 4601 Communication Seminar: Advanced Public Speaking (5)
- PHI 1001 The Power of Logic (5)
- PHI 2001 Advanced Logic (3)
- ENG 2201 Intermediate College Writing (5)
- ENG 3301 Advanced Expository Writing (5)
- JRN 2101 Media Writing (5)
- JRN 2202 Reporting and Storytelling (5)
*Note: Each of these courses is offered on alternate years.
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